
Meet and Confer

The Declaration of Russell Miller reflects that the meet and confer requirement set forth in CCP § 430.41 was satisfied.

Request For Judicial Notice

Defendant’s request that the Court take judicial notice of the Judgment in Dow Angus Hadaway v. Chao Li, LASC Case No. 18PDFL01251 is GRANTED per Evid. Code § 452(d)(court records).


Defendant Dow A. Hadaway demurs to the First Amended Complaint (“1AC”).

(b) A party demurring to a pleading that has been amended after a demurrer to an earlier version of the pleading was sustained shall not demur to any portion of the amended complaint, cross-complaint, or answer on grounds that could have been raised by demurrer to the earlier version of the complaint, cross-complaint, or answer.

CCP § 430.41(b).

Defendant Hadaway previously demurred to the ninth cause of action for conversion and the tenth cause of action for money had and received, which the court sustained with leave to amend as to both causes of