On March 8, 2017, the Court ordered the lead counsel to meet and confer in person to discuss any discovery issues pertaining to the motions and file a joint statement of any remaining discovery issues by noon on March 14, 2017.
Defendant (Whitford Medical, Inc. (WMI) timely filed the Joint Statement on March 14, 2017, along with a consolidated reply, identifying the issues that parties were unable to come to an agreement on.
Thus, the Court will now address the issues presented in the Joint Statement that the parties were unable to resolve.
Scope of Discovery:
Defendant represents that the counsel were unable to reach an agreement regarding the scope of WMI’s discovery.
WMI’s discovery is NOT limited to the issue of alter ego liability only. On October 25, 2016, the Court granted WMI’s Motion to Continue Trial, and continued the discovery deadlines to Defendant WMI without any limitations. (See Page 2 of October 25, 2016 Minute order - “As to Defendant Whitford Medical, Inc., discovery