Causal Document & Date Filed : Petition - Other, 07/31/2015
Per this court's tentative ruling on September 3, 2015:
"In this case, a variety of ancestral family members have passed away since 1952 without probate, each allegedly having an expectancy interest in some portion of two-thirds of real property in Santa Paula, California.
It would assist the court for the petitioner to first present a family tree matrix beginning with Frank Real and Carlotta Real, to the present day.
Then, counsel and the court need to come to some agreement as to the relief being sought. If petitioner is seeking to quiet title by adverse possession or some other real property theory independent of testamentary rights or intestate succession, this case belongs in the civil court with appropriate service to all who might claim legal or equitable interest in the real property. Alternatively, petitioner can open or cause to be opened a probate estate for each lineal ancestor or testator who failed to