Case Number:
Hearing Date:
March 20, 2024
Having considered the documents submitted in support of a default judgment, the Court rules as follows.


On September 23, 2021, Plaintiff Michelle French (Plaintiff) filed this action against Defendants Hseuh Lee Chang (Defendant) and Does 1-20 for negligence (including negligence per se).

On October 18, 2021, Plaintiff filed a proof of service showing personal service of the summons, complaint, statement of damages, and other documents on Defendant on October 15, 2021. The statement of damages lists $5,000,000 in general damages, [m]edical and incidental expenses according to proof, and [l]oss of [e]arnings and earning capacity according to proof.

On January 3, 2023, the clerk entered Defendants default.

On February 16, 2024, Plaintiff filed a request for Court judgment to be heard on March 20, 2024.

On February 20, 2024, the Court dismissed the Doe defendants with prejudice