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  • Felix Peralta v. Rohan Watt Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Felix Peralta v. Rohan Watt Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Felix Peralta v. Rohan Watt Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Felix Peralta v. Rohan Watt Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview


FILED: NEW ,.-OURT YORK COUNTY CLERK OF 07/30/2018 NEW YORK 01:59 PM INDEX NO. 154815/2018 OURT OF THE STATE NYSCEF DOC. NO. dF 3NEW YORK RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/30/2018 X Index Number /5Vg/5 I g a Plaintiff - against - ANSWER go h af) Ada.'jp Defendant x . . As and fo is her answer to the complaint herein, the defendant, . respectfully shows and alleged as follows: . Admits the truth of the allegations of Paragraphs(s) of the complaint. ----. Denies knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the allegations of liGFSf6f7/35/677 Îf the complaint. Paragraph(s) 'SSS Denies the allegations of phg)~ Paragraph(s)tf3fsF4pf>5/97ŽÉf the complaint. ~AIP t D hA«» Q 95R, r hhgt 'P«P gh ~ lU 6 «PP o «fg 4I Lg)». Cegld orC.w 0 l4 K C ' r x ') '( Ca3% t VC) c,C i 4m 8 r C.L4,Qrl eau 64irlq. ' Qn e. t ~ s &~st 0 I/ I o~ gp e n a) v ~~+as b r;~r- S-~-E- 5-~ .-<>~~3-<>~~3 — —5 2-11 Address and telephone number VERIFICATION .4 deposes and says: ;,; being duly sworn, I am the defendant. I have read the foregoing answer and know the contents thereof. The same are true to my knowledge, except as to matters therein stated to be alleged ori information and belief and as to those matters I believe them to be true. . . . I [sign our name in front of a Notary [print your name] Sworn to before me on day of ,20]E ,20ftg 20p jOHN W. GRACI Notary Public, Storeof New York No. 6617550 Qualified in New York . Count Commission ExpiresMay 31, 2 N ry Public Answer 2-11 3 of 7 ' FILED: COUNTY Ui- NEW NEWYORKYONK COUNTY CLERK 07/30/2018 01:59 PM Index Number INDEX . NO. 154815/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 3 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/30/2018 UV'/ f5 i'm 2 Okan ~< dt- aintiff . AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE after - against - COMMENCEMENT of LITlGATION FE U A Pe Rg74 Defendant STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF ss: sworn,' I,[name of person who served papers] b0 han lJ odt , being duly sworn, and say: I am over years of age and am a 3 depose 18 not arty to this case. . ." E I reside at [your address la y JL{ ¼5T Broomyr1 !0'yl2' S1 s1 Ng // -- On [date of service] 7 /7d ,, at [time of day] /.2 27AM / ed a true copy of the following papers: [Identify papers served) ~ (c 4 V ~ , inthe following manner, [check box that applies] a Personal By personally delivering the papers to [identify person served] Service at [address] The individual I served had the following characteristics [check one box In each category]: ~Se Height Weicht · age .S_ee2 - 5" - a Male o Under a Under 100 Ibs. a 21 34 years 5'O"- 5'3" - a Female a o 100 -130 lbs. a 35 50 years 5'4"- 5'8" - a 0 131 -160 60 Ibs. a 51 65 years 5'9"- 6'0" - a 60 a 161 200 Ibs. o Over 65 years 6' a Over a Over 200 Itis. [describe]: Skin color Hair color Other identifying features, ifany [describe]: fgail By mailing the same in a sealed envelope, with postage prepaid thereon, in a post office or official depository of the U.S. Postal Service within the State of New York, addressed to the last-known address of the addressee(s) indicated below: 3 Overnight By depositing the same with an overnight delivery service in a wrapper properly addressed. Said ' Definiery delivery was made prior to the latest time designated by the overnight delivery service for overnight Service delivery. The delivery service used was [name of service] Name(s) and address(es) of person(s) served by maillovernight delivery] er 'e V 0 qantM Avenu >Sui f s o jve w yay 3 yer-I loo z7 afe New York worn to before e this County' 2618 >618 of Ne uE ty w York l '~ay of PS [sign name efore otary] ac.ssXa. ~ 6 Notary Pttltilc Prtlgc [print your name A ÓRTEGA 446 4-06 Notary lip. State of New York Reg. alt) ihttl030R6355762 Qualified in New York County Cptytmihhiott Cpmmishiot) tt xpirus larplt Mart,'h l3,20& 4 of 7 