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CAUSE NO. 10-01167 SIERRA INVESTMENT ASSOCIATES, § IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF Plaintiff/Counter-Defendant Vv. ° > 5 WILSON OFFICE INTERIORS, LLC, ass Zh:€ Ud S2 834 1) ROBERT BLOMSTROM 298" JUDICIAL DIST! Defendants/Cross-Claimants, a Counter-Plaintiff a v. 3 B. DONALD HILL, JR. and THE WILSON GROUP, LTD., Defendants/Cross-Defendants. § DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS WILSON GROUP, LTD.’S AND DON HILL’S MOTION FOR PARTIAL SUMMARY JUDGMENT In this case, the plaintiff, Sierra Investment Associates (“Sierra”), has asserted stale claims tong past the limitations period against the Wilson Group, Lid. (“Wilson Group”) and its former president Mr. Don Hill (“Mr. Hill). Sierra's February 1, 2010 lawsuit seeks payments from as far back as 1996 under a lease that ended with respect to Wilson Group in 2005. In an effort to revive those clearly time-barred claims Sierra attempts to argue that a subsequent contract to which Wilson Group is not a party and which Wilson Group did not sign somehow revives all claims against Wilson Group. As a matter of law, Sierra’s claims against Wilson Group and Mr. Hill cannot stand. For the reasons stated herein, Wilson Group and Mr. Hill respectfully request that the Court enter summary judgment in their favor. 1 Factual Background This case concerns a lease and various extensions thereto for commercial property located at 1540 Champion Drive in Carrollton, Texas (the “Property”). The Property contains both (1) a Building and (2) Common Areas such as parking lots, truck aprons, yards, porches and Wilson Group, Ltd.’s and Don Hill's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment Page | of 13walkways outside of the Building. Commercial Lease { | (attached as Exhibit B). The Building, generally speaking, is a warehouse with front offices. In 1993, Sierra Investment Associates (“Sierra”), the plaintiff in this case, leased the Building to the Wilson Group, Ltd. (“Wilson Group”). /d. at §j 1. That lease expired at the end of April 2000 (the “Lease”), /d. at | 2. On May 22, 2000 Wilson Group and Sierra executed a Lease Extension Agreement that extended the lease from May 1, 2000 to April 30, 2003. May 22, 2000 Lease Extension Agreement (attached as Exhibit C). On July 22, 2003, Wilson Group and Sierra again extended the lease from May 1, 2003 to April 30, 2006. July 22, 2003 Lease Extension Agreement (attached as Exhibit D). This was the last lease extension that Wilson Group participated in or signed. In 2005, the Wilson Group sold virtually all of its assets to a company called Wilson Office Interiors, LLC. Hill Depo. 24:3-17 (attached as Exhibit E). On August 7, 2005 Wilson Group assigned the Lease to Wilson Office. Assignment of Lease Agreement (attached as Exhibit F). Sierra consented to and signed the August 7, 2005 assignment (the “Assignment”). Id. Thereafter, Wilson Group duly wound down its operations and ceased functioning as an ongoing concern in 2006. Hill Depo. 55:22-57:5. Sierra and Wilson Office continued their business relationship after Wilson Group assigned the lease. On June 26, 2007, Sierra and Wilson Office executed the final Lease Extension agreement. June 26, 2007 Lease Extension Agreement (attached as Exhibit G). Wilson Group did not participate in any negotiations concerning that lease extension, Wilson Group is not mentioned in that lease extension, and Wilson Group did not sign that lease extension. /d. That extension ran trom May 1, 2006 to January 31, 2008 and is the source of much of the dispute in this case. /d. Wilson Group,"s and Don Hill’s Motion for Partial Summary Judgment Page 2 of 13Sierra inserted a new provision in the 2007 Lease Extension that had not existed in any prior agreement between the parties to this case. Sicrra’s new provision states Landlord shall conduct an audit of all amounts due or accrued under the lease and shall submit such audit, together with supporting receipts and invoices, to Tenant on or before November 1, 2007. ‘Tenant shall pay, on or before December 1, 2007, all amounts due or accrued under the lease as of November 1, 2007, as shown by the audit. Id. Based on this new provision, on October 30, 2007, Sierra sent a letter to Wilson Office demanding that Wilson Office pay excess expenses allegedly due under the Lease for 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, and 2006. Letter from Wesley Jeanes to Robert Blomstrom (October 30, 2007) (attached as Exhibit H). Sierra had never before made a demand for these excess expenses to either Wilson Group or Wilson Office. Wilson Office declined to pay the stale expenses allegedly incurred before Wilson Office Assumed the tease in 2005 and Wilson Group no longer existed to provide an answer to Sierra’s demand. Letter from Robert Blomstrom to Wesley Jeanes (January 15, 2008) (attached as Exhibit 1). Sierra thereafter filed this lawsuit on February 1, 2010 against Wilson Office, Robert Blomstrom (Wilson Office’s President), Wilson Group, and Don Hill (the former Wilson Group’s President), Plaintiff's Original Petition (attached as Exhibit J). Sierra asserts one cause of action against Wilson Group. Sierra's breach of contract claim alleges that Wilson Group (and Wilson Office) breached the 1993 Lease, the Assignment, and the various I_case Extension Agreements by (1) failing to pay the excess expenses for 1994- 2006 and (2) by failing to pay or reimburse Sierra for damage beyond normal wear and tear. Plaintiff's First Amended Petition, {ff 4.1-4.2 (attached as Exhibit K). Sierra further secks to pierce Wilson Group’s corporate structure and hold Mr. Hill personally liable for the company’s obligations. /d. at §§ 7.1-7.2. Wilson Group, Ltd.’s and Don Hill's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment Page 3 of 13As explained herein, each of Sierra’s causes of action fails as a matter of law. First, the relevant statutes of limitations preclude recovery for any claims that arose before February 1, 2006 (four years before filing). Since Wilson Group assigned the lease and wound down its operations in August 2005, the statute of limitations relieves it from the claims at issue in this