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  • Rodriguez -v- Kenney Print Auto PI/PD/WD Unlimited  document preview
  • Rodriguez -v- Kenney Print Auto PI/PD/WD Unlimited  document preview
  • Rodriguez -v- Kenney Print Auto PI/PD/WD Unlimited  document preview
  • Rodriguez -v- Kenney Print Auto PI/PD/WD Unlimited  document preview


V V 3 \r ATTORNEY 0R PARTY WITHOUT ATrORNEY (Name; Slots Bar number. and amass).- CM-01Q Hussein A. Chahine, Esq. FOR COURT USE ONLY (SEN 226150); Aaron Kohanim Esq. (SEN 326343) SoCal Inj ury Lawyeré ~ 714 West Olympic Boulevard Suite 940 Los Angeles, California 90015 TELEPHONENm (213) 746—4000 SUP ER OR CC|)U3R-T%F BLIFORNIA l FAxN0.(0puamI): (213) 746—4006 OF SAN BERNARDINO E.MNLADDRess;; ngNNIB‘ERNARDNO DtfiTMGT AWORNEY Foamama): Plaintiff . Norma Rodri guez SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA. COUNTY OF San Bernardino MAR 1 0 2022 STREETADDREss: 247 W. Third Street MAILING ADDRESS: cmmnznpcoosz San Bernardino 92415 f. BY BRANCHNAME: San Bernardino Courthouse WCHAE'. "NELCA DEPU'W . 1!, CASE NAME: Rodriguez v. Kenney, et a1. CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET m Unlimited (Amount Dumas (Amount Complex Case Designation DCOUnter DJoinder CASENUMmV SB 2 2 0 z} 6 ? demanded demanded Filed with first appearance by defendant is JUDGE: exceeds $25,000L $25,000 or less) _LCaI. Rules of Court, rule 3.402) Dem: _ 7t‘ems 1—6 below must be completed (see lnstructTons on gage 2]. 1. CfiecR one box below forme case type that best describ es this case: Auto Tort Contrac t Provlslonally Complex a Auto (22) Uninsured moton’sl (46) Other Pl/PDIWD (Persona' Inlurylpmpany Breach of contracharranty (06) Rule 3.740 collections (09) IOIher collections (09)1 Cal. Rules of Court. rules 3.400—3.403) Antltrust/Trade regulation (03) Civil Litigation Cons‘ruction defect (1 0) Damagelwmngful Death) Ton On‘shurance coverage( 8) Masstort (40) ASbesms (04) er conuac‘ (37) Securities litigatlon (28) Product Mammy EnvironmentallToxlc Medical malpractice (45) Other PI/PD/wo (2a) (24) D Real Property Eminent domainllnverse condemnation (14) I "sum?“ cdoverage c a ms tort (30) I p’°"'s'°"“"y °°mp'°" I a fl s "9 I f “3° mm m e 3:121:51? Non-PIIPn/wo (Other) Tort gfngfu' l°"‘°"°':t(3g)6 Business business practice (07) er ma pmpe y( E torI/unfalr ) figs?“ !” f ° J u d amen t f t 0M1 rights (oa) Unlawiu: Detainer °'°°"‘°“ ‘ °f Mme” (2°) Defamation (13) Commercial (31) Mlscellaneous Civil Complaint Fraud (16) Residential (32) lnlelleclual properly (1 9) Pm'ess‘ma' "°9"9°"°° ‘25) Other non‘P'lPDM/D ton (35) Dmgs Judicial (38) Review a RICO (27) Other complaint (not specified above) (42) Miscellaneous cw" Petition Asset forfeiture (05) Em onmem g Wrongful termination (36) Other employment (15) Petition re: arbitration Writ of mandate (02) award (1 1) a Partnership and corporate governance (21) Other petition (not specified above) (43) Other judicial review (39) 2. This case D is factors requiring exceptional judicial m is not complex under management: rule 3.400 of the California Rules of Court. If the case ls complex. mark the I a. Large number of separately represented parties d. Large number of witnesses b. Extensive motion practice raising difficult or novel e. Coordination with related actions pending In one or issues that wilt be time-consuming to resolve more c' D . SUbStam'al amount Of documentary Widen” f. courts in other counties, states. or countries, or In court Substantial postjudgmentjudlclal supervision a federal 4. 3. 