Motion: Motion to compel plaintiff to provide initial verified responses to form interrogatories, set one, special interrogatories, set one and
request for production of documents, set one and sanctions
Tentative Ruling:
The court notes that the moving party scheduled 1 motion and paid for 1 motion. In actuality the moving papers consisted of multiple motions combined into one set of papers. In the future the moving attorney is to properly calendar and pay for the proper number of motions. Moving party shall pay an additional filing fee of $60.00 to be due and payable to the court clerk within 30 days of service of the minute order by the clerk. (Gov. Code § 70617, subd. (a).)
To grant defendants’ motion to compel plaintiff Adrian Guerrero to provide initial verified responses to form interrogatories, set one, special interrogatories, set one and request for production of documents, set one. Code of Civil Procedure sections 2030.290(b), 2031.300(b).) Plaintiff Adrian Guerrero to provid