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  • Rosa Peralta v. P & M Classic Pizza & Restaurant Inc, Aw Holding Lp, The City Of New York, New York City Department Of Transportation, New York City Department Of Parks And Recreation Torts - Other (Trip & Fall) document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 08/01/2019 04:58 PM INDEX NO. 155016/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 37 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/01/2019 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK Index No.: 155016/2018 ROSA PERALTA, Plaintift[s), STIPUL_ATIO_N DISCONTINUING -against- ACT_J.OJ[ P&M CLASSIC PlZZA & RESTAURANT INC., AW HOLDING L.P., THE CITY OF NEW YORK, NEW YORK CITY DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, and NEW YORK CITY DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION, Defendant(s). IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED AND AGREED by and between the undersigned, theparties or the attorneysofrecord forall thepatties inthe above entitledaction,to settlethe above entitledaction for the sum of USS 50,000.00 (Fifty thousand dollars) to be .paid by the defendents to the plaintiffin settlement ofallclaims; IT IS HEREBY FURTHER STIPULATED AND AGREED by and between the undersigned, the partiesor the attorney ofrecord forallthe parties inthe above entitledaction,that whê ena no party hereto is aninfant,incompetent person forwhom a committee has been appointed or conservatee and no person not a party has an interestin thesubject matter of theaction, the above entitledaction be and the same hereby is discontinued with prejudice.This stipsiatics,may be filedwithout further noticewith the Clerk ofthe Court. Dated: New York, New York July 25th,2019 By: By: J o o ath, Esq. Enrique 0. Gu 6, Esq. ann osenf#rb & Drossman GùerrerÅ& Rose garten Attorneys Att y(s) forDefendant Attorney(s) for Plaintiff A HOLDING L.P. ROSA PERALTA 7th I 0 William Street, FlOOT Office & P.O. Address 7" New York NY 10038 363 Seventh Avenue Floor Tel: (212) 655-5000 New York NY 10001 Tel: (212) 777 7000 By: . a dtu By: Eleni M. Hatzis, Esq. Zach ry W. Carter, Esq. McManus Ateshoglou Ale]]o & Apostolakos PLLC Corporation Counsel Attorney(s) for Defendant Attorney(s) for Defendants P&M CLASSIC PIZZA & RESTAURANT INC THE CITY OF NEW YORK, 25* 48 Wall Street, Floor NEW YORK CITY DEPARTMENT OF New York NY 10005 TRANSPORTATION, NEW YORK CITY Tel: (212) 425-3100 DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND Your File No. UFIC21996 RECREATION 100 Church Street New York NY 10007 Law Dept File No. 20]8-067471 1 of 1