Plaintiff's Motion Compelling Defendant's Person Most Qualified to Answer Deposition Questions is DENIED.

Plaintiff served a PMQ Deposition Notice for January 27, 2017, identifying some 29 matters for examination and 46 document requests. Defendant produced, Mr. McDowell who testified as to four (or five) of the identified matters. Defendant indicates he was produced as to the following categories: 1) service and repairs performed on the 2012 Jeep Grand Cherokee; 2) any FCA warranties that accompanied the subject vehicle at the time of sale; 3) questions relating to all communications between PMQ and the Plaintiff; 4) questions relating to all communications between PMQ and any other person regarding the subject vehicle. The deposition proceeded on January 27, 2017. First, this motion to compel appears to be untimely. Cal. Civ. Proc. Code §2025.480 governs motions to compel answers or the production of documents at a deposition and states, in relevant part: (a) If a deponent fails to