Motion: by Plaintiffs for attorney’s fees and costs
Tentative Ruling:
To deny defendant’s request for judicial notice. The existence of the documents is not relevant to the issues raised in this motion. (See Coastside Fishing Club v. California Fish and Gaming Commission (2013) 215 Cal.App.4th 397.)
To sustain all of plaintiffs’ objections to the Flores and Arens declarations submitted in support of defendant’s opposition.
To grant plaintiffs’ motion for attorney’s fees in the amount of $ 41,385.00. To also award costs and expenses of $ 2,509.98. Payment shall be made by defendant General Motors, LLC, to the Knight Law Group within 30 days of the clerk’s service of this minute order.
In the case at bar, plaintiffs move pursuant to Civil Code section 1794. Plaintiffs seek attorney’s fees in the amount of $ 27,865.00 plus an enhancement of 0.5 times that amount for an additional $13,932.50 and costs of $2,509.98. In total, plaintiffs seek $44,307.48 in attorney’s fees, costs