5. Remedies sought (check all that apply): a. .monetary Number of causes of action s ecify): two This case D is not a ciass action suit. is b. nonmonetary; declaratory or injunctive rellef c. D punitive 6. H the a ‘e any known related cases, file and serve a notice of related case. (Y u may use fo m CM-015.) Date: 3 Aaron Kohanim, Esq. 6‘ 2457* (TYPE 0R PRlNT NAME) b CK I (SIGNATURE OF PARTY OR ATTORNEY FOR PARTY) NOTICE o Plaintiff must file cover sheet with the flrst paper filed ln the action or proceed this ing (except smelt claims cases or cases flied under the Probate Code, Family Code, or Welfare and Institutions Code). (Cal. Rules of Court, rule 3.220.) Failure to file in sanctions. may result o File this cover sheet in addition to any cover sheet required by local court rule. » o If this case is complex under rule 3.400 et seq. of the California Rules o? Court, you must serve a copy of ‘his cover sheet on all other parties to the action or proceeding. o Unless this is a collections case under rule 3.740 or a complex case, this cover sheet will be used for statistical purposes only. Pago1 o! 2 F doladf ad! Use ' cwnL CASE COVER SHEET GaLRut [a 034 cm. fiwgfifiggflgfigmn :55): gem 5/ 66/0 '63. . Ins a.:3.w.°&38139?idm3%%§&3618 . 3.40.37 ; \v‘ v CM-01 0 INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO COMPLETE THE COVER SHEET To Plalntlffs and Others Flling First Papers. lféou are filing a first paper (for example, a com laint) in a clvll case, you must complete and file, along wlth your first pa er, the Ivil Case Cover Sheet contained on pa e 1. his information wlll be used to compile statistics about the types and numbers o cases filed. You must complete items 1 th rough on the sheet. In item 1, you must check one box for the case pe that best describes the case. If the case fits both a general and a more speclfic type of case listed in item 1, check the more spec: Ic one. If the case has multiple causes of action, check he box that best indicates the To assist you in completin the sheet. examples of the cases that belong und er each case type in item 1 are primary cause of action. provided below. A cover sheet must be flied only w th your initial paper. Failure to flle a cover sheet wi th the first pa per filed in a civil case may subject a party, its counsel, or both to sanctions under rules 2,30 and 3.220 of the California Rules of Court. To Patties In Rule 3.740 Collectlons Cases. A "collections case" under rule 3. 740 is defined as an action for recovery of money owed a sum stated to be certaln that is not more than $25,000. exctusive of Interest in a_nd attorney's fees, arlslng from a transaction in which propeny, services, or money was acquired on credit. A collections case does not include an action seeking the following: tort dama es, 2 unitive dama g es (3) recovery of real property, (4) recovery of ersonal property, or (12 attachgmeng. m e identification of a case as a rule 3.740 collections case on th Ps form means that It w" time-for—service requirements and case management rules, unless a defendant files a (5? a prejudgment writ o be exempt from the eneral res onsive pleading. A rule 3.740 co lections case wm be subject to the requirements for service and obtaining a judgment in rule 3.74 . To Parties InComplex Cases. In complex cases only, parties must also use the Civil Case Cover Sheet to designate whether the case complex. If a plaintiff believes the case is complex under rule 3.400 of the California Rules of is Court. this must be indicated b completing the appropriate boxes in items 1 and 2. If a glalntiff designates a case as complex, the cover sheet must be sewed with he complaint on all patties to the action. A defendant may Ie and serve no later than the time of its first appearance a joinder in the - plaintiffs designation, a counter—designation that the cas e is not complex, or, if the plaintiff has made no designation, a designation