Real Property/Housing Court Law and Motion Calendar for July 9, 2024 line 5. DEFENDANT KATYA JORICH NOTICE OF MOTION, MOTION, MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES AND DELCARATION IN SUPPORT OF MOTION TO VACATE JUDGMENT; PROPOSED ORDER is denied. Ms. Jorich provides no documentary support of any kind for her statement that she attended a naturalization ceremony on June 3, 2024, the sole factual basis for this motion, and that statement is disputed by plaintiff. Given this disputed fact and the high likelihood that documentary evidence is available to support Ms. Jorich's statement if that statement were true, the burden is on Ms. Ms. Jorich to provide such evidence. If Ms. Jorich chooses to contest this tentative ruling, she should bring documentary support that she attended a naturalization ceremony on June 3, 2024. =(501/HEK) Parties may appear in-person, telephonically or via Zoom (Video - Webinar ID: 160 560 5023; Password: 172849; or Phone Dial in: (669) 254-5252; Webinar ID: 160 5