CIFPM’S MOTION FOR LEAVE TO FILE AMENDED ANSWER TO COMPLAIN The motion for leave to file an amended answer is granted. The trial courts are to liberally permit such amendments, at any stage of th proceeding…The foregoing precedents rest on the fundamental policy that "cases should b decided on their merits." (Hirsa v. Superior Court (1981) 118 Cal. App. 3d 486, 489.) Cal Code Civ Proc § 473 provides that the court may, on any terms as may be proper allow a party to amend any pleading. In order to avoid prejudice to Plaintiff, the deposition o Phillip Frandler will be re-opened to allow Plaintiff to inquire on the subject of Frandler’ conversations with his counsel James Almeida relevant to the malicious prosecution cause o action and advice of counsel defense. MOORE’S MOTION FOR LEAVE TO FILE AMENDED ANSWER TO COMPLAIN This motion is off calendar having been withdrawn by counsel. (Moore’s Reply brie filed 10/16/20 p. 1:24)