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  • Richard Best Transfer, Inc. vs. Archer Daniels Midland Company16 Unlimited - Fraud document preview
  • Richard Best Transfer, Inc. vs. Archer Daniels Midland Company16 Unlimited - Fraud document preview
  • Richard Best Transfer, Inc. vs. Archer Daniels Midland Company16 Unlimited - Fraud document preview
  • Richard Best Transfer, Inc. vs. Archer Daniels Midland Company16 Unlimited - Fraud document preview
  • Richard Best Transfer, Inc. vs. Archer Daniels Midland Company16 Unlimited - Fraud document preview
  • Richard Best Transfer, Inc. vs. Archer Daniels Midland Company16 Unlimited - Fraud document preview
  • Richard Best Transfer, Inc. vs. Archer Daniels Midland Company16 Unlimited - Fraud document preview
  • Richard Best Transfer, Inc. vs. Archer Daniels Midland Company16 Unlimited - Fraud document preview


AI 7‘) “Jr “LE® & MW Whitney, Thompson Jeffcoach LLP Timothy L. Thompson, #133537 APR —3 2020 tthompson@wg' URT 0F CALlFORNIA Nikole E. Cunningham, #277976 SUPERE’éuR‘T’v orFRESNO Kristi D. Marshall, #274625 8050 N. Palm Avenue, Suite 110 Fresno, California 93711 \OWQONM-thi-I Telephone: (559) 753-2550 Facsimile: (559) 753-2560 Greenberg Traurig, LLP Jeff E. Scott, #126308 Rob Herrington, #23441 7 HerringtonR@gtlaw. com 1840 Century Park East, Suite 1900 RECEIVED Los Angeles, CA 90067-2121 4/2/2020 2:37 PM v Telephone: (3 10) 586-7700 FRESNO COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT (3 10) 586-7800 B De yum Mm? Jamw Facsimile: :|. Herrera, ut - Attorneys for Defendant/Cross-Complainant, QM)" Archer Daniels Midland Company SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA ‘ COUNTY OF FRESNO, B. F. SISK COURTHOUSE RICHARD BEST TRANSFER; INC., a Case No. 17CECG01022 Califomia Corporation, mqqxuhw~_oc;:aa:)ms:s Plaintiff, STIPULATION AND 'Pm] ORDER TO CONTINUE TRIAL AND TO ESTABLISH DISCOVERY SCHEDULE v. I Assigned for A11 Purposes to: ARCHER DANIELS MIDLAND Hon. Kimberly A. Gaab COMPANY, a Delaware Corporation; NATASHA DUKES, an individual; SHAWN ‘ Action Filed: v March 28, 2017 SAWA, an individual; AMBER M. ROSE aka Trial Date: August 10, 2020 AMBER M. SAWA, an individual; and DOES l-25, inclusive, NNNNNNNNNH Defendants. ARCHER DANIELS MIDLAND COMPANY, a Delaware Corporation, Cross—Complainarit, V. 05026.00001 054125 14.000 I STIPULATION AND [PROPOSED] ORDER T0 CONTINUE TRIAL AND T0 ESTABLISH DISCOVERY SCHEDULE RICHARD BEST TRANSFER, INC., a California Corporation; PORT OF IVORY, LLC, a Califomia Limited Liability Company; RICHARD BEST, an individual; WYATT BEST, an individual; SHAWN SAWA, an individual, and doing business as AMR . CONSULTING; AMBER MARIE ROSE SAWA, an individual, and doing business as \OOOQO\UIAUJNr—t AMR CONSULTING; THOMAS SCAIFE, an individual, and doing business as SCAIFE COMMODITIES; CHARLES LITTLEFIELD, an individual, NATASHA DUKES, an individual; and ROES 1-25, inclusive, Cross-Defendants. A11 Parties and their counsel of record hereby stipulate as follows: RECITALS A. The above-captioned case was filed on March 28, 2017. B. Trial is presently scheduled to commence on'August 10, 2020. ‘ C. Plaintiffand Cross-Defendant RICHARD BEST TRANSFER, INC. (“RBT”)th not completed its production to Defendant and Cross-Complainant ARCHER DANIELS MIDLAND COMPANY (“ADM”) of all documents and ESI which are responsive to ADM’s Requgests for Prbduction of Documents, Set One. mqampu53855383’335:8 Accordingly, the parties have not yet begun taking depssitions I in this caSe. D. 0n or about March 4, 2020, the State of Calimeia geclared a state of eergency relating to the COVID-l 9 virus. Thereafter, on March 15, 2020 and March 16, 2020, the County of Fresno and City of Fresno similarly declared a state of emergency relating to COYID-19. Thereafier, both the City of Fresno and State of California issued “shelter in place” and ;‘stay at home” orders, and both the State of California as well as the federal govement have advised that all persons should avoid gatherings of more than 10 people to combat the spread of COVID-19. NN-NNNN However, due to the number ofparties and counsel involved in this case, depositions will necessarily require a gathering ofmore than 10 individuals. The orders and recommendatith by the local, state andlfederal governments have and will continue to impede and impact the Parties’ and counsels’ ' 0502600001 05412514000 2 STIPULATION AND [PROPOSED] ORDER TO CONTINUE TRIAL AND TO ESTABLISH DISCOVERY SCHEDULE ability to conduct discovery and prepaxe for trial. ~ E. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) identify that persons over the age of 65 are “at high-risk for severe illness from COVID-19”. Accordingly, persons over the age of 65 or with other health conditions are advised to “stay home if possible” and avoid close \OOOQQUIAUJNu—n contact with others. Attorneys C. Russell Georgeson, Roger Nuttall, Anthony Capozzi, James Rummonds are each over the age of 65 and thus are at high risk for severe illness fiom COVID-19. Furthermore, Cross-Defendants Richard Best and Thomas Scaife are also over the age of 65. F. In light of the discovery which has yet to be completed in this action, as well as the practical impact of the COVID-19 virus on the parties’ ability to safely complete discovery, the Parties hereby agree and stipulate to continue the tn'al date and to establish a discovery schgdule. STIPULATION 1. That the trial date of August 10, 2020 be continued to August 2, 2021. 2. That a new Mandatory Settlement Conference and Trial Readiness Conference be set by the Court consistent with the new trial date. 3. The Parties further agree to the following discovery related deadlines: a. Expert Discovery Cutoff July 16, 2021 b. Expert Disclosure Deadline June 1, 2021 c. Discovery Cutoff July 1,2021 d. A11 other deadlines will run from the new trial date per the Code of Civil wuo~mamm~oo§38$3$555 ‘ Procedure. 4. If the Court isnot available for trial on August 2, 2021, the Parties request that the Court schedule a telephonic Scheduling Conference to establish an agreeable date for trial ‘and the related discovery deadlines. NNNNNNNNNH 5. This Stipulation may be executed in counterparts. IT IS SO STIPULATED. 05026.00001 3 STIPULATION AND [PROPOSED] ORDER TO CONTINUE TRIAL AND TO ESTABLISH DISCOVERY SCHEDULE \J 2’ x k \J Dated: MarchBQ 2020 WHITNEY, THOMPSON & JEFFCOACH, LL? (x) LA By; / /./\,- ' ' ' Timothy . hompso’n m Nikola E. unningham Kristi D., Marshall Attorneys for Defendant/Cross-Complainant, Archer Daniels Midland Company Dated: MarchSLQ, 2020 GREENBERG TRAURIG, LLP BVIW /[MW - ' ' F rot”: e . Scott Robert ’. Harrington Ryan C. Bykerk Attorneys for Defendant/Cross-Complainant, Archer Daniels Midland Company Dated: March ii 2020 LAW OFFICES OF ANTHONY P. CAPOZZI 13y. ”?’xk/flcm/UGR/W2/ AnthoM P Capozzi/ Attorneys fox NATASHA DUK/ES [\2 [\J la.) ’9‘) Rx.) 4:. 05026. 0000! 053125! 4 000 4 STIPULA"! ION AND [PROPOSED] ORDER TO CON lINUE 'I RIAL AND TO ESTABLISH DISCOVFRY SCHEDULE Dated; March ___, 2020 WHITNEY, THOMPSON & JEFFCOACH, LLP Bv: Timothy L.Thompson KOOONO‘xLIIAbJNH Nikole E. Cunningham Kristi D. Marshall Attorneys for Defendant/Cross-Complainant, Archer Daniels Midland Company Dated: March ___, 2020 GREENBERG TRAURIG, LLP O -—4‘ '—‘ t—a Bv: Jeff E. Scott N r—d Robert J.Herrington b3 u—I Ryan C. Bykerk Attorneys for Defendant/Cross-Complainant, § -- Archer Daniels Midland Company L11 >—d O\ r—fi Dated: March w, 2020 LAW OFFICES OF ANTHONY P. CAPOZZI $ \l r—fi m r—l -‘ Bv: \O Anthony P. Capozzi NO Attorneys for NATASHA DUKES NH .NN Dated: Marchiéj’zozo \ NUTTALL & COLEMAN N UJ f", f / fl \ ‘ [a N ~P- / Bv: \// y \/<flv4 Xx NM RogerVNutttaTl" Attorneys for SHAWN SAWA and AMBER N ON SAWA Nfl N 00 