COX COMMUNICATIONS CALIFORNIA, LLC's Motion for Judgment on Pleadings is GRANTED. Plaintiff's Judicial Form Complaint was filed on August 12, 2016. The Complaint alleges a single cause of action but is unclear as to what exactly plaintiff is alleging. Based on the allegations and the opposition, Plaintiff appears to be alleging that Cox has withheld evidence – specifically a recording of a 911 call made where the City allegedly delayed in responding. The recording is allegedly relevant to plaintiff's separate case of Laura Ann Banks v. 911 Operator, Case No. 37-2016-0021307-CU-PO-CTL, filed June 24, 2016 and pending before Judge Strauss. Plaintiff contends that Cox has a recording or transcript of that 911 call that it has failed or refused to provide to her.

Based on Cox's papers in this case, Cox does not have a recording of the call. But even if one assumes for purposes of this motion that Cox has a recording or transcript of the 911 call that Cox has failed or refused to provide M