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  • Sky Cloud Management, LLC -v- Carreno Print Rule 3.740 Collections $10,000 or Less Limited  document preview
  • Sky Cloud Management, LLC -v- Carreno Print Rule 3.740 Collections $10,000 or Less Limited  document preview
  • Sky Cloud Management, LLC -v- Carreno Print Rule 3.740 Collections $10,000 or Less Limited  document preview
  • Sky Cloud Management, LLC -v- Carreno Print Rule 3.740 Collections $10,000 or Less Limited  document preview


mr.09,2022 0.9:10 PM H a P 3239379322 P 11/12 VIII-“ UI Afi'ormsv oi pm”?! wmour ATTORNEV (Nam, sum ear number, and addrm); Kimberly A. Pomeramz, Esq. SBN; 138962 ”R “U" U“ °”"” HOFFMAN 8c POMERANTZ LLP 43‘” CA ”26° F R$geadsw§ssamfiWm n E WWW ’ a monucv ronwmw: SKY ’ ,\ rAxrw. . . . CLOUD MANAGEMENT, LLC (0pm ‘ maw 1° .54M?”‘ S‘é%EuR§?58?§§L‘B’Eé’fi‘kéfafifim 7"” I “FRNAPWW‘ ”*9“wa I- SUPERIOR COURT 0F CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OFSAN BmuARDrNo w mm ~ n ADDRESS: 247 West Third Street MAR 1 0 2312 wuum Annuals 247 West Third Sweet clrv AND zIP cone: San Bemardino. 924 1 5-0210 anman NAME: San Eonmzdiuo District - Civil Division 3‘3" ._,._. . - ._ h: ‘ . "‘3" ”"1“" ‘ "‘1'? CASE NAME: Sky Claud v Carreuo CIVIL CASE COVER BHEET Complex Case Designation “*8“ “WW“ ' E3 Unllmlted (Amount EX] Limited (Amou nt DI | Counter Fcledwmflrstappaarancabydefendant m Jaindar JUDGE C'v SB 2 2 a i 6 i 1‘ 2.. demanded demanded“ Items 1—6 be ow mus! b9 completed (soc instructions on page 2). I. Chuck one box below fur the uasu type that beast describes this case: Auto Tort Contract Complex E] U Auto (22) Uninsured motorist (46) D m amach n1 contmct/warmnty (06) m Provlslonaily (53L RUM 01' 60qu WNS 3-400-3-4931 Antltruat/Trada regulaflon (03) Olvll thlgatlon Other PWDIWD (Personal lnjurylflroparty DamagelWrongful Death) Tort m D "mm“ Ru]. 3,740 om“ collgcuom (09) collewomwg) E: E] COMITUGHOH defect Maaston (10) [fl Asbestos (D4) [2:] Pmdum "ab“fly (24) a om, comm“ <37) R". Pwpmy oovmge (18) . m socumlea (40) lltlgatlon (28) EnvironmentaJ/Toxlctort (30) E3 Medlcal makpracflce (45) [:3 Eminent domalnflnwm insurance coverage claims arising from the ”WWW“ “mph" m' owner PI/Po/vvn <23) [:1] NOHMPHPD/WD D Business (Other) TO" business practice (07) m E WNW“ condemnation Other real evm'o" PWPWW (14) (33) a fbi": fl?“ EntorczEI-enfi o: Judgment m CM! Qortlunlalr rights (08) ”WWW mm"? (3” (25) m Mlacellaneou: Enforcement ofjudgmem (20) own complaint [j m Defamation (13) Fraud (16) D [:3 °°"_"“°'§"' R’s'dflmm' <32) m Rico (27) m 'PMLW‘lW (1°) Other complaint (not apoclfiod Miscellammw cwu Potmon abaw) (42) g mm ro 7'”erence an ona n9 mnfl/PSAZD mam)“ 25 filfirggiifg) [:3 Amt "manure (05) m{:3 om" Pam“ ("N 5mm” ”W” (43) . Partnership and corporate governance (21) [j Employmm C3 [:3 WongfultormlnatloMSB) Other amploymam (1 5) a m Petltlon re: W’" “mandatflom arbltmlon award (11) Other judIcIaI ravlew (39) This case not complex under rule 3.400 ofthe Callfornla Rules 01' Court. Ifthe case Ia complex, markthe 2. Cf] is [g] ls factors requin'ng exceptional Judicial management: a. b. a m Large number ofsepamtely representod parties Extenalve motion practlce ralslng dlfflcult or never e. d. m [:3 Largo number of witnesses Coordination wlth related actions pending In one or more iaauee that will b9 time-consunflng to resolve courts m other counties. states, or countries. or In a federal c. E Subatantlar amountofdocumentary evidence WU” 3. Remedies souahuchack allrhatapplyxa. Number of causes [IE monetary f. b. m[j Substanflai poetiudgmentjudiclai supervision nonmonatary; dedaratory orinJunctivereHef c. [:j punitive 4. This case m E of action (specify):2 la not a class action ault. W QM B. Is 6. if there are any Known related cases. file and serve a notice e! related case. (You may use form CM—015.) Date: 3-8-2022 Kimbcriy A. Pomcmntz, Esq. ’ . 