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  • T.G. Nickel & Associates, Llc, T.G. Nickel & Associates, Llc, As Assignee And  Subrogee Of Trust Fund Beneficiary Fesk Special Systems Incorporated, on behalf of itself and  on behalf of all others entitled to share in the funds received by AMPAK ELECTRICAL SERVICES, INC. and its successor in interest and alter ego, AMPAK DATA & ELECTRICAL SERVICES, INC. v. Ampak Electrical Services, Inc., Ampak Data & Electrical Services, Inc., John Esposito, Maria Cucuzza, Nick Romeo, John Doe No. 1 Through John Doe No. 100 said names being fictitious, true names being those unknown individuals and/or entities liable for the diversion of trust funds pursuant to Article 3-A of the Lien Law of the State of New York, in connection with the construction project at 27-19 44th Commercial Division document preview
  • T.G. Nickel & Associates, Llc, T.G. Nickel & Associates, Llc, As Assignee And  Subrogee Of Trust Fund Beneficiary Fesk Special Systems Incorporated, on behalf of itself and  on behalf of all others entitled to share in the funds received by AMPAK ELECTRICAL SERVICES, INC. and its successor in interest and alter ego, AMPAK DATA & ELECTRICAL SERVICES, INC. v. Ampak Electrical Services, Inc., Ampak Data & Electrical Services, Inc., John Esposito, Maria Cucuzza, Nick Romeo, John Doe No. 1 Through John Doe No. 100 said names being fictitious, true names being those unknown individuals and/or entities liable for the diversion of trust funds pursuant to Article 3-A of the Lien Law of the State of New York, in connection with the construction project at 27-19 44th Commercial Division document preview


LAWOFFICES ARTHURJ. SEMETIS, P.C. 286 MADISON AVENUE Suite 1801 NEW YORK, NY 10017 (212) 557-5055 (Office) (212) 557-5056 (Direct) (212) 557-5051 (Fax) ARTHUR J. SEMETIS ' E-mail: - MICHAELJ. McDERMOTT - SHANNON P. GALLAGHER - CONSTANTINE T. TZIFAS - JONATHAN A SAMTER December 10, 2019 Bv ECF Filing: Honorable Andrea Masley Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of New York New York County Supreme Court 60 Centre Street New York, New York 10007 Re: T.G. Nickel & Associates, LLC v. Ampak Electrical Services, Inc. et al., Trustee Counsel Report Index No. 652578/2018 Dear Justice Masley: We are writing to you as Trustee Counsel to the putative class of trust fund beneficiaries for the Project known as 27-19 44 th Drive and 44-16 Purvis Street, Long Island City, New York. On September 26, 2019, this Court executed the Amended So-Ordered Stipulation (e-filed on October 1, 2019 as ECF Docket No. 83). Pursuant to paragraph 9 of the So-Ordered Stipulation, we are to provide the Court by no later than January 31, 2020, a written report setting forth the identity of all Class Members who have returned the executed Final Release and Satisfaction of Lien. All putative Class Members have returned these original documents. They are identified as: United Lighting Electrical Corp. 60 Hoffman A venue Hauppauge, New York 11788 and Crewforce LLC c/o Outsource LLC 1960 East Grand A venue, Suite 1180 Los Angeles, California 90245 ARTHURJ. SEMETIS, P.C. December 10, 2019 Payments by the defendants to these two trust fund beneficiaries are expected to be concluded, at the latest, by December 2021. We will write to the Court when the payments have been concluded. AJS/el cc: All counsel by ECF filing 2