Nature of Proceedings: OSC/TRO re Enjoining Removal of Inaccurate Credit Report
The court set this order to show cause re issuance of a preliminary injunction following the granting of a temporary restraining order to require defendant Wells Fargo Bank (“Wells Fargo”) to remove certain information from its credit reporting of plaintiffs Paul F. Sierra and Laurie J. Cox.

Plaintiffs previously owned real property located at 2310 Maravilla, Lompoc, California (the “Property”). (Sierra decl., ¶ 3.) The Property secured loans from defendant Wells Fargo to plaintiffs with both first and second deeds of trust. (Sierra decl., ¶¶ 6, 7, 9.) Wells Fargo foreclosed on the first deed of trust and caused the Property to be sold at a trustee’s sale on May 12, 2009. (Sierra decl., ¶¶ 6, 9.)

During the foreclosure of the Property, plaintiffs brought an action against Wells Fargo, in Sierra, et al., v. Wells Fargo, N.A., et al., Santa Barbara County Superior Court case number 1305526 (“Sierr