0502600001 054125 14.000 4 V STIPULATION AND [PROPOSED] ORDER TO CONTINUE TRIAL AND TO ESTABLISH DISCOVERY SCHEDULE Dated: March _, 2020 NUTI'ALL & COLEMAN By: Roger Nuttall Attorneys forSHAWN SAWA and AMBER SAWA Dated:Mmhézozo BAKER, KEENER & NAHRA. LLP I . fihufip A. Baker , RICHARD BEST, WYATT BEST, Attorneys for and PORT 0F IVORY LLC Dated:March __, 2020 RUMMONDS LAW FIRM By: James S.Rummohds Attorneys forTHOMAS SCAIFE Upon leading m and good cause appearing of the Parties, the Stipulation merefor, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT: l. That the trialdate of August 10, 2020, as well as Mandatory Settlement Conference and Trial Readiness Conference, shall be continued as follows: a. The August uial shall be continued to 2,2021 at 9:00 a.m., in Deparhnent 501 of the above-entifled Court. b. The Mandatory Settlement Conference shall be continued to , 2021 at am./p.m. in Department __ of the above-emitled Court. c. The Trial Readiness , Conference shall be continued to 2021 at _ , inDepartment of the above-entitled Court. All pte-uial deadlinm shall be continued as follows: ' 2. a. Expert Discovery Cutofi July l6, 2021 b Expert Disclosure Deadline Junel,2021 c. Discovery Cutoff July'1,2021 d. nm Al] other deadlinus will fi'om-the new date per the trial Code of Civil Procedure. \ Dated: March w“, 2020 NUTTALL 8c COLEMAN Bv: , Roger Nuttall Attorneys for SHAWN SAWA and AMBER oxoooqamamm... SAWA ( Dated: March ____, 2020 I BAKER, KEENER & NAHRA, LLP sz. Phillip A. Baker Attorneys for RICHARD BEST, WYATT BEST, and PORT 0F IVORY LLC Dated: MarcIkQ_, 2020 RUMMONDS LAW FIRM NHOQWNQM-bWND-fl NNNHflc—IWHHfl—uwu - ' j. Mmm/ "74" Vi I y ../ I \ Jamues §. kufnmonds . r . omeys for THOMAS SC AFFEA “ H -\_ _ ORDER Upon reading the Stipulation 0f the Parties, and good cause appearing therefor, [IT IS ' HEREBY ORDERED THAT: 1. That the trial date of August 10, 2020, as well as Mandatory Settlement Conference and Trial Readiness Conference, shall be continued as follows: a. The trial shall be continued to August 2, 2021 at 9:00 a.m., in Department 501 ofthe above-entitled Court. b. The Mandatory Settlement Conference shall be continued to 05026;0000l 054125141100 5 STIPULATION AND [PROPOSED] ORDER TO CONTINUE TRIAL AND TO ESTABLISH DISCOVERY SCHEDULE Dated: March _, 2020 BAKER, KEENER & NAHRA, LLP Bv: Phillip A. Baker A_ttorneys for RICHARD BEST, WYATT BEST, and PORT OF IVORY LLC \OWNQUIAUJN I ' ' Dated: March __, 2020 RUMMONDS LAW FIRM 10 Bv: ll James S. Rummonds Attorneys for THOMAS S 12 13 14 bated: March _, '2020 GE R SON LAW 0F (15 16 BV: l7 C. Rus llGeorgeson Attorneys for Plaintiff and Cross—Defendant, 18 RICHARD BEST TRANSFER, INC. and Cross- 19 Defendant, CHARLES LITTLEFIELD' 20‘ 21 22 Upon reading the Stipulation of the m Parties, and good causé appearing therefor, I :IT' IS 23 HEREBY ORDERED THAT: I 24 1. That the trial date of August 10, 2020, as well as Mandatory Settlement Conference 25 and Trial Readiness Conference, 'shallbe continued as follows: 26 a. The trial shallbe continued to August 2,2021 at 9:00 a.m., in Department 27 5020f the above-entitled Court. 28 05026. 0000] 05412514. 000 5 STIPULATION AND [PROPOSED] ORDER To CONTINUE TRIAL AND To ESTABLISH DISCOVERY SCHEDULE ‘ r\\ ’llfir \ ~ . / V t >4 l I \ . ~ x 2 \ mmmm :eWw/mw 5%“ 9"— W 3M. rye, 3 0 , 2021 at Z 05W a.m./m. in Department 5"‘7f of the above-entitled Court. C. The Trial Readiness Conference shall be contlinued to ML 3 0 , ' 2021 at i -' 30 a.m./m. in Department 532. OWQGUI¥UJNH of the above-entitled Court. 