case. Second, as a matter of law, Wilson Group cannot be held liable for any obligations that arose after April 30, 2006 because Wilson Group was not a party to and did not sign any agreement extending the Lease beyond that date. Finally, Sierra has no evidence to support its request to disregard Wilson Group as a corporation because it has no evidence to show that Mr. Hill used Wilson Group to perpetrate an actual fraud on Sierra. TEx. BUS. ORG. CODE § 21.223. Il. Summary Judgment Standard Summary judgment is appropriate if the pleadings and summary judgment evidence “show that, except as to the amount of damages, there is no genuine issue as to any material fact and the moving party is entitled to judgment as a matter of law on the issues expressly set out in the motion or in an answer or any other response.” TEX. R. Civ. P. 166a(c). Moreover, summary judgment is appropriate if, after adequate time for discovery, “there is no evidence of one or more essential elements of a claim or defense on which an adverse party would have the burden of proof at trial.” /d. at 166a(i). Where a motion states elements as to which there is no evidence, “the court must grant the motion unless the respondent produces summary judgment evidence raising a genuine issue of material fact.” /d. III. Statute of Limitations Bars Claims for Excess Expenses The four year statute of limitations for contract actions bars Sierra’s recovery for any excess expenses incurred before February 1. 2006. Sierra’s claim for excess expenses sounds solely in contract and therefore is subject to a four year statute of limitations. TEx. Civ. PRAC. Wilson Group, Ltd.’s and Don Hill’s Motion for Partial Summary Judgment Page 4 of 13Rem. Cope § 16.004(a). Sierra must thercfore bring its causes of action for excess expenses within four years of when such claims for the excess expenses accrue. /d. Generally, the accrual of the cause of action “means the right to institute and maintain a suit; and whenever one person may sue another a cause of action has accrued, and the statute begins to run.” Port Arthur Rice Milling Co. v. Beaumont Rice Mills, 105 Tex. 514, 143 S.W. 926, 928 (1912)(emphasis omitted). A breach of contract claim accrues at the time of the breach or when the “claimant has notice of facts sufficient to place him on notice of the breach.” Davis Apparel v. Gale-Sobel, 117 S.W.3d 15, 18 (Tex.App—Eastland 2003, no pet.); Stine v. Stewart, 80 S.W.3d 586, 592 (Tex.2002); Slusser v. Union Bankers Insurance Company, 72 $.W.3d 713, 77 (Tex. App-Eastland 2002, no pet.). A cause of action for payment under a lease agreement accrues when the payment is due. See, e.g. WW. Laubach Trust v. Georgetown Corp., 80 S.W.3d 149, 160 (Tex. App.--Austin 2002, pet. denied) (“a cause of action for breaching a lease accrues when each payment is due”). When a tenant does not make a payment under a contract, the landlord must chose to either (1) treat the missed rent payment as a breach terminating the entire lease or (2) keep the lease alive and sue for rents as they become due. F.D. Stella Prods. Co. v. Scott, 875 S$.W.2d 462, 465 (Tex.App.-Austin 1994, no writ). In this case, Sierra’s claim for excess expenses accrues at the end of each calendar year or at that end of the period in which the lease is in effect. The excess expense provision is found in paragraph 8(f) of the Lease. That paragraph specifies that, while Sierra is obligated to pay certain taxes, insurance, maintenance and repairs under the lease, Sierra must only pay up to $42,099.00 of such costs in any calendar year. Lease 8(f) (Exhibit B). This amount is sometimes referred to as an “expense stop.” To the extent such expenses exceed that expense Wilson Group, Ltd.’s and Don Hill's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment Page 5 of 13stop for a ycar, the tenant is required to reimburse Sierra for the difference.' Jd. Since Sierra had the right to any payments over the expense stop at the end of each calendar year, its cause of action for excess expenses accrued at the end of each calendar year. Sierra’s demand letter to Wilson Office confirms that the excess expenses accrue yearly by breaking down such expenses year by year. Letter from Wesley Jeanes to Robert Blomstrom (October 30, 2007) (Exhibit H). Moreover, Sierra’s corporate representative testified that Sierra was owed excess expenses “as of” the end of each year. Jeans Depo 195:3-196:10 (attached as Exhibit L.). In other words, when Sierra did not receive a payment for excess expenses at the end of any given calendar year, it was required to either terminate the entire lease or keep the lease alive and sue for the excess expense payment. See FD. Stella Prods., 875 S.W.2d at 465. Sierra obviously chose not to terminate the entire contract and therefore was obligated to sue for each missed excess expense payment. The record is undisputed that Sierra did not file this lawsuit until February 1, 2010. Since Sierra’s claims for excess expenses accrued at the end of each calendar year, it is cannot recover for the excess expense payments it claims for 1994-2005. Wilson Group and Mr. Hill accordingly ask that the Court enter summary judgment that Sierra can recover nothing for its claims for excess expenses concerning the years 1994 through 2005. IV. Statute of Limitations Bars claims for Alleged Damage to The Building Sierra’s Petition asserts that Wilson Office and Wilson Group breached the Lease by failing to repair physical damage to the property in excess of normal wear and tear. First Amended Petition, 4 4.2 (Exhibit K). Sierra’s Rule 194 disclosures attempt to couch this claim . as both for breach of contract and for negligence. Plaintiff's Amended Rule 194 Disclosures ' Also, if the Lease terminates in the middle of a year, then the Lease specifies how to prorate the excess expenses over that year. /d. Wilson Group, Ltd.'s and Don Hill’s Motion for Partial Summary Judgment Page 6 of 13(attached as Exhibit M). Although Sierra does not specify the contractual provision on which this claim relies, it appears that Sierra is relying on 4 8(d): Notwithstanding the other provisions of this Section 8; cach party shall be financially responsible for such loss or damage to the Property, the