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  • Acme Exterminating Corp. v. Icon Realty Management Llc Commercial - Contract document preview


FILED: WESTCHESTER COUNTY CLERK 06/12/2018 09:54 AM INDEX NO. 57600/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 3 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/12/2018 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF WESTCHESTER ACME EXTERMINATING CORP, Index No. 57600/2018 Plaintig DEMAND FOR CHANGE OF VENUE -against- ICON REALTY MANAGEMENT LLC, Defendant. ("Defendant" Defendant Icon Realty Management LLC ("Defendant"), without waiving any defenses "Action" that may be raised by answer or motion in the captioned action (the "Action"), and without prejudice thereto, does hereby demand that the venue and place of trial of this Action be changed to New York County, which county is the place of the principal office of Defendant and the ("Plaintiff' place of the principal office of plaintiff Acme Exterminating Corp. ("Plaintiff'). No basis exists for commencement or continuation of the Action in Westchester County. Defendant has no relationship whatsoever with Westchester County. Plaintiff has no identifiable relationship with Westchester County. Its advertised principal offices are located in New York County. Its state-registered principal offices are located outside of Westchester County. The only identifiable relationship of the Action with the current venue is that the offices of Plaintiff's counsel are located in Westchester County. . That is not a basis for venue. Dated: New York, New York June 12, 2018 CERVINI SWANSON LLP By: Scott L. Swanson 500 Fifth Avenue, Suite 3020 New York, New York 10110 212-931-5600 Counsel for Defendant Icon Realty Management LLC 1 of 1