1. CV61112 Frederick Buess, et al. v. American Textile Company, Inc., et al.
Motion: Motion to be relieved as counsel
Moving party: Plaintiffs’ counsel
Motion filed: March 16, 2018
Tentative ruling: The unopposed motion is DENIED without prejudice because the proofs of service filed on April 4, 2018, do not reflect service of the proposed order on Plaintiffs. (Cal. Rules of Court, rule 3.1362, subd.
(d).) The Court also notes that, as of July 25, 2018, no proof had been filed that Plaintiffs’ counsel notified Plaintiffs of the continuance of the hearing from July 6, 2018. Finally, the proposed order lodged in the court file does not specify the date of the next case management conference. (Id., rule 3.1362, subd. (e).)