Common Area, the Building or the Leased Premises: (i) for which there is no reimbursement under insurance coverage; and (ii) which is caused by that party’s willful actions or negligence, or the willful actions or negligence of that party’s agents, servants, employees, invitees, or licensees. Commercial Lease § 8(d) (Exhibit B) Sierra may also be relying on § 17: Tenant shall deliver and surrender possession of the leased Premises to Landlord upon the termination of this lease, by expiration of the term or otherwise, clean and in the same condition as existed at the commencement of the term; provided, Tenant shall not be responsible for any degradation of the leased Premises caused by: (i) ordinary wear; or (ii) the failure of Landlord to perform its duties of repair, reconstruction or maintenance under this Lease. Id. at § 17. Regardless of the provision or whether this cause of action sounds in contract or tort, Wilson Group can have no liability within the limitations period because it vacated the premises over five (5) years before Sierra filed suit. As discussed supra, breach of contract damages are subject to a four-year statute of limitations. Negligence claims are subject to a two-year statute of limitations. TEx. Civ. Prac. & REM. CODE ANN. §§ 16.003(a). For the purposes of limitations, a cause of action for negligence, with few exceptions, accrues when the wrongful act causes an injury, not when the plaintiff learned of the injury. Moreno v. Sterling Drug, Inc., 787 S.W.2d 348, 351 (Tex. 1990). In this instance, Wilson Group undisputedly vacated the Property when it assigned the Lease to Wilson Office in August 2005. Therefore, for the purposes of this summary judgment motion, it does not matter whether the cause of action for excessive wear and tear arose when Wilson Group allegedly caused the damage or when Wilson Group moved out. Wilson Group, Ltd.’s and Don Hill’s Motion for Partial Summary Judgment Page 7 of 13Either case places any physical damage to the Property that Wilson Group could have possibly caused outside of the limitations period. Accordingly, Wilson Group and Mr. Hill request that the Court enter summary judgment that Sierra’s claims against them for physical damage to the Property are time barred. Vv. Wilson Group is not responsible for any claims fullowing April 30, 2006 Witson Group denies that it remained liable for any obligations following transfer of the lease to Wilson Office on August 7, 2005. It appears that Sierra, however, seeks to hold Wilson Group responsible for alleged breach of contract claims by Wilson Office. First Amended Petition § IX (Exhibit K). Sierra seems to argue that the Assignment’s statement that Wilson Group remains liable for “rent and other sums due and becoming duc under the terms of the Lease or the performance of any of the conditions, covenants and provisions of the Lease” creates in effect unlimited liability against Wilson Group in perpetuity for any actions by Wilson Office in connection with the Property. Under this interpretation, Sierra also claims that the statute of limitations does not apply to Wilson Group because the 2007 Lease Extension Agreement that Wilson Office negotiated somehow works to waive Wilson Group's rights to claim the statute of limitations. Legally, this cannot be the case. First, Wilson Group can only be responsible for those contracts to which it is a party. In this case, the only agreement in effect at the time of the Lease Assignment was the July 22, 2003 Lease Extension Agreement. That Lease Extension Agreement extended only until April 30, 2006. July 22, 2003 Lease Extension Agreement (Exhibit D). Wilson Group did not agree to the later June 26, 2007 Lease Extension Agreement and Wilson Group never agreed to be bound by any future Lease Extensions when it executed the Assignment. /d. Therefore, the June 26, 2007 Lease Extension Agreement can have no effect as to Wilson Group and as a matter of law Wilson Group, Ltd.’s and Don Hill’s Motion for Partial Summary Judgment Page 8 of 13Wilson Group’s liability under the Lease cannot extend past the expiration of the final Lease Extension Agreement Wilson Group signed (April 30, 2006). Second, the statute of frauds prevents application of the June 26, 2007 Lease Extension Agreement to Wilson Group. Whether an agreement falls within the statute of frauds is a question of law. Tabrizi v. Daz-Rez Corp., 153 $.W.3d 63, 66 (Tex. App.-San Antonio 2004, no pet.). Here, the Lease Extension agreement unquestionably subject to the statute of frauds because it is a contract for a lease of real estate longer than one year? Tex. Bus. & Como. Cong. § 26.01(b)(S). Thus, to have any effect against Wilson Group. the 2007 Lease Extension Agreement must have been (1) in writing and (2) signed by Wilson Group. /d. at 26.01(a). In this case, the uncontroverted evidence shows that Wilson Group did not sign the 2007 Lease Extension Agreement. Moreover, there is no evidence that Wilson Group, which was no longer operating in June 2007, gave authority for Wilson Office to sign on Wilson Group’s behalf. Therefore, as a matter of law, the 2007 Lease Extension Agreement can have no effect on Wilson Group. Accordingly, Wilson Group respectfully requests that the Court enter summary judgment that as a matter of law Wilson Group faces no liability under the Lease, the Assignment, or any Lease Extension Agreement beyond April 30, 2007. Furthermore, Wilson Group requests that the Court enter summary judgment that the June 26, 2007 Lease Extension Agreement has no effect on Wilson Group, including by way of specific example, that the June 26, 2007 Lease Extension Agreement does not waive any statute of limitations defense or allow any cause of action to arise/accrue against Wilson Group. * Other relevant statutes of frauds may also apply to the Lease Extension agreement. For example, to the extent that the 2007 lease Extension Agreement purports to make Wilson Group responsible for any obligations incurred by Wilson Office (a claim Wilson Group denies), TEX. BUS. & COMM CODE § 26.01(b)(2) would also apply. Wilson Group, Ltd.'s and Don Hill's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment Page 9 of 13VI. No evidence that Sierra_met