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  • A+ Homecare Services, Inc -v- Cooper et al Print Breach of Contract/Warranty $10,000 or Less Limited  document preview
  • A+ Homecare Services, Inc -v- Cooper et al Print Breach of Contract/Warranty $10,000 or Less Limited  document preview


11/18/2821 l3: B7 951686 3 PEARCY LAW AFC PAGE 85/33 \r \v SUMu1oo SUMMONS (MmTJJDUSEEWsm (CITACION JUDICIAL) J :435* ~ w" 3512:» *w E; m . NOTICE To DEFENDANT: C0319? 08'5"”.OFaUFOMA (A wso AL DEMANDA DO).- SAN BERNA‘ffoTNEEESEATgfiw-O \p \O fl“ ’1 Lynn Cooper and Phillip Cooper‘ fl DRAG 292? joL L You ARE BEING suen BY PLAINTIFF; (Lo ESTA DEMANDANDO EL DEMANDANTE): LWWA fl fi '10” ”WES q U A+ Homecare Services, Inca LEANNE M1' LANCFQOO ??TIGEI You have been sued. The court may decwe against you withoui your being heard unless you respond wnhin 30 days. Read ma information e ow‘ You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS afiar this Summons and legal papers are served on yau 10 fiie a written response at lhls court and have a copy served 0n lhe plaintiff. A letter or phone can wlll not protect you. Yourwrmen response must be In proper legal form if you want the court to hearyour case. There may be a coun form that you can usa for your response. You cam find mase court forms and more information at the California Courts Onllne SaIf-Help Cenler ( your county law library, ur the courthouse nearest you. 1f you cannot pay me filing fee. aak 1he court clerk for a fee waiver form. If you do not fila your response on time. you may lose the case by default! and your wages. money. and property may be taken wlthwt further warning fnarn the court. There Ere other legal requlremems. You may want to call an attorney tight away. If you do not know an aflorney, you may want to call an attorney If you cannot afford an attorney. you may be eligible for free legal services from a nonpmflt legal sewicas program. You can tocate Ieferral service. these nonprofit groups at the California Legal Servloes Web slle (waawhetpca/iforniaorg), the California couns onllne Self-Help Center (‘gov/selfizeip). or by contacllng your local court or county bar association. NOTE: The coun has a statutory Men forwaivaa fees and costs on any settlement or arbitration award of $10,000 or mare in a cIvII case. The court's lien mus: be paid before the caurt will dismiss the case‘ Si no responde damn: de 30 dies. Ia code puede decldlr en su contra sin escuchar su version, Lea Ia informacion a {AVISOI Lo han domandado. continuacror). Tiene 30 DIAS DE CALENDARIO despUés de que Ie entreguen esta citaoldn ypapeles legalas para presenter una respuesta par eacn'to en esta CONE y hacer que se entregue una copia al demandanro. Una carts o una llamada relefom‘ca no Ia protegen. Su respuesla par escn‘to dene qua ester en farmato legal correcto 3i desea que pmaesen su caso en Ia Dude. Es posv‘ble que hays un formularlo qua usmd pueda usarpara su respuesra. Puede encontrar esros formulan'os de Ia cone y mas JnformaclOn 9n 91 Camro de Ayuda de Ias Canes de California {www.suoorte,ca.gou), en (a blbfloteca dc fayes de su condado o an Ia cone qua Ia quede més cerca. Sr" no puede pager {a ouota de pnesentacldn, p/da a! secmrano d9 Ia cone qua Ia dé un formulario d3 Exencién de page de cuorss. Si no presenza su respuesta a tiempo. puma peder eI caso porincumplimiemo y la cone Ie- padré quirar su suelda, dlnero y blenes sin mas advertencla. Hay 0!!sz requisites Iagales. Es recomendable qua [fame a un abogado inmadiatamenre. Si no conoce a un abogado, puede llamera un servicio de mmision a abogadas, Si no puede pagar a un abogado. es posible que cumpla con Ios requisites para obraner servic/as Iagalas gratuitos de un pmgrama de servicias legales sin fines de lucro. Puede encontrar estos grupos sin fines da Iucro en e! sib‘o web de California Legal Services, (MMWJaWheIpcallfomlaorg), 9n e! Cenrro de Ayuda de (as Cortes d9 California, ( o ponféndose en contacto can Ia cone o a! colegr'o de abogados locales. A VISO: Por lay, Ia certs (lone derecho a mciamar (as cuoras y Ios cosros axenms par rmponer un gravarnen sabre cualquier mcupsmuén :19 S 70.000 6 mas de valor recibida meniante un sauerdo o una ooncesién de ammaje en un case d9 dsmcho civil. Tlena qua pager e! gravamen de Ia corte antes de que Ia code pueda desechar e/ caso. The name and address of the court is: CA§E NUMBER: _ (El nombra ydireccfén d9 {a corte es): FA XE D {MMC‘IVJ'SB 2 (a r, 1 L 0 1 '” SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN “F; BERNARDINO. 247 W Third Street, San ‘ Bernardino CA 92415 15hr?) 4' 5-“ ' The name, address. and telephone number or plaintiff without an attorney, of plaintiff‘s attorney, is: i (Elnombra, Iadimoolén yel namem d9 abogado de/ damandante, o def demandante qua no tele’fOno d5! Ilene abogedo,es).- mwmmnwmmcmwwAmAwummm&mommmlmwfigfiwwmflmmwfim DATE: Dlputy DEC 3 0 2021 Clerk|by , (Adjunto) (Fema) (S&cratan'o) I (For proof ofservice ofthis summons. use Proof of Service of Summons ((brm POS-OTOJ.) ‘5‘ L A NNE M, L ANDERos (Para prueba da anfmga d9 esta affallén use e! fon‘nulan‘o Proof of Service of Summons, (POS-O‘! 0)). NOTICE TO THE PERSON SERVED: You are served [SEAL] 1. 2. E E] as an individual defendant. as the person sued under the name fictitious of (special): 3, E on behalfof(specify).- under: E E CCP 416.10 CCP 416.20 (corporation) E E CCP 416.60 (minor) CCP 415.70 (conservatee) E E CCP 416.40 (defunct corporation) (association or partnership) other (specify). l CCP 416.90 (authorized person) 4. by personal delivery on (date): Pug»19'1 Form Adopt“ Ior Mnndmory Una: Jumeinl Cuunfll of Cullfomlu SUMMONS Coda Pmcndum §§ er Civil 412.70. 4&5 wwmnlwnlmcanov sum-wo mm,July 1. zoos]