Nature of Proceedings: Req. for Order: Domestiic Violence Restraining Order Request for DVRO by Trisha Kenney Ruling: Off calendar Background Trisha filed for a DVRO on June 27, 2016, seeking protection from Darren Kenney; they are now married; she seeks (1) personal conduct orders, (2) stay away orders, and (3) move out orders (from 3950 Via Real Sp 134; claims it is her home and she owns it); last incident of abuse was 6/26/16; she reports Darren is a recovering drug addict and has relapsed; he yells at her; he was in a drug-induced psychosis; the police came but she did not get a TRO. Trisha attaches a declaration setting forth the second most recent incident of abuse; she was really scared and worried. The police came but she did not get a TRO. No Temporary Restraining Orders were made. Waiver of hearing on denied request for temporary restraining order On July 14 Trisha elected to waive the hearing; the form she signed states: “I have read this form and I understand that l have a