conditions precedent to asserting a claim for reimbursement As described supra, the 2007 Lease Extension legally can have no effect on Wilson Group or Mr. Hill. In addition, Sierra has no evidence that it complied with the conditions precedent Sierra itself inserted into that 2007 Lease Extension. In relevant part, the 2007 Lease Extension Agreement requires that: Landlord shall conduct an audit of all mounts due or accrued under the lease and shall submit such audit, together with supporting receipt and invoices, to Tenant, on or before November 1, 2007. ‘Tenant shalt pay, on or before December 1, 2007, all amounts due or accrued under the lease as of November 1, 2007, as shown by the audit. June 26, 2007 Lease Extension Agreement (Exhibit G). Thus, Sierra has no claim for the excess expenses it secks in this case if it did not provide an audit and aff receipts by November 1, 2007. The evidence shows that Sierra presented only a demand letter and there is no evidence of an audit being presented. See, e.g. Jeanes Depo. 54:21-55:22; 57:18-21 (Exhibit L). Moreover, there is no evidence that Sierra presented all receipts underlying all elements claimed in that demand letter. It appears that Sierra has failed to produce, even as of today, receipts for a number of items including, by way of example and not of limitation: insurance for 1995-2003, 2007; utilities for 2003; taxes for 1995, 1998-2001, 2004-2006, and 2007. Sierra’s failure to provide an actual audit and appropriate documentation is meaningful not only in that it violates a condition precedent to any recovery but also because it demonstrates the lack of support for Sierra’s claims. For example, the Lease required Sierra to provide a “standard form fire insurance policy... .” The Lease required the tenant (Wilson Group and later Wilson Office) to maintain a “commercial general liability coverage and property damage insurance policy” and an “all risk and perils property insurance policy. . . .”. Commercial Lease 9 7(a). 7(b) (Exhibit B). Sierra has presented no evidence, either before November |, 2007 or in Wilson Group, Ltd.'s and Don Hill's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment Page 10 of 13this litigation, that its claims for excess insurance expenses concern only a standard form fire insurance policy as distinguished from the insurance the Lease required the tenants to carry. Accordingly, Wilson Group and Mr. Hill respectfully request that the Court enter summary judgment that as a matter of law Sierra has failed to satisfy the conditions precedent for recovering excess expenses and therefore can recover no such excess expenses from Wilson Group. VII. No evidence to pierce corporate veil Sierra has no evidence to support one or more elements of its cause of action VII “Improper Distributions and Disregard of the Corporate Structure” and thus that claim should be dismissed. The Wilson Group is a Nevada Corporation that operated in Texas. Plaintiffs’ First Amended Petition, {1.4 (Exhibit K); Hill Depo. 55:22-56:22 (Exhibit E). Mr. Hill was a shareholder of that entity. Hill Depo 8:6-13; 60:8-20; 61:3-6 (Exhibit E). Accordingly, Sierra may only pierce the corporate veil and pursue Mr. Hill personally if it shows that Mr. Hill “caused the corporation to be used for the purpose of perpetrating and did perpetrate an actual fraud on the obligee primarily for the direct personal bencfit of the holder, beneficial owner, subscriber, or.affiliate.” Tex. BUS. ORGS. CODE §§ 21.001; 21.223; 21.224. In this case, there is no evidence that Mr. Hill used Wilson Group to perpetrate an actual fraud against Sierra. Accordingly, Wilson Group and Mr. Hill respectfully request that the Court enter summary judgment denying Sierra’s VII. Plaintiff's Claim for Attorneys’ fees fails because it has no cause of action against Wilson Group or Hill For the reasons explained supra, Sierra states no colorable cause of action against Wilson Group or Mr. Hill. Accordingly, Sierra has no basis in which to claim attomeys’ fees. Wilson Wilson Group, Ltd.’s and Don Hill’s Motion for Partial Summary Judgment Page 11 of 13Group and Mr. Hill respectfully request that the Court grant summary judgment denying Sierra’s claims for attorneys’ fees. IX. © The Cross Claims are Moot Because there can be no ongoing liability against Wilson Group or Hill In their cross claims, Wilson Office seeks judgments that Wilson Group is responsible for any monies allegedly owed to Sierra prior to August 7, 2005. Wilson Office Interiors, L.L.C.’s Amended Cross-Claim, J 1.9-2.2 (attached as Exhibit N). For the reasons stated supra, Sierra has no claim to any monies owed prior to August 7, 2005. Wilson Offices’ cross claim is therefore moot. Wilson Group respectfully request that the Court enter summary judgment dismissing that cross-claim accordingly. February 25, 2011 R. Ritch Roberts John Helms Texas Bar No. 09401001 Helms, Johnson & Diaz LLP 6060 N. Central Expressway. Suite 560 Dallas, Texas 75206 Tel: (214) 800-2086 Fax: (214) 800-2057 R. Ritch Roberts, III ‘Texas Bar No. 24041794 R. Ritch Roberts PLLC 9090 Skillman St., Suite 182-A310 Dallas, TX 75243-8262 Tel: (972) 468-8779 Fax: (972) 468-9455 Wilson Group, Ltd."s and Don Hill's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment Page 12 of 13CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on Eebruary 25, 2011, 1 caused a true and correct copy of this pleading to be served on the following counsel by hand delivery. L. Randall Yazbeck The Law Office of L. Randall Yazbeck 5050 Quorum Drive. Suite 140 Dallas, Texas 75254 972.980.8278 (fax); and Charles C. Frederiksn Glast, Phillips & Murray P.C. 14801 Quorum Dr. Suite $00 Dallas, TX 75254 972.419.8329 (fax) _ Evelyn A. Yaeger Gibson, McClure, Wallace & Daniels, L.L.P. 8080 N. Central Expressway Suite 1300, LB 50 Dallas, Texas 214.891.8010 (fax); and Jean A. Hobart Tucker, Ellis & West, LLP 515 South Flower Street, 42nd Floor Los Angeles, California 90071 (213) 430-3409. R. Ritch Roberts Wilson Group, Ltd.'s and Don Hill's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment Page 13 of 13Exhibit ACAUSE NO. 10-01167 SIERRA INVESTMENT ASSOCIATES, Plaintiff/Counter-Defendant IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF Vv. WILSON OFFICE INTERIORS, LLC, ROBERT BLOMSTROM Defendants/Cross-Claimants, Counter-Plaintiff 298" JUDICIAL DISTRICT ve B. DONALD HILL, JR. and THE WILSON GROUP, LTD., § § § 8 § § § § § § § : Defendants/Cross-Defendants. § DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS AFFIDAVIT OF R. RITCH ROBERTS BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a notary public in and for the state of Texas, on this day personally appeared R. Ritch Roberts III, who being duly swom, upon her oath deposes and says: 1. I am over the age of 21 years, of sound mind, and fully competent to testify as to the matters herein. I have never been convicted of a felony or a crime of moral turpitude. | have personal knowledge of every statement herein unless explicitly stated otherwise. 