Tentative Ruling on Motion to Compel Additional Deposition Testimony

Mitskevych v. Northcutt, Case No. 2017-14603

December 8, 2017, 1:30 p.m., Dept. 72

1. Overview and Procedural Posture.

This case arises out of the parties' extremely brief (six months) marriage, which was formalized in Nevada and annulled in Texas. The complaint for negligence, battery, defamation, invasion of privacy/public disclosure of private facts and fraud was filed April 21, 2017. ROA 1.

Defendant, who is a Texas domiciliary, sought to quash service of the summons and complaint. ROA 11, 12. He asserts that all of plaintiff's claims "have been specifically and fully addressed in annulment proceedings already completed in Texas. A judgment was rendered in Texas fully adjudicating all claims and issues being raised here, such that this case should be dismissed, as this is nothing but an attempt by plaintiff to re-litigate claims she has already lost." ROA 11, p. 5:4-8. He accuses plaintiff of seeking to impr