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  • In re: Kharey Jamal Perry Print Petition for Change of Name  document preview
  • In re: Kharey Jamal Perry Print Petition for Change of Name  document preview
  • In re: Kharey Jamal Perry Print Petition for Change of Name  document preview
  • In re: Kharey Jamal Perry Print Petition for Change of Name  document preview


"15cmu? Eula: San Burmudizmuf, mum}, .x {I 3: mag :2: 45%} 535:; ¥“MM r‘ggggx 311:” a fl is» - LOW“ "‘3?‘m‘fm Main Business Address & Editorial Office: 10788 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Mailing Address: 10808 Foothill BlwaR Suite 160-446 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 (951) 567- 1936gou~ R’Ofi’; g; 1L * '35) NN ’ Adjudicated September 6, 2014 GEpN; 3A PF JIM? :41/ 757w A SEP ‘ 8 [3‘1 ‘17", ‘07", PROOF 0F PUBLICATION 8,, 202, (2015.5 C.C.P) STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of San Bemardino I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid. I am over the age 0f eighteen years and not a party t0 0r interested in the entitled matter. I am the publisher of the SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY SENTI- NEL, a newspaper of general circula- tion published every Friday in Rancho Cucamonga, California, County of San Bemardino, and which newspaper has ORDER TO SHOW not be granted. lf no written 0b- CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF jection istimely filed. the court been adjudged a newspaper 0f general NAME CASE NUMBER may grant the petition without a CIVSB211927I hearing circulation for the County of San Ber- T0 ALL INTERESTED Notice ofHearing: nardino and the City of Rancho Cu- PERSONS: KHAR— Petitioner: Date: 09/15/21 EY JAMAL PERRY filcd with Time: 9:00 am. camonga by the Superior Court of the Department: Sl6 court for a decree changing this County of San Bemardino, State 0f names as follows: The address of the KHAREY JAMAL PER— coun is Coun Superior of California, on September 5, 2014. The RY toKHOREY JAMAL Califomia,County 0f San Ber- notice, ofwhich the anhexed is a printed PERRY San nardino. chardino Dis- THE COURT ORDERS - trict 247 West Civil Division, copy (set in type not smaller than non- Third Same Strcct, that all persons interested in this asabove. has been published in each regu— matter appear before this court CA 924l5, San Bemardino, San pareil), Bemardino hearing indicated below t0 at the lar and entire issue of the Sentinel and show why the peti— cause, if any. IT IS FURTHER OR- change of name should DERED that a copy ofthis order not in any supplement thereof on the tion for bc published in theSan Ber- not bé Any granted. person following date, t0 wit, August 6, 13, name changes objecting to the nardino County Sentinel in San Bemardino County California. August 20 & August 27, 2021. described above must filc a writ— once a week ten objection that includes the tbr four successive weeksprior to the date set for reasons for the objection at least hearing of thc petition two coun days before the matter I cenify under penalty of perjury that is Dated: July 23. 2021 scheduled I0 be heard and must the foregoing istrue and correct. appear show hearing t0 at the Lynn M, Poncin causewhy should the petition Judge OfIhe Superior Coun. W Published inSan Ber- the nardinoCounty on Sentinel Dated at Upland, California, 0n August 08/06/21. 08/20 08/13/21, & W 31; 2021. 08/27/21, Mark Gutglueck, Publisher \i \(A CLW' ,9 “a Q" J&‘o 500% <9; MMO Q“ 0x00 a& <0 0 0% 6‘ 9) 2y 1904400» 2/ 4% 6‘ [bagé