VASKEN IMASDOUNIAN; Plaintiff, vs. DANIEL IMASDOUNIAN, et al..; Defendants.

Case No.: BC716508

Hearing Date: July 16, 2019


Cross-Complainant Danel Imasdounian’s Motion for Leave to File First Amended Cross-Complaint.

Cross-Complainant Danel Imasdounian’s Motion for Leave to File First Amended Cross-Complaint is GRANTED.

Factual Background

This is an action for breach of corporate fiduciary duties. The Complaint alleges as follows. Plaintiff Vasken Imasdounian (“Vasken”) and Defendant Daniel Imasdounian (“Daniel”) each own 50% of Bolero Industries, Inc. (“Bolero”), and serve as directors of the company. (Complaint ¶¶ 7–8.) In early 2018, Daniel unilaterally ordered that monthly distributions to himself and Vasken cease, and that Daniel receive a salary as manager. (Complaint ¶ 9.) Around the same time, Vasken discovered that a relative who works at Boloro with access to its finances had engaged in financial misconduct with respect to another company. (Compl