Dept. 30

Calendar No.

Lefroy International, Inc. vs. Morishita, et. al., Case No. 20STCP02984

Tentative Ruling re: Petitioners’ Motion to Preserve Evidence

Petitioners Lefroy International, Inc. and Raul Paula (Petitioners) move the Court for an order to preserve evidence and to conduct an inspection of Respondent Heidi Morishita’s (Respondent) vehicle for the purpose of preserving the data located on its Event Recording Device (EDR). The Petition is granted and Respondent is ordered to produce her vehicle for inspection within thirty (30) days of this order.

Code of Civil Procedure section 2035.030 states that “[o]ne who desires to ... preserve evidence for the purposes set forth in Section 2035.010 shall file a verified petition in the superior court of the county of the residence of at least one expected adverse party.”

Pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure section 2035.030, subdivision (b):

The petition shall be titled in the name of the one who desires the perpetuation of tes