2. A11 pre-trial deadlines shall be continued as follows: a. Expert Discovery Cutoff _ July 16, 2021 b. Expert Disclosure Deadline / June 1, 2021 c. Discovery Cutoff July 1, 2021 d. A11 other deadlines will run from the new trial date per the Code of Civil Procedure. IT IS SO ORDERED. Dated: [#44 I 3 ,2020 By: /Q%péHon. Kimberlir’A. Gaab Judge of the Superior Court mqau¢w§3855333355:5 NNNNNN 05026.00001 05412514000 6 STIPULATION AND [PROPOSED] ORDER TO CONTINUE TRIAL AND TO ESTABLISH DISCOVERY SCHEDULE L1.) U) Richard At the time ofserviCe, employed in the County ofFresno, I W Best Transfer, Inc. v. Archer Daniels Fresno Superior Court STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF FRESNO was over 18 Case N0. years ofage and State 0f California. Midland 17CECG01022 Company not a pany to this My business address is action. 80-50 N. I am I } Palm Avenue, Suite 110, Fresno, CA 9371 1. ON On March 30, 2020, I served true copies ofthe following document(s) described as ORDER TO CONTINUE TRIAL AND TO 1 N' STIPULATION AND [PROPOSED] ESTABLISH DISCOVERY SCHEDULE on the interested panties in this action as follows: SEE ATTACHED SERVICE LIST BY MAIL: Ienclosed the document(s) in a sealed envelope 01' package addressed to the 10 persons at the addresses listed in the Service List and placed the envelope for collection and mailing, following our ordinary business practices. I am readily familiar with the practice 'of 11 Whitney, Thompson & Jeffcoach LLP for collecting and processing correspondence for mailing. for collection and mailing, it is deposited ‘in the On the same day that correspondence is placed 12 ordinary course of business with the United States Postal Service, in a sealed envelope with postage fully prepaid. I am a resident 0r employed in the county where the mailing occun'ed. The envelope was placed in the mail at Fresno, California. 14 BY E—MAIL OR ELECTRONIC TRANSMISSION: I caused a copy ofthe document(s) to be sent from e-mail address christinal@‘\ to the persons at the e-mail 15 addresses listed in the Service List. I did not receive, within a reasonable time after the transmission, any electronic message 0r other indication that the transmission was unsuccessful. 16 : I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the 17 foregoing istrue and correct. f" ~ / /~’/ Executed 0n March 30, 2020, at Fresno, Califoignia. ,x‘: 18 19 f /W 20 “ firi'stina Litster 3V 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 MDOO 05026.0000I 054125 ‘7 STIPULATION AND [PROPOSED] ORDER TO CONTINUE TRIAL AND TO ESTABLISH DISCOVERY SCHEDU LE SERVICE LIST Richard Best Transfer, Inc. v. Archer Daniels Midland Company ' Fresno Superior Court Case N0. 17CECG01022 C. Russell Georgeson a Phillip A. Baker Robert J. Willis Baker, Keener & Nahra, LLP Georgeson Law Offices \IQMAU’N 633 West 5‘“ Street, Suite 5500 7060 N. Fresno Street, Suite 250 Los Angeles, CA 90071 Fresno, CA 93720 Tel: 213-241-0900 Tel: 559-447-8800 Fax: 213-241-0990 _ Fax: 559-447-0747 Email: Email: Attorneysfor Richard Best, Wyatt Best and Attorneysfor Richard Best Transfer, Inc. and Port oflvory .°° Charles Littlefield Justin T. Campagne Roger Nuttall Law Firm of Campagne & Campagne Nuttall & Coleman 10 Airport Office Center 2333 Merced Street 1685 N. Helm Avenue Fresno, CA 93721 11 Fresno, CA 93727 Tel: 559-233—2900 Tel: 559-255-1637 Fax: 559-485-3852 12 Fax: 559-252-9617 Email: Email: Attorneysfor Shawn Sawa and Amber Sawa 13 Attorneysfor Richard Best Transfer, Inc. and Charles Littlefield 14 Anthony P. Capozzi Jeff E. Scott 15 Law Offices of Anthony P. Capozzi Rob Herrington 1233 W. Shaw Avenue, Suite 102 Greenberg Traurig, LLP 16 Fresno, CA 93711 1840 Century Park East, Suite 1900 Tel: 559-221-0200 Los Angeles, CA 90067-2121 17 Fax: 559-221-7997 , Tel: 3 10-586—7700 Email: Fax: 3 1 0-586-7800 18 Attorneysfor Natasha Dukes Email:; Email: 19 Attornevs for Archer Daniels Midland 20 James S. Rummonds 3 1 1Bonita Drive 21 Aptos, CA 95003-4891 Tel: 831-688-2911 22 Fax: 83 1-662-3407 Email: 23 Attorneysfor Thomas Scaife, individually and dba Scaife Commodities 24 25 26 27 28 05026.00001 054l25]4.000 8 STIPULATION AND [PROPOSED] ORDER TO CONTINUE TRIAL AND TO ESTABLISH DISCOVERY SCHEDULE