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  • Gurney'S Innb Resort & Spa, Ltd., a New York Corporation v. Nancy Arzanipour, Paul Arzanipour, Anthony Carbone, Neil Carbone, Kevin Cotter, Dolly Wander Irrevocable Trust, Lorraine Ferretti, Patricia Frank-Janewicz, George Rosenfeld Inc., Michael Giordano, Janice Katz, Christine Lauria, Neil Carboone Irrevocable Trust, Marcia Ruskin, Jay Scansaroli, Janice Scansaroli, Joseph Scognamiglio, Alan Sparks, Systematci Control Corp., Vito Vitrano Commercial Division document preview
  • Gurney'S Innb Resort & Spa, Ltd., a New York Corporation v. Nancy Arzanipour, Paul Arzanipour, Anthony Carbone, Neil Carbone, Kevin Cotter, Dolly Wander Irrevocable Trust, Lorraine Ferretti, Patricia Frank-Janewicz, George Rosenfeld Inc., Michael Giordano, Janice Katz, Christine Lauria, Neil Carboone Irrevocable Trust, Marcia Ruskin, Jay Scansaroli, Janice Scansaroli, Joseph Scognamiglio, Alan Sparks, Systematci Control Corp., Vito Vitrano Commercial Division document preview


SQUITIERI & FEARON, LLP GE EAST 57â„¢ STREET 12â„¢ FLOOR NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10022 NEWJERSEY OFFICE TELEPHONE: (212) 421-6402 S I'I'E K FAX: (212) 421-0550 JERSEY CITY, NEW JERSEY 07300 MEMBERS OF THE FIRM TEL: (201)200-O000 FAX: 200-9008 (201) STEPHEN J. FEARON, JR. *ADMITTED TO N.Y.& N.J.BABS April 11, 2019 VIA ECF Honorable Barry R. Ostrager, J.S.C. Supreme Court of the State of New York County of New York 60 Centre Street Room 232 Part 61 New York, New York 10007 Re: Gurney's Inn Resort Spa Ltd. v. Nancy Arzanipour, et al. Index No.: 154466/2018 Dear Justice Ostrager: We represent Respondents Nancy Arzanipour and Paul Arzanipour; Lorraine Ferretti, Patricia Frank-Janewicz, George Rosenfeld Inc., Michael Giordano, Janice Katz, Christine Lauria, Jay Scansaroli and Janice Scansaroli; Marcia Ruskin and Joseph Scognamiglo; Alan Sparks and Vito Vitrano. In your December 21, 2018 Decision and Order (NYSECF 107) you awarded dissenting shareholders $142.00 per share plus 6% prejudgment interest from March 28, 2018 through date of entry of Judgment. The Judgment Clerk has advised me that before Judgment can be entered, there must be an order for entry of Judgment from the Court o_r the Court can enter/file a Judgment itself. The latter method appears to be the simplest and most expeditious way. Accordingly, we are submitting a proposed form of Judgment for the Court's consideration and entry as appropriate. By copy of this letter and enclosure, Gurney's is receiving itsfirst view of the form of Judgment. However, earlier this week we advised Gurney's counsel we would be entering Judgment. We have not received any communication or request for a draft of form of Judgment. SQUITIERI & FEARON, LLP Justice Barry R. Ostrager April 11, 2019 Page 2 We are available at the convenience of the Court as needed. Respe fully, Lee Squitieri LS:mm Encls. VIA ECF cc: Steven Sinatra, Esq. Daniel R. Milstein, Esq. Greenberg Traurig, LLP w/Encls.