No appearance is required under the following conditions:

The remaining Complaint in Intervention is dismissed.

The Court orders the entire action dismissed without prejudice. This dismissal is ordered pursuant to California Rule of Court 3.1385.

Absent a request to appear and be heard for any matter on the Case Management Calendar, all tentative rulings shall become the final ruling of the court. The tentative ruling, or such other ruling as the court may render, will not become the final ruling of the court until the hearing. Unless otherwise ordered, the plaintiff shall give actual written notice of all final rulings of the court.

To request oral argument on this matter, you must call the Court at (916) 874-7885 (Department 35) by 4:00 p.m., the court day before this hearing and advise opposing counsel. If no call is made, the tentative ruling becomes the order of the court. Local Rule 11.00.5.