2. [ am an attomey representing B. Donald Hill Jr. and the Wilson Group, Ltd. in the above-styled matter. This affidavit is being submitted as an exhibit to the Wilson Group, Ltd.’s and Don Hill’s Motion for Partial Summary Judgment (hereafter the “Motion”) 3. Attached as Exhibit B to the Motion is a true and correct copy of the Commercial Lease Dated September 15, 1993. 4, Attached as Exhibit C to the Motion is a true and correct copy of the Lease Extension Agreement dated May 22, 2000. AFFIDAVIT OF R. RITCH ROBERTS Page | of 35. Attached as Exhibit D to the Motion is a true and correct copy of the Lease Extension Agreement dated July 22, 2003. 6. Attached as Exhibit E to the Motion is a true and correct copy of excerpts from the deposition transcript of Bayard Donald Hill, Jr. taken in this case and dated October 5, 2010. 7. Attached as Exhibit F to the Motion is a true and correct copy of the Assignment of Lease Agreement and Landlord’s Consent dated August 7, 2005 8. Attached as Exhibit G to the Motion is a true and correct copy of the Lease Extension Agreement dated June 26, 2007. 9. Attached as Exhibit H to the motion is a true and correct copy of the letter from Wesley Jeanes to Robert Blomstrom dated October 30, 2007. 10. Attached as Exhibit | to the Motion is a true and correct copy of the Letter from Robert Blomstrom to Wesley Jeanes and dated January 15, 2008. I. Attached as Exhibit J to the Motion is a true and correct copy of Plaintiff's Original Petition in this case. 12. Attached as Exhibit K to the Motion is a true and correct copy of Plaintiff's First Amended Petition. 13. Attached as Exhibit L to the Motion is a true and correct copy of excerpts from the deposition transcript of Wesley Jeanes taken in this case and dated January 31, 2011. 14. Attached as Exhibit M is a true and correct copy of the Plaintiff's Amended Rule 194 Disclosures produced in this case and dated January 21, 2011. 15. Attached as Exhibit N is a true and correct copy of Wilson Office Interiors, L.L.C.’s Amended Cross-Claim filed in this case. Further affiant sayeth not. AFFIDAVIT OF R. RITCH ROBERTS Page 2 of 3JULIA G. QUINONE: Notary Public, State of Texas My Commission Expires May 26, 2074 My Commission Expires: $-24- AFFIDAVIT OF R. RITCH ROBERTS Page 3 of 3Exhibit BA ble STATE OF TEXAS Z3I- FLPY COUNTY OF DALLAS COMMERCIAL LEASE — : yt THIS LEASE is made and entered into this /S day of al"- September,, 1993 by and between Sierra Investment Associates, 74 a Texas partnership having an office and place of business at 740 South Sherman Street, Richardson, Texas, 75081 ("Landlord"), and the Wilson Group, Ltd., a Nevada corporation having its corporate headquarters at 11880 Shiloh Road, Dallas, Texas, | 75228 ("Tenant"). . | Landlord and Tenant, for the consideration hereia stated, hereby covenant and agree as follows: 1 1. MISE PREMISES: Landlord is the owner of a 2.9657 acre tract of land situated in Block 3 of the Cottonbelt West Industrial Park (an addition: to the City of Carrollton, Dallas County, Texas, the plet af which is recorded in Volume 84013, Page 3801 of the Map And Plat Records of Dallas County, Texas) described by metes and bounds in Exhibit A attached hereto, together with all improvements thereon constructed (the ‘“Property"). Located and constructed on the Property is a building having a floor area of 56,132 square feet (the “Building"), as shown on the diagram attached as Exhibit B hereto. The Common Area consists of the land, parking lots, truck aprons, yards, porches and walkways outside the Building but within the boundary lines of the Property. Landlord does hereby lease and demise to Tenant, ! and Tenant does hereby lease, hire and take from Landlord, all of the Building (in this Lease the terms “Building” and "Leased Premises" are synonymous). Landlord does. further hereby grant to Tenant the nonexclusive right and license to use the Common Area; provided, Tenant shall have no right or license to alter any part of the Common Area. 2. LANDLORD'S TI Landlord covenants that it is the fee owner of the Property, 2 Tee oe BOTT: .: adefeasibic title to the Property, that the Property is free and clear of all leases, tenan agreements, encumbrances, liens or defects in title except as expressly set forth in Exhibit C attached hereto. Landlord agrees that it will furnish to Tenant, without cost, a true | EXHIBIT aa oae__ LI DULD 1. BY RE WA Fada ray COR, RAR GRRand correct copy of Landlord's Owner's Policy of Title Insurance with respect to the Property, together with copies of all documents shown on Exhibit C, as evidence that Landlord's title is in accordance with the foregoing, upon Tenant's written request therefor. Landlord further represents that, at the commencement of the term hereof, neither the Property as fully improved nor the use thereof by Tenant for office, light manufacturing and warehouse purposes, other lawful uses incidental thereto, and such other uses as are set forth in Exhibit D attached hereto, will violate any present law, ordinance or regulation of any governmental authority having jurisdiction over the Property, or violate any restrictions imposed upon the Property by deed or otherwise; provided, Landlord does not represent or covenant that Tenant may conduct any hazardous activity, or use or store any hazardous substance, on the Property or within the Leased Premises. 