Motion: By Claimant Shelia M. Wood, as Successor Trustee of the
Barton Leslie Ginsburg Living Trust, for Disbursement of Surplus
Tentative Ruling:
To grant claimant Shelia M. Wood’s motion for disbursement of the surplus funds from the foreclosure sale of the property located at 81 E. Sussex Way, Fresno, California 93704, in the amount of $27,310.98. (Civ. Code, § 2924j.)
Surplus proceeds of a non-judicial foreclosure sale must be distributed pursuant to Civil Code section 2924k, subdivision (a), which provides:
The trustee, or the clerk of the court upon order to the clerk pursuant to subdivision (d) of Section 2924j, shall distribute the proceeds, or a portion of the proceeds, as the case may be, of the trustee's sale conducted pursuant to Section 2924h in the following order of priority:
(1) To the costs and expenses of exercising the power of sale and of
sale, including the payment of the trustee's fees and attorney's fees
permitted pursuant to subdivision (b) of