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 07/30/2018 01:59 PM INDEX NO. 154815/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 3 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/30/2018 VERIFICATION . . STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ss: o 4- sworn, deposes and says: , being duly I am the/a defendant in the above-entitled action. I have read the foregoing answer and . know the contents thereof. The same are true to my knowledge, except as to matters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and as to those matters I believe them to be true. . [sign your name in front of a Notary] [print your name] Sworn to before me this day of , 20 JOHN W. GRACf Notory Public, Stateof New York No. 6617550 Quotified in -' pew Notarý Pubhc York Count Commissionon ExpiresMoy 31, 2d } Su(Demons Co~~ 5 of 7 FILED: NEW INDEX NO. 154815/2018 SUPREME COURT YORKOF THE COUNTY STATE OF CLERK NEW YORK07/30/2018 01:59 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 3 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/30/2018 COUN.Ty OF.NEW YORK -----2------------------------------------------------------------------x Index Number , [fillin name(s)] Plaintiff(s), - against- AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE AFTER COMMENCEMENT OF UTlGATION [fillin namels)] Defendant(s) -X STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF ss: I,[name of person who served papers] , being duly sworn, depose and say: I am over 18 years of age and am not a party to this case. I reside at [your address] .. On , 20_, [date of service], at AM/PM [time of day), I served a true copy of the following papers [identify papers served] , in the following manner [check box that applies]: a the. Personal By personally delivering the papers to [identify person served) Service at [address] . The individual I served had the following characteristics [check one box in each category] Sex . Height Weight Age a 5' a a - Male a Under Under 100 Ibs. 21 34 years a 5'0" - 5'3" a - a - Female a 100 130 lbs. 35 50 years 5'4" - 5'8" ¤ - o - o 131 160 lbs. 51 61 years 5'9" - 6'0" a - ¤ a 161 200 lbs., Over 61 years a 6' a Over Over 200 lbs. Color of skin [describe] Hair color Other identifying features, if any [describe]: a M_àl By the same in a sealed envelope, with postage prepaid thereon, in a post office or official mailing depository of the U.S. Postal Service within the State of New York, addressed to the last-known address of the addressee(s) indicated below: a Overnight By the same with an overnight delivery service in a wrapper properly addressed. Said depositing Delivery delivery was made prior to the latest time designated by the overnight delivery service for overnight Service delivery. The delivery service used was [name of delivery service] [Name(s) and address(es) of person(s) served by mail/ovemight delivery] Sworn to before me this .day of , 20_ [sign your name before a Notary] Notary Public [print your name] Summons. Complaint - l/2014 6 of 7 rC FILED:. NEW a YORK Emerve .t~erve copy on COUNTY plaintiff-S CLERK attorney, Or there 07/30/2018 if is none 01:59 On. aintlTT. PM Inen rae INDEXWith original, NO. pr154815/2018 Clerk' NYSCEF DOC. of NO. service,3 in the General Clerk's Office, Room RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/30/2018 ' ~ V SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK --.--------.....---------------------------------------------------------x Index Number /5-/-I-3.\5 /2-o\¶( felitre¾u [fillin name(s)] Plaintiff(s), r . . ---:-- - NOTICE OF APPEARANCE ~P d:p RVP ~qTt [fillin name(s)) Defendant(s). --------------------------------------------------------------------------× . . . Sir / Madam: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the undersigned Defendant hereby appears in the above-entitled . . action and demands that a copy of the Verified Complaint and alf other papers in this action be served upon the.Defendant at the address stated below: Dated: '4 'J 5, ,201 Defendant [sign you . (Unrepresented) ame] your name) . g, sc 0+rt ~4 s 6~ it - (al-- (t,g.g (/gal ) S~ 5 u-a 8~g- g- $3 rI [your address and telephone number) To: Attorney for Plaintiff / Plaintiff [name, address, telephone number] . Suaunons.Complaint Surnrnons.Complaint - 1/2014 7 of 7