0. on ATTORNEY Fora mm) (TYPE 0R PRINT NAME) (SIGNATURE 0F PA NOTICE v mustfile this cover sheet with tho first paper filed In ihe action or proceeding (except smelt otaims cases or oases filed Plaintiff under the Probate Code, Family Code, or Welfare and Institutions Code). (Cal. Rules of Court. rule 3.220.) Failure to file may rasult in sanctions. - File thla cover sheet In addition to any cover sheet required by local court ruin. o ”this case ls compiex under rula 3.400 at seq. of the California Rules of Court. you must serve a copy of thle cover sheet on all other parties to tha action or proceeding. . i . _ cover sheet be used for statistical purposes only.“ c Unless this :s a collections case under rule 3.740 or a compiex case. this wull m FormAuomdiorMundatowuu mun (2AA: nnVFR SHEET 0“" R“'°.'..°'§.°f‘l‘:.’..“}°.‘.2'3°'3'220‘3‘4m'w3'3‘7‘94 o.,.a\-|_a AJ—l—l.langu .hl 4 bhr.0942022 09:10 PM H a P 3239379322 P 12/12 msmucrlows 0N How To COMPLETE THE COVER sHEET CM-NO Ta Plamtlffe and Others Filing Flrst Papers. If you are flung a first paper example. a complaint) ln a civil case. you must (for complete and file, along with your first paper, the Civil Case Cover Sheet contained on page 1. This Information wlll be used to compile statistics about the types and numbers of cases filed. You must commete items 1 through 6 on the sheet. In item 1, you must check one box for the case type that best describes the case. If the case fits both a general and a more specific type of case Hated ln Item 1. check the more speclflc one. If the case has multiple causes of action. check the box that best Indicates the primary cause of action. To assist you in completing the sheet. examples of the cases that belong under each case type in item 1 are provided beiow. A cover sheet must be med only wlth your inltia! paper. Failure to file a cover sheet with the first paper filed 4n a civil case may subject a party. Its counsel. or both to sanctions under rules 2.30 and 3.220 of the Californla Rules of Court. To Partles In Rule 3.740 Collectlons Cases. A "collections case" under rule 3.740 ls defined as an action for recovery of money owed in a sum stated to be certain that not more than $25,000. exoiuaive of interest and attorney's fees, arising from a transaction in which Is property, sewices. or acquired on credit. A collections case does not Include an action seeking the following: (1) tort money was damages, (2) punitive damages, (3) recovery of real property, (4) recovery of personal property. or (5) a prejudgment writ of attachment. The Idantfllcaticn of a case as a rule 3.740 collections case on this form means thatlt wilt be exempt from the genera! tlmo-for-aervlce requlramente and case management rules. unless a defendant files a responsive pleadlng. A rule 3.740 collections case win be subject and obtainlng a Judgment In rula 3.740. to the requirements for service To Partles In Complex Cases. complex cases only, parties muat also usa the Clvll Case Cover Sheet to designate whether the In case ts complex. lf a plahfiff believea the cane lo complex under rule 3.400 of the California Rules of Court. thia must be indloutad by completing the appropriate boxes in items 1 and 2. If a plaintiff designates a case as complex, the cover sheet must be served wlth the complaint on all parties to the action. A defendant may file and serve no later than the time of its fimt appearance a Jolnder in the piamtm'a designation. a countor-designation that the case is not comptex, or. If the