The Motion (ROA # 83) of Plaintiff Jane Doe ("Plaintiff") for a modification of injunction regarding use of Plaintiff's true name in subpoenas, pursuant to Civil Code 1708.85(f), and a continuance of trial and related dates, based on the requirements of the Revenge Porn Statute, Code of Civil Procedure 1708.85(f) which requires all documents filed, served, and used in discovery to use a pseudonym for Plaintiff, will be HEARD.

Preliminarily, the Court is struck by Plaintiff having filed this Motion on the apparent basis that Defendant JACQUE D. JONES ("Defendant") "wants to subpoena entities dealing with Plaintiff's damages" and "Plaintiff wants Defendant to have this information." ROA # 83 at page 2.

According to the moving and opposing papers (ROA # 85 and 90), Defendant appears to have been seeking this information since April 2018.

The Court does not question Plaintiff's right to stipulate "to modify the Court's order for the use of Plaintiff's true name in subpoenas; however, th