Motions 1 through 15 are off calendar by moving party.
16) Defendant Regents’ motion to compel the deposition of plaintiff Stephen Ball is granted in part and denied in part.
Defendant Regents’ motion is GRANTED in part as to compelling the deposition of plaintiff Stephen Ball with plaintiff Ball to appear for deposition on 1-25-17, at 10:00 a.m., at defense counsel’s offices located at 111 West Ocean Boulevard, 14th Floor, Long Beach, CA 90801.
Defendant Regents’ motion is DENIED in part as to compelling production of documents as sought in defendant’s deposition document requests for a lack of an evidentiary showing of “good cause” as required. See, C.C.P. § 2025.450(b)(1) and Digital Music News LLC v. Superior Court (2014) 226 Cal.App.4th 216, 224. The court notes that defendant Regents’ motion to compel RFPD responses by plaintiff Stephen Ball is a separate and independent motion.
Finally, defendant Regents’ request for monetary sanctions is DENIED for failure to specify what indiv