3. TERM AND POSSESSION: The term of this Lease shall be for a period of six (6) years and six (6) months, commencing on the first day of November, 1993 and ending on the last day of April, 2000, unless extended or sooner terminated as hereinafter provided. Landlord shall deliver possession of the Leased Premises to Tenant on the commencement date of the term hereof, free and clear of all tenancies and occupancies, broom clean and in good order and condition, and with the alterations and improvements, if any, to be made by Landlord as may be elsewhere provided for in this Lease, completed in a good and workmanlike manner. Prior to the commencement date, Landlord and Tenant shall make a joint inspection and inventory of the Leased Premises to insure that the Leased Premises are in the condition required for delivery to Tenant and that all fixtures and equipment required as part of the Leased Premises are present and operational. 4. RENT: The rent for the Leased Premises for the term of this Lease shall be $1,125,090.12, which Tenant agrees to pay Landlord in seventy~seven (77) monthly installments of $14,611.56 each, each such monthly installment being due and payable, in advance, on the first day of each and every calendar month during the term of this Lease: provided, there shall be no rent due from Tenant to Landlord for the first full calender month of this Lease. All rent shall be paid to Landlord at its address first above written, unless Landlord shall designate some other payee . or address for the payment thereof by giving notice to that at. te-Te 5. UPILITEES: | Landlord represents and warrants that utility lines and facilities serving the Leased Premises are Presently availableat the Leased Premises, fully installed, assessed and operational. The terms “utility” or "utilities", as used in this Section S shall include gas, electricity, water (including water for fire protection service), sewer (both sanitary and storm) and telephone. Tenant shall pay all charges for its use or consumption of utilities during the term of this Lease. The companies providing utility services to the Leased Premises shall be responsible for the maintenance and repair of all utility lines and facilities currently serving the Leased Premises, and Landlord shall in no event be liable for any shortages or interruption in utility services to the Leased Premises, nor for the costs of any repairs or replacements of any utility lines or facilities made necessary by reason of waste or negligence on the part of the utility or Tenant, or their agents, employees, or contractors. Should Tenant at any time require additional utility service, Landlord agrees to cooperate with Tenant and to execute those documents reasonably necessary to obtain same, but all costs in connection therewith shall be paid by Tenant. 6. TAXES AND_IMPOSITIONS : (a) Landlord shall pay, during the term hereof, before any fine, penalty, interest or cost may be added thereto for the nonpayment thereof, all real estate taxes, assessments, and other governmental charges, general and special, ordinary and extraordinary, unforeseen as well as foreseen, of any kind and nature whatsoever (all of which taxes, assessments, and other governmental charges are hereinafter referred to as “Impositions"), that are assessed, levied, confirmed, imposed, or become a lien upon the Property, or the sidewalks or streets in front of or adjoining the Property, or become payable with respect to the Property, during the term of this Lease. Provided, however, that any Imposition relating to a fiscal period of the taxing authority, a part of which period is included within the term of this Lease and a part of which is included in a period of time either before the commencement, or after the expiration, of the term of this Lease, shall (whether or not such Imposition shall be assessed, levied, confirmed, imposed or become a lien upon the Property or shall become payable during the term of this Lease) be adjusted and prorated as of the commencement and/or expiration of the term of this Lease so that io no event shall any portion of such Imposition allocable to a period of time either before the commencement, or after the expiration, of the term of this Lease be allocated to the term of this Lease. (b) Nothing contained in this Lease shall require either party to this Lease to pay any franchise, corporate, estate, inheritance, succession, capital, transfer, income, excise, profits or revenue tax of the other party hereto, nor shali any sucb tax, assessment, charge or levy be deemed to be includedwithin the term "Imposition" as hereinabove defined. If either party to this Lease sball be required by law to pay and, pursuant to such law, does pay any such tax, assessment, charge or levy, the other party shall, upon written request, reimburse the first party for any such payment. . (c) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Section 6, Landlord shall not be required to pay or discharge any Imposition so long as Landlord shall in good faith contest the same, or the validity thereof, by appropriate legal proceedings which operate to prevent the collection of the Imposition, or the involuntary sale or foreclosure of the Property or any part thereof to satisfy the Imposition; provided, before or during the pendency of any such legal proceedings, Landlord shall have the right to pay, discharge or remove the contested Imposition if required by law or as Landlord may in its discretion consider prudent or appropriate. Any legal . proceedings contesting the validity or amount of, or to recover back, any Imposition, may be brought by either party hereto, or both, as may be necessary or appropriate, and each of the parties hereto agrees that it shall cooperate with the other in any such proceedings to such extent as such other party may reasonably request. However, if any such proceeding is brought and lost by Tenant, Tenant shall indemnify and hold Landlord harmless from and against any and all loss, cost or expense of any kind that may be imposed upon Landlord in connection therewith. Tenant shall be entitled to any refunds of any Imposition, or refunds of other charges, penalties or interest thereon, which have been paid by Tenant, or paid by Landlord and for which Landlord has been reimbursed by Tenant. The term "proceedings" as used herein shall include appeals to any court or governmental entity having or claiming jurisdiction or authority over the Property. 