Case Number: 23CV-0201610
Proposed Tentative Ruling on Petition to Approve Minor Compromise: Scott Alan Quinn
seeks an order approving the compromise of a claim on behalf of his minor son, Casey Alan Quinn.
California Rules of Court, Rule 7.950 states that a petition for court approval of a minor’s
compromise must contain a full disclosure of all information that has any bearing upon the
reasonableness of the compromise. The Petition provides the required information. Considering
the nature of the minor’s injuries and his full recovery, the Court finds that the settlement is in the
best interest of the minor.
The Court notes this is not an expedited petition brought on Judicial Council Form MC-350EX.
See CRC Rule 7.950.5. Hearing is thus needed on the Petition before it can be approved. The
Petitioner is required to appear. The Court finds good cause to dispense with the appearance of
the minor. The minor is not required to appear.