Defendant, Brea Olinda Unified School District (the “District”) moves for an order sustaining its demurrer to the First Cause of Action for Disability Discrimination, Second Cause of Action for Failure to Reasonably Accommodate, Third Cause of Action for Failure to Engage in the Interactive Process, Fourth Cause of Action for Gender/Pregnancy/Fertility Discrimination, and Sixth Cause of Action for Retaliation of Plaintiff Ani Holloway’s Complaint.
As an initial matter, the Court notes that the District failed to file a meet and confer declaration with its demurrer, and thus, failed to comply with Code of Civil Procedure section 430.31(a)(3). Defendant is admonished to comply with the rules. Despite the District’s failure, the Court addresses the demurrer on the merits.
First Cause of Action for Disability Discrimination, Fourth Cause of Action for Gender/Pregnancy/Fertility Discrimination, and Sixth Cause of Action for Retaliation. The District contends that each of these causes of act