7. INSURANCE: (a) ai g the term of this Lease, at Tenant's sole cost and expense, (procure and maintain in full fore effect a_¢ B and property damage {nsurance policy to prot aga lial oO the pu or_to_any employee, invitee or 1 ee of Tenant 0: andiord, ieident to the use of or arising or resulting from any event, injury or accident occurring on the Property or within the Leased Premises, with a comprehensive single’ limit of not less than One Million Dollars (($1,000,000.00)> Tenant shall also, during the term of this Lease, at Tenant's sole cost and expense, procure and maintain in full force and effect an all risk and perils property insurance policy to, protect against any Jose or damage to all personal property stored or placed by Tenant on the Property or within the Leased Premises, with policy limits in an amount not less than the replacement cost of such personal property.ith extended coverage endorsement covering e operty and the improvements thereon in an amount not less than the full replacement value thereof, exclusive of architectural and engineering fees, excavation, footings and foundations, insuring against the perils of fire and lightning and including extended coverage; provided, however, that a policy of fire insurance which fin the opinion of Landlord insures ninety percent (90%) of said replacement value of the Property and improvements in common with other facilities of the insured, and which contains an inflation-guard endorsement, shall be sufficient. b Landlord shall during the term hereof, procure and Gaintain>in Tull force and effect @ standaya Orn Tire insurance w (c) All insurance coverage and policies required by this Section 7 shall: (1) expressly name Landlord and any - mortgagee or hypothecary creditors of Landlord as named or additionally named insureds thereunder, and provide for the loss proceeds of such policy to be expressly made payable to Landlord and such creditors as their respective interests may appear; (41) be issued by an insurance company or companies authorized to write insurance in the State of Texas and reasonably acceptable to Landlord; and (111) provide that said insurance shall not be canceiled unless thirty (30) days prior written notice shall have been given to Landlord. 8. AINT: R IR REPLAC: TS XP} Ps (a) Landlord shall, at its sole cost and expense, maintain the structural parts of the Building in a good, safe, operable condition, promptly providing all necessary repairs and maintenance thereof. The structural parts of the Building for which repairs and maintenance shall be provided by Landlord at Landlord's sole cost and expense shall only include, and shall be limited to, the following: (1) Roof ' and roofing, including flashings, gutters, downspouts, eaves and all other portions of the roof; (2) Foundation, including floor slab; (3) Exterior walls and all load-bearing walls; and (4) Structural steel. (b) Landlord shall, at the sole cost and expense of Tenant, to the extent Landlord is not specifically obligated to provide such work at. Uandlord's cost,and expense under Sections 3 or 8(a) above, keep and maintain ali parts of the Leased Premises in good condition and repair, promptly providing all necessary repairs and maintenance thereof. Without limiting the foregoing, the items and parts of the Leased Premises for which repairs and maintenance shall be provided by Landlord, but for whichthe cost and expense shall be solely borne by Tenant, shall] include, but shall not be limited to, the following: (1) Windows, glass and. plate glass, doors, skylights, entryways, interior walls and finish work, floor coverings, truck doors, and loading docks; and (2) Heating and air conditioning systems and fixtures, electrical systems and fixtures, and plumbing systems and fixtures. Prior to performing or providing such repairs and maintenance, Landlord and Tenant shall have the right to obtain three (3) competitive bids each for the performance of such repairs and maintenance. Landlord shall employ the bidder which Landlord and Tenant agree is qualified to perform the work at the lowest net cost. Should Landlord and Tenant not agree on the person or entity to perform the work, Landlord shall select the person or entity to perform the work, but Tenant shall not be liable for any costs of repairs or maintenance performed by such person or entity to the extent that such costs exceed the average of the bids secured by Landlord and Tenant for such work. Upon performing or providing such repairs and maintenance, Landlord sball invoice Tenant therefor, and Tenant shall pay such invoice within fifteen (15) days of the receipt of the invoice by Tenant. (c) Landlord shall maintain the Common Area, including landscaping, lawns, parking lots, driveways, and walkways. Landlord shall pay the costs of maintenance of the Common Area, and any assessments against the Property for maintenance of the common areas of the business park in which the Property is located. (d) Notwithstanding the other provisions of this Section 8, each party shall be financially responsible for such loss or damage to the Property, the Common Area, the Building or the Leased Premises: (i) for which there is no reimbursement under insurance coverage; and (ii) which is caused by that party's willful actions or negligence, or the willful actions or negligence of that party's agents, servants, employees, invitees or licensees. (e) The provisions of Sections 10, 11, and 22 shall control in the event of any conflict between such named sections and this Section 8. (ft) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Lease, - Landlord's duty to pay or absorb the combined costs for taxes, insurance, maintenance and repairs pursuant to Sections 6, 7, 8(b) and B(c) of this Lease shall not exceed $42,099.00 in any calender year. To the extent that such combined costs exceednorth/sout $42,099.00 in any calender year, Tenant shall reimburse Landlord the amount by which such combined costs exceed $42,099.00 that calender year. Por periods at the commencement or expiration of the term of this