plalnflff has made no designation. a dealgnaflon that the case ls complex. CASE TYPES AND EXAMPLES Auio Tart Contract Provisionally Complex Clvll Litigation (Cat. Breach of Contract/Warranty (06) Auto (22)—Psrsonal lnjury/Property Rules of Com! Rules 1400-3403) DamageNVrongful Death Breach of RentalILeaao Antitrust/Tnde Regulation (03) Unmaured Motorist (48) (Irma Comma! (nor umawnu downer Convtructlon D&foct (10) or wrongful eviction) case Involves an uninsured Claims Involving Mass Tort (40) ContractiWarranty Breach—Seller motoflsl claim subja c! to Securities Litigation (26) Plalntm (not fraud or nagllgenoa) arbitration, chock this Item Envlronmental/Toxlc Tort (30) Negligent Breach or Contract! InStead ol Auto) Insurance Covengo Clulma Warranty Other PIIPDIWD (Personal Injury! (arising from pm visionaI/y complex Other Breach of Contract/Warranty Propany DamagaiWrongml Death) ciao typo listed above) (41) Tort Cotloctlons (9.9.. money owed, open Enforcement of Judgment Asbestos (04} book accounts) (09) Enforcement o! Judgmant (20) Ashamos Damage Golleoxlon Cau~89llar Plalntm Prnparfy Abstract of Judgment (Out of Other Promissory Nate/Collectlons Aabcstoa Personal Injury/ County) Wrongful Death case Confession of Judgment (non- Product LIablllty (not asbestos or muuranco Coverage (not provisionally domosflc relations) complex) (18) toxIc/anvlronmontal) (24) Slaor State Judgment Auto Subrogatlon Medical Malpraotloe (45) Admlnlstrauva Agancy Award Medical Malpractice— Other Coverage (not unpaid taxes) Other Co ntract (37) Phyalciana & Suraeans Petition/Gertlflcatlon ol' Entry 0f Contractual Fraud Othm' Prohsstonai Heailh Care Judglmnt on Unpaid Tami Other Centred Dlspute Malpractice Other Enforcamant of Judgment Raul Property Other Pl/PDIWD (28) Came Eminent Domnln/Invomo Premlaes Liablmy (0.9.. 5le Miscellaneous 6|le Complaint and felt) Condemnation (14) RICO (27) Wrongful Eviction (33) Intentional Bodily lnjurylPD/WD Other Complaint (not specified Other Real Property (o,g.. quiet tltla) (26) (e.g.. assault, vandallam) abovo) (42) writ of Possession of Real Ptopatty Intentional Infllmion of Declaratory Rellaf Oniy Moflgage Foreclosure Emotlonal Dlstress Injuncuve Rene! Only (non- Negligent InfllctIOn ol Quiet Title harassment) Emotional Distress Other Real Property (nor eminent Mechanics Lien Other PllPD/WD domain, landlomenanf. or Other Commercial Complaint Non‘mmn/wn (other; Tort Iomuosura) Oase (nun-tom/non-complex) Business Tort/Unfalr Business Unlawful Dotalnor Other CMI Complaint Practlce (07) Commercial (31) (non-ton/non-camplex) Readenuai (a2) ‘ Civil Rights (9.9.. dlsorlmlnatlon. Mlscellanoous clvll Petmon false meat) Drugs (38) (If the case Involves Illega (not civil Partnership and Corporate harassment) (DB) drugs, check this Item; otherwise. Governanoa (21) report as Commorclal or Residential) Defamation (9.9.. slander. lleI) Other Petmon {nor specified Judlclal Revlaw (1 3) above) (43) Fraud (1 6) Auet Forfeiture (05) lell Harassment Intellectual Property (19) Potluon Re: Arbitration Award (1 1) Workplace Violence Writ of Mandate (O2) Professional Negllgencc (25) Elder/Dependent Adult Legal Malpraotlca Writ-Admlnlatrauve Mandamus Abuse Other Profassiona! MaIpractlce ert-Mandamus on Limited Court Election Contest (not medical orlega!) Case Matter Petltlon Ior Name Change Other NonaPIIPD/WD Tort (35) erb-Other Limited Court Case Petlflon {or Rene! From Late Review Employment Claim Other Judicial Revlew (39) Wrongful Termlnallon (<36) Other Clvll Pamlon Other Employment (15) Revlew o! Hcalth Ofncur Order Nous 91A poal—Labor 30m lodonorAppopls CM-MO [RN Svplombar 1. 2M1] CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET mu I of a