ANGELA M HERNANDEZ, et al., Plaintiffs, v. DAWN ADAIR BROWN, et al., Defendants.

Case No.: BC716972

Hearing Date: January 23, 2020



The Court denies the petition without prejudice for the following reasons:

1. This case was filed on December 31, 2018. Plaintiff did not seek a guardian ad litem for almost one year. The Court will not review the petition until a guardian ad litem is appointed. Plaintiff should not have waited to do so.

2. The petition is not accompanied by any medical records or invoices.

3. The petition contains no explanation for the apportionment of settlement funds among Plaintiffs.

4. No proof of service has been filed.

The petition is denied without prejudice. Plaintiff may re-file the petition once these issues are corrected. Plaintiff shall provide notice and file proof of such with the Court.

DATED: January 23, 2020 ___________________________

Hon. Stephen I. Goorvitch

Judge of the Superior