Lease when Tenant has the Leased Premises for only a portion of the calender year, such excess costs shall be prorated so that Tenant bears the amount of the excess costs multiplied by e@ fraction, the numerator of which is the oumber of days the Tenant had the Leased Premises during that calender year, and the denominator of which is 365. (g) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Section 8, it shall be the duty and responsibility of Tenant, at Tenant's sole cost and expense, to keep the Leased Premises clean, free of rubbish, free of obstruction of passageways and exits, free of hazardous substances, and free of hazardous conditions ‘arising from the use or occupancy of the Leased Premises by Tenant. (h) Whenever Tenant shall observe the need for the repair, maintenance or replacement of any part or portion of the Property, the Common Area, the Building or the Leased Premises, Tenant shall promptly notify Landlord of the need for such repair, maintenance or replacement. (14) In the event any part or portion of the Property shall through normal use or age deteriorate to the point where further repair or maintenance thereof is not economic or prudent, Landlord shall bear the cost of replacing such item as a capital expenditure. 9. ALTERATIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS: (a) Tenant shall have the right, but not the obligation, to at any time during the initial term of this Lease demolish at Tenant's sole expense the existing offices within the Leased Premises. In the event Tenant exercises such right, Tenant shall following the demolition of the existing offices immediately construct within the Leased Premises new offices io accordance with the plans and specifications drafted by Wilson Design Services, dated July 30, 1993 and amended August 16, 1993 and August 31, 1993, said plans and specifications being hereby incorporated by reference; provided, Tenant shall have the right, by moving the eastern wall of such new offices to the east or west, to increase or decrease the area of the new offices by twenty-five perceat (25%) over or under the area set forth within said plans and specifications; provided further, in no event shall Tenant deviate from said plans and specifications, within + the new offices lying within the first,,on.sccond ine of warehouse bays from the west wall of the Leased Premises, without the written consent of Landiord. Said Aven improvements shall when constructed be the property of Landlord. — Tenant shall at all times keep the Property free and clear of any and all claims and mechanics liens arising from the-gtructurai:- integrity or overall s@ construction of such improvements. Prior to the initiation of the demolition of the existing offices within the Leased Premises, Tenant shall deposit with American Title Insurance Company, 18112 Preston Road, Dallas, Texas, an amount equal to the estimated costs of the demolition of the existing offices and the construction of the new offices. American Title Insurance Company shall hold such funds {in escrow, to be disbursed by said title company, upon the joint approval of Landlord and Tenant, to the contractors, materialmen and laborers who perform such work. Upon the completion of the {mprovements, and the issuance of a Certificate Of Occupancy of said improvements by the City of Carrollton, Texas, Landlord shall grant Tenant 77 monthly rent credits in the amount of $2,338.83 each, being one rent credit for each of the 77 months for which Tenant is Jdable for the payment of rent under this Lease. Tenant shall have the right to apply one rent credit of $2,338.83 to each monthly instaliment of reat due under this lease as the installment matures and becomes due and payable; provided, for the installments of rent for those months preceding the completion of the improvements, and for which Tenaot has previously paid the full amount of rent under Section 4 above, Tenant shall have the right to accrue the rent credits allocable to such months, and deduct such accrued rent credits from the first installments of rent maturing and becoming due and payable under this Lease following the completion of the improvements, until the full amount of such accrued rent credits is exhausted. During the construction of the improvements, Landlord shall at its sole cost and expense reconstruct the primary entrance to the Building to bring that entrance into compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. (b) Tenant shall have the right, at its own expense, to make such other alterations, additions, installation of materials (including partitioning, trade fixtures, machinery, equipment, furnishisgs and other items) and changes (hereinafter collectively called. "Alterations") in and to the Building and the Leased Premises as necessary for Tenant's purposes; provided: (i) Tenant shall, prior to making such Alterations, submit to Landlord for its approval, in accordance with the procedures set forth in Paragraph (c)} below, plans and specifications for such Alterations, and Landlord shall have approved in writing such Alterations; (ii) Tenant shall bave complied with all legal requirements for the construction of improvements on the Property, and such Alterations shall not violate the terms of asy easements, restrictions, or other matters affecting. or encumbering the Property; and (444) such Alterations will not impair the ty of the Building, or diminish the value of the Property.” All Sweh’ “ATvéeratious, “sive and except .personal property not permanently attached to the Property, shall become the property of Landliord when constructed or installed. In the event of damage or destruction of such Alterations by fire or other causes, Landlord shall have theright to recover the value thereof as its own loss from any insurance company which has insured the same, and Landlord shall have the right to any award relating to such Alterations in the event of condemnation. Tenant agrees that any and all Alterations shall be performed, constructed and installed: (4) in a good and workmanlike manner; (41) ion accordance with the plans and specifications for the Alterations which have previously been approved by Landlord through the procedures set forth in Paragraph (c) belo