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  • **Complex/Class Action Paga** Garner -v- Angel View, Inc. et al Print Complex Civil Unlimited  document preview
  • **Complex/Class Action Paga** Garner -v- Angel View, Inc. et al Print Complex Civil Unlimited  document preview


V' \r mo' Su n ' a ctto egra olution . Wsettlementisf ' 9W 9, 10. Garner v. Angel View, Inc. D SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA ClVDS-1 935378 COUNTY 0F SAN BERNARDINO CIVSB-2110984 NOV 1 8 2021 Motion for Approval of PAGA Settlement BY J A LES, UTY Tentative Ruling: Grant, subject to resolution of the issues addressed below: The motion states that there are “approximately" 1,010 aggrieved employees. As this is a motion for approval (not preliminary approval as in a class action settlement), counsel must advise the court of the exact number of aggrieved employees. Counsel should also advise the court of the total number of pay-periods during the PAGA period for all aggrieved employees collectively. (The exposure analysis uses 29,000 pay periods; counsel should confirm whether this is correct.) The request for $20,000 in “incentive” fees isexcessive. Many courts do not award incentive fees at all in PAGA only cases because the named representative isa substitute for the State. This court, however, considers incentive fees to be appropriate, but not in the amount sought. The court will award $5,000 to each named representative. The court denies the request forjudicial notice (Exb. A, B, and C) on relevance grounds. There is also no statutory basis forjudicial notice of Exhibit C. The issue does not affect the outcome of the motion. The court has questions about the costs set forth in the Suh Declaration, Exb. B: Counsel should explain the nature of the First Legal charge for $2,290.74. Copies at $0.10 per page is excessive. The court will award costs for copies at $0.06 per page. The charges for “printing” should be reduced accordingly. Counsel should recalculate the costs for copying and printing. Counsel should confirm that the mileage charges for court appearances were “in person” appearances, not via CourtCall. Suh has not provided a Iodestar analysis. Nevertheless, the requested fee is appropriate under the common fund doctrine and based on Campbell’s analysis. Page 3 of 5 CVSZ6111821