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  • ESQUIVEL -V- ADRIANO, ET AL Print Personal Injury Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview
  • ESQUIVEL -V- ADRIANO, ET AL Print Personal Injury Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview
  • ESQUIVEL -V- ADRIANO, ET AL Print Personal Injury Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview
  • ESQUIVEL -V- ADRIANO, ET AL Print Personal Injury Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview


SUPE 1Grit r u 5i l1 N vA t i F r z zr dG G sl RAlfp O 7 S P 1 Steven L Mazza Esq SBN 101076 4 2019 Paul S Zackerman Esq SBN 155539 y 2 Carpenfex uckerrr an Rowley LLP Nw r r 3 Be erlyeHills Califo n a 902 1 3613 0 p Telephone 314 273 123a 4 Attorr eys for Plaintif Iv1ATTHEW R ESQUIVEL 5 6 7 8 SUPERIOR O TRT OF TI E STATE OF GALIFORNIA 9 CUUNTI UF SAN BERNARDINU UNLIMITED 3URISDICTION l0 t y 11 MATTHEW R ESQtTIUEL an Individual CASE NO CIVDS191Q512 12 Plainfiff Judge Danald Alvarez 13 Dept S23 vs 4 NO I ICE f1F PLAINTIFF S DEPOSIT OF FEES PURSUANT TO CCP 1 JOSUE ADRTANO an Individual BLAS SECTION 531 b AND DEMAND FOR MARQUEZ an Individual and DOES lta 50 15 JiJRY TRIAL Inelusive r 1 I j U Defenclants l 1 9 TC THE C URT DEFEI TDANTS AND TO THEIR ATTORNEYS OF RECORD 2p PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that puxsuant to CCP 631 bj Plainti f hereby submits a jury fee 2 deposit in the amaunt of 154 00 and demands atrial by jury in above captioned matter 22 DATED September 4 2019 CA ENTER ZU 11Nl A RO U LEY 23 24 B STEVEN L Esq 2 in i MATTHEW R ESQUIVEL Attorney ar 26 27 28 1 NOTSCB OF PI A1NTlCP S DEAOSIT PURSUANT TO CCP SECTION 631 b AND DEMANp FOR tt RY TRfAL OF IiAY FEES 1 PROOF OF SERVICE 2 3 STATE CQF CALIFaRNIA ss 4 CQUNTY OF LOS ANGELESI j 5 I arn employed in the County afLos Angeles State ofCalifornia I am over the age of I 8 a d not a party to t ie within actian my business address is 8827 West Olympic Boulevard Beverly 6 Hills California 90211 3613 7 3n September 4 2019 I served he foregQtng dt3c m t described as t PLAINTIFF S IIEPOSIT OF JURY FEES PU Al I Tt CCP SE CT t a IlD 8 DEMAl D FOR J JRY TRIAL on the interested partiies in this ac ion by piacing a true copy thereof enclosed iri a sealed envelope addressed as fol laws 9 Michael P Rasch Esq 10 I EITH L SHOJI ASSOCIATES 16C0 Iowa Aven e Suite 240 11 Riverside California 92507 7 25 Telephone 95I 328 20U0 12 Facsimile 855 811 3 89 Attorrzeys for Defendants JOSUE ADRIAN4 and BLAS 1VtARQUEZ 13 x I caused such envelope with postage thereon fully prepaid to be placed in tlae Uni ed States i4 i l t 1 i arra ci y amiliar with the firrn s practice of collection aiid rticessi co c c o rn iln U der 1 t rr c c it r ui i ae p s i L tal 15 e ri e n h ts v s the an ul Pr id v y 1 a i ordinary course of k tiiness I am aware that on ts ts t ft ie rv rvi as z m 16 invalid if postai cancellation da e or postage mete t t t rtr h r y f rt a 4f d pc i for rnailing in affidav t 17 i dec3are uncler penalty ofperjury under the la s ofthe State of California that the above is 18 true and correct 19 Executed on September 4 2019 at Beverly Hi11s Califnrnia a E 2 22 Rafick Is a a tar 23 24 25 26 27 1 2 2 PURSUANT SECTIQN Td CCP b ANP DEMAND FOR 3URY 63 l TRFAL OTECE OF PLAINTiFF S DGC QSiT OF JURYFEES