that the case is complex. CASE TYPES AND EXAMPLES Auto Tort Contract Auto (22)—-Persona| tnjury/Property Breach of Conlractharranly (06) Provisionally Complex Clvll thlgatlon (Cal. DamageNVrongful Death Breach of RentaI/Lease Rules of Court Rules 3.4004403) Uninsured Motorist (46) (If the Contract (not unlawful detalner Anlltrust/Trade Regulation (03) case Involves an uninsured or wrongful eviction) Construction Defect (10) motorist claim subject to Contractharranty Breach—Seller Claims Involving Mass Tort (40) arbitration, check (his Item Plaintiff (not fraud or negligence) Securltles thlgatlon (28) Instead of Auto) Negligent Breach of Contract] EnvlronmentatlToxlc Tort (30) Warranty Insurance Coverage Claims Other PIIPDIWD (Personal Injury! Other Breach of ContracI/Warranty (arising fmm provisionally complex Property DamageIWrongful Death) Collectlons (e.g‘, money owed, open case type listed above) (41) Tort book accounts) (09) Enforcement of Judgment Asbestos (04) Collection Casa—Seller Plaintiff Enforcement of Judgment (20) Asbestos Property Damage Other Promlssory Note/Collections Abstract of Judgment (Out of Asbestos Personal Injury] Case County) Wrongful Death Insurance Coverage (not provisionally Confession of Judgment (non- Produc! Llabimy (not asbestos or complex) (1 8) domestlc relations) tox/c/envimnmonlal) (24) Auto Subrogatlon Slster State Judgment Medical Maipractice (45) Other Coverage Administrative Agency Award Medical Malpractice- Other Contract (37) (not unpaid taxes) Physicians & Surgeons Contractual Fraud PellflonlCertlflcation of Entry of Other Professional Health Care Other Contract Dlspule Judgment on Unpaid Taxés Matpractlce Other Enforcement of Judgment Real Property Other PIIPD/WD (23) Case Eminent Domalnllnverse Premises Llabmty (9.9., sllp Miscellaneous Complalnt Condemnation (14) Civil and fall) RICO Wrongful Eviction (33) (27) Intentlonal Bodily lnjurylPDNVD Other Compialnt (not specified Other Real Property (6.9.. quiet tltle) (26) (9.9., assault. vandalism) above) (42) Writ of Possesslon of Real Property Intentional lnfliction of Mortgage Foreclosure Declaratory Relief Only Emotional Distress |njuncflve Ratief Only (non- Quiet Title Negligent lnfllction of harassment) Other Real Properly (no! eminent Emotional Distress Mechanics Lien domain, landlord/Ienanl, or Other Pl/PDNVD O(her Commercia! Complalnt foreclosure) Non-PIIPDIWD (Other) Tort Case (non-Iort/non—complex) Unlawful Dotalner Business Torl/Unfair Business Other CMI Complaint Commercial (31) Practice (07) (non-ton/non-camplex) Residential (32) Civil nghls (6.9., discrimination, Drugs (38) Miscellaneous Civil Petltlon (If the case involves Illegal false arrest) (not civil Partnership and Corporate drugs,‘ check this Item; otherwise, harassment) (08) Governance (21) report as Commercial or Residential) Defamation (8.9., slander, libel) Other Petllion (not specified ( 13 Judicial Review above) (43) Fraud ( 1 6) Asset Forfeiture (05) Clvll Harassment Intellectual Property (19) Petition Re: Arbitration Award (1 1) Workplace Vlolence Professional Negligence (25) Writ of Mandate (02) EIder/Depanden! Adult Legal Malpractice Wril-Adminlstratlve Mandamus Abuse erl—Mandamus on Limited Court Electlon Contest Other Professional Malpractice Case Matter (not medical or legal) Wril—Other Limited Court Case Petition for Name Change Other Non-Pl/PD/WD Tort (35) Petition for Relief from Late Review Claim Employment Other Judicial Review (39) Other Civil Petltlon Wrongful Termination (36) Review of Health Officer Order Olher Employment (1 5) Nollce of Appeal—Labor Commissioner Appeals CM-01O [Raw September 1‘ 2021] I CEB. I EEIIOMIQ! ‘ CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET Page 2 of2