3. CV61241 Thane E. Soderman v. Sonora Police Department
Pleading: Demurrer to complaint
Demurring party: Defendant City of Sonora
Demurrer filed: February 21, 2018
Tentative ruling: The hearing on the demurrer will be CONTINUED to the next available civil law and motion date of August 10, 2018, at 8:30 a.m. in order to allow additional time for the parties to meet and confer as required by statute. If resolution of the issues raised in the demurrer is achieved through the meet-and-confer process, Defendant’s counsel shall promptly inform the Court and request that the demurrer be dropped from calendar. (See local rule 3.02.1.) If resolution is not so achieved, Defendant’s counsel shall, no later than July 19, 2018, file a declaration that includes the information set forth at Code of Civil Procedure section 430.41, subdivision (a)(3).
The declarations of Defendant’s counsel in support of the demurrer do not establish compliance with the meet-and-confer requirements of C