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  • Bank of America, N.A. -v- Rodriguez Print Rule 3.740 Collections $10,000 or Less Limited  document preview
  • Bank of America, N.A. -v- Rodriguez Print Rule 3.740 Collections $10,000 or Less Limited  document preview
  • Bank of America, N.A. -v- Rodriguez Print Rule 3.740 Collections $10,000 or Less Limited  document preview
  • Bank of America, N.A. -v- Rodriguez Print Rule 3.740 Collections $10,000 or Less Limited  document preview


SUPERIOR com 0F CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OMN BERNARDINO Bank ofAmerica,N.A. Case N0. CIV SB 2 2 0 5 6 z 3 VS. CERTIFICATE OF ASSIGNMENT LUIS RODRIGUEZ A civil action 0r proceeding presented for filing must be accompanies by this certificate. If theground isthe residence 0f a party,name and residence shallbe stated. The undersigned declares that the above- entitled matter is filed for proceedings in the SAN BERNARDINO DISTRICT- CIVIL DIVISION District of the Superior Court under Rule 404 0f this courgg’géhe Checkegrgcfl, 05 CCUImo D General E Collection OT‘UN CSAN OF AUFO‘ ‘ BERNA?:D%%EB§ARD;§31A W Nature 0f Action Ground TRICV D I I J Ia ¥ I 1 Adoption Petitioner resides within the district. 292-2 O D 2 Conservator Petitioner 0r conservatee resides within the district. D 3 Contract Performance ex P ressly provided in the district is for. D 4 Equity The cause of action arose within the district. D 5 Eminent Domain The propertyislocated within the district. D 6 Family Law The respondent resides within the petitioner, defendant, plaintiff 0r district. D 7 Guardianship ward resides within the Petitioner or has property within the district or district. D 8 Harassment The petitioner, defendant, plaintiff or respondent resides within the district. D 9 Mandate The defendantfunctions wholly within the district. D 10 Name Change The petitioner resides within the district. D 11 Personal Injury The injury occurred within the district. D 12 Personal Property The propertyislocated within the district. D 13 Probate Decadent resided or resides within the had property within the district or district. D 14 Prohibition The defendantfunctions wholly within the district. D 15 Review The defendant functions wholly within the district. D 16 Title t0 Real Property The propeny islocated within the district. D 17 Transferred Action The lower courtislocated within the district. D 18 Unlawful Detainer The propertyislocated within the district. D 19 Domestic Violence The petitioner, defendant, plaintiff 0r respondent resides within the district. m 20 Other Collections— Defendantresides in this district D 21 , THIS FILING WOULD NORMALLY FALL IN THE JURISDICTION OF THE COURT The address 0f the which qualifies accident, performance, party, detention, place of business, 0r other factor this case for filing in the above—designated district is: LUIS RODRIGUEZ 523 N CUCAMONGA AVE (NAME A 1NDICATE TrrLE 0R OTHER QUALu-YING FACTOR) ADDRESS ONTARIO CA 91764-3923 (CITY) (STATE) CODE) (ZIP I declare, under penalty of pteury, that the foregoingistrue and correct and thatthis declarationwas executed 0n March l 2022 San Jose’ California , [\j 1410063. 001 lmflllmmfllmflmmumnmmm Signature of Attomey/paxty 13-16503»360Rcv. 10/94 TEMP SBr|6503 DJEQEEWED ‘1 MAR 1 0 2022 SUPEREOR COURT SAN BERNARDiND COUNTY