Tentative Ruling on Pleading Challenges to FAC

Ott v. Dillavou, Case No. 2019-47793

Sept. 18, 2020, 1:30 p.m., Dept. 72

1. Overview and Procedural Posture.

This case arises out of a workplace dispute. Plaintiff alleges he was employed as a project manager for defendant Countywide Mechanical, which he contends is the alter ego of defendant MMC. In that capacity, plaintiff attended a "job site meeting" in mid-October 2018 in El Cajon. At that meeting, defendant Dillavou, an employee of defendant Swinerton, allegedly "physically grabbed plaintiff, lifted plaintiff out of his chair by grabbing [plaintiff's] armpits and pushed plaintiff while screaming profanity at and in plaintiff's face[.]" Plaintiff alleges he filed a worker's compensation claim after he was attacked by Dillavou, and that Countywide Mechanical/MCC terminated him in retaliation for doing so in an effort to curry favor with Swinerton.

The eleven count complaint was filed in September 2019. Dillavou answered. ROA 17. D