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  • Hector Rivera v. Brill Physical Therapy, P.C., John Doe Torts - Other Negligence (Personal Injury) document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 07/05/2018 03:32 PM INDEX NO. 154819/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/05/2018 . LAW OFFICE OF JACK L. COHEN CHARLES J. SIEGEL sEL×i^MOY NIKOLAOSDiotwTis RicHARD D. O'CONNELL A CNA LITlGATION COUNSEL OFFICE * CATHY GALLAGilER HEATlfER M. PAL×tORE -7" LORETTAHOrtlNGER 125 BROAD STREET 7 FLOOR REEDPODELL STEPlgANIEA. JOHNSON NEw YORK, NY 10004 TilOMAS RYAN JULIEKEEGAN BilAVLEEN K. SABigARwAL MAIN: (212)440-2350 ALFREDLE¾YN CHARLESJ. SIEGEL FAX: (866)603-8595 PHILIPMENNA JoYLYN wRIGHT *CNA is a registered service mark of CNA Financial Corporation. Attomeys are employees of Continental Casualty Company. company authorized to use the CNA service mark. an underwriting July 5, 2018 LAW OFFICES OF JAY H. TANENBAUM 14 Wall Street, Suite 5F New York, NY 10005 RE: ~M Rivera 'I ~8v.~ Brill ~ Physical OO14$W ~ Therapy, P.C. Index No.: 154819/2018 Our File#: 1171420582 Dear Counselors: Our office is in receipt of your correspondence, dated July 2, 2018, in which you indicate that a complaint was served in regards to the above mentioned matter. Please be advised that the Summons with Notice method that you chose to commence this action by is not the equivalent to the Summons and Complaint method. Pursuant to CPLR §3012(b), If the complaint is not served with the summons, the defendant may serve a written demand for the complaint within the time provided in subdivision (a) of rule 320 for an appearance. Service of the complaint shall be made within twenty days after service of the demand. Service of the demand shall extend the time to appear until twenty days after service of the complaint. Ifno demand is made, the complaint shall be served within twenty days after service of the notice of appearance. Our office filed and served a Notice of Appearance and Demand for Complaint on June 29, 2018. We ask that you please serve a proper Verified Complaint upon our office within the time frame set forth in the CPLR to avoid any unnecessary judicial intervention. Titisis a good fairly effort to resolve titis issue in titis matter without unnecessary court intervention and/or motion practice. Your anticipated cooperation isappreciated. Very truly yours, Selma Moy SM,'prl 1 of 1