CASE NAME: Jason A. Detamore, et al. v. Suresh C. Jain, et al.

CASE NO.: 18SMCV00120

MOTION: Defendant Marina Caregivers, Inc. and Lawrence Epstein’s Demurrer to the First Amended Complaint with Motion to strike

HEARING DATE: 08/04/2021


After a demurrer, Plaintiffs Jason Detamore, Lisa Detamore, and Advanced Pain Solutions, Inc. filed a first amended complaint (FAC) on September 4, 2020, against Defendants Suresh C. Jain, Pico 12300, LLC, and Suresh & Usha Jain Living Trust 2003, Marina Caregivers, Inc., Lawrence Epstein, and Does 1-10 alleging causes of action against all defendants for: (1) violating Business and Professions code section 17200; (2) intentional interference with contractual relations; (3) [deleted]; (4) intentional inference with prospective economic relations; (5) negligent inference with prospective economic relations; (6) breach of action for breach of contract directed only to Marina Caregivers, Inc. and Lawrence Epstein (“Defendant Suppliers” or “