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  • Grenadier Realty Corp. v. Donald Capoccia, Brandon Baron, Joseph Ferrara, Francine Kellman, Brian Raddock Special Proceedings - Other (CPLR 3213) document preview
  • Grenadier Realty Corp. v. Donald Capoccia, Brandon Baron, Joseph Ferrara, Francine Kellman, Brian Raddock Special Proceedings - Other (CPLR 3213) document preview


(FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 1271872019 10:31 AM INDEX NO. 154465/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 30 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/18/2019 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF NEW YORK 52006 | -0F North Srort Prarervation DP, LP INDEX NO. _\ Cc} O1F Plaintiffis) - against - TAS PART 3+ Grenadier Realhy Crp. STIPULATION Cond third party combat” IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED AND AGREED by and between or among the attorneys named below as follows: CY Documeat production Qnd Grenadier privilege log S\e\\ Le completed ly, ils }A0 (a) All dapesttions shall be couniered by 4]30 [20 Q) End date Sor all Ais bsures \ Yk uljz]20 , (4) +he Note of Tore ral Giled Ly § [3{20. SONS Con ferent : Sanwa ns 2{ 2020 @ 10-00 au, Avnit Sorter, meister Sediy & Fain LLP Attorney for Phaintiffts) Grratier Raolty Attorney for Defendant Attorney for Defendant Attorney for Defendant Dated: _Q./ LH{[Borv9 ~ SO ORDERED: ENTER: S.C. HON. ARTHUR F. ENGORON wan? lof 1