Motion to Continue Trial
The unopposed motion of defendant Shallah Zandi to continue trial is GRANTED. The court finds good cause has been shown and therefore trial is CONTINUED to July 11, 2022, at 9 am in Department N-6. (See Cal. Rules of Court, rule 3.1332.) All discovery cut-off dates shall follow the continued trial date.
Motion for Leave to File a Cross-Complaint
The motion of defendants for leave to file a cross-complaint is GRANTED. They shall file the attached cross-complaint within 10 days.
Motion to Compel/Special Interrogatories
The unopposed motion of defendant Shallah Zandi to compel the plaintiff to serve further responses to Special Interrogatories (Set One), Nos. 1-2, 4, 9-10, 12, and 17 is GRANTED.
The court declines to award sanctions in the interests of justice. It appears that the motion was not timely filed but that the plaintiff will comply.
Motion to Compel/Requests for Production
The unopposed motion of defendant Shallah Zandi to compel the plaintiff to serve