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Filing # 110762646 E-Filed 07/24/2020 02:04:25 PM IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINETEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA LEAH M. HUBBARD CASE NO. 312619CA000232 (CONSOLIDATED WITH CASE NO. 2018CC001057) Plaintiff CIVIL DIVISION vs. E. CLAYTON YATES, P.A. Defendant(s). / MOTION FOR REHEARING ON E. CLAYTON YATES MOTION TO TAX COSTS, AND MOTION TO ABATE COMES NOW the Plaintiff, LEAH M. HUBBARD respectfully moves this Honorable Court to grant this Motion for Rehearing on E. Clayton Yates Motion to Tax Costs, and Motion to Abate pursuant to F.R.C.P. §1.540 and F.R.C.P. §1.530, and in support thereof states as follows: | LA thotion for rehearing pursuant to Fla.R.Civ.P. 1.530 calls to the court’s attention “any error, omission, or oversight that may have been committed” in a final order and broadly provides the trial court an opportunity to reconsider its ruling. Balmoral Condo. Ass'n v. Grimaldi, 107 So.3d 1149, 1151 (Fla. 3d DCA 2013) (quoting Langer v. Aerovias, 8.A., 584 So.2d 175, 176 (Fla. 3d DCA 1991)). A motion for rehearing is timely when filed no later than 15 days after the filing of the judgment in a non-jury action. Fla.R.Civ.P. 1.530(b). 2. On July 2, 2020, the Court erred in the following ways: a) By overlooking the interlocking common issues of fact and law, ineffective assistance of counsel, in case numbers number 312018CC001057, 312019CA000232,b) °) d) e) Ly) 8) 312017CF000922A and 312017CF001265A when making a determination of entitlement to attorney’s fees and tax costs in the above captioned case. By overlooking material facts in case number 312018CC001057 which this Court consolidated with case number 312019CA000232 and by considering the material facts a separate issue for a separate court to determine. The consolidated cases were not separated for trial or hearings in the Orders dated July 10, 2019 and Clarified on July 22, 2019 and was not disposed of by subject of Order in granting the Defendant’s Final Summary Judgment or by the serving of a Proposal for Settlement in this case. By overlooking the material facts and prejudice to the Plaintiff in case number 312018CC001057 when determining that the omission of a list of specific causes of action or release in the Proposal for Settlement was unambiguous. An oversight was committed when Jeffrey K. Rubin, Esquire denied the Limited Notice of Appearance filed by John Lurvey, Esquire and Jeffrey K. Rubin, Esquire for representation of E, Clayton Yates, P.A. in case number 312018CC001057. By stating on court record that the material facts in case number 312018CC001057 were not germane to the present case before the Court and would be sent back to the county court for the common issues of fact and law together with the remaining material facts not germane to the current case to be resolved. In overlooking the violation of the Plaintiff's due process rights in failing to litigate any material facts in case number 312018CC001057, as consolidated with case number 312019CA000232, which has prejudiced the Plaintiff. By entering an Order Granting Defendant, E. Clayton Yates, P.A.’s Motion to Tax Costs, and, Final Judgment as to Taxable Costs in Favor of the Defendant, E. ClaytonYates, P.A. and an Order Granting Defendant, E. Clayton Yates, P.A.’s Motion to Determine Entitlement to Attorney’s Fees granting E. Clayton Yates, P.A.’s Motion which is not ripe because of the common issue of law and fact (ineffective assistance of counsel) and overlooking case law regarding additional requirements to Section 768.79, Florida Statutes and Rule 1.442 of the Florida Rules of Procedure which make the Proposal for Settlement ambiguous and made in bad faith. FACTS 3. On April 20, 2018, the Plaintiff filed a Statement of Claim for unpaid Invoices for Freelance Paralegal services provided by the Plaintiff to the Defendant in 2017. Case number 312018CC001057. 4, On May 23, 2018, the Defendant filed an Answer, Affirmative Defenses and Counter- Claim for attorney’s fees for criminal legal representation of the Plaintiff and asked the Court to move the case to the county court. 5. On May 29, 2018, the Court ordered the case to be transferred to county court. 6. On December 17, 2018, the Plaintiff amended the Statement of Claim to drop Independent Services of Vero Beach, LLC as a Plaintiff per Judge Morgan’s orders. 7. February 21, 2019, the Plaintiff filed the Second Amended Complaint to add Count 1 & 2 to include the circumstances regarding criminal case number 2017CF000922A and 2017CF001265A together with reimbursement of criminal attorney’s fees paid by the Plaintiff to the Defendant which the Defendant did not apply to the billing for the criminal representation as agreed upon in the quid pro quo agreement. 8. In addition, the Court ordered the Plaintiff to amend the Statement of Claim/Complaint several times for more definitive statements for the Defendant.9. On March 19, 2019, the Plaintiff filed a Complaint for Malpractice against the Defendant in civil court, case number 312019CA000232., 10. On April 4, 2019, John A. Lurvey, Esquire and Jeffrey K. Rubin, Esquire of the law firm of Conroy and Simberg filed their Notice of Appearance on behalf of the Defendant for case number 312019CA000232. 11. On April 22, 2019, the Defendant filed a Motion to Dismiss the Complaint for Legal Maipractice. 12. On May 6, 2019, Jeffrey K. Rubin, Esquire filed a Motion to Consolidate case number 312018CC001057 with case number 312019CA000232 (Legal Malpractice) stating “when actions involving a common question of law or fact are pending before the Court, it may order a joint hearing or trial of any or all matters in issue in the action; it may order all actions consolidated; and it may make such orders concerning proceedings therein as may tend to avoid unnecessary costs or delay. Fla. R. Civ. P. 1.270(a). As provided in Rule 1.270(a), there are two major conditions that must exist before the trial Judge may enter an order of consolidation: (1) each of the actions must be pending before the court; and, (2) the actions must involve a common question of law or fact. Id The purpose of consolidating cases to minimize expense and delay. See Wagner v. Nova University. Inc, 397 So.2d 375 (Fla. 4° DCA 1981).” 13. On June 17, 2019, Jeffrey K. Rubin, Esquire of Conroy and Simberg filed a Limited Notice of Appearance on behalf of E. Clayton Yates, PA for case number 312018CC001057 and the court Summary reflects that Jefferey K. Rubin, Esquire and John A. Lurvey, Esquire are representing the Counter-Claim Plaintiff and the Defendant, E. Clayton Yates for case number 312018CC001057. The Limited Notice of Appearance fails to list each aspect of the court casefor which an attorney has appeared and/or the expiration of the time period set forth in the notice of limited representation. 14. Jeffrey K. Rubin, Esquire and John Lurvey, Esquire failed to file a Notice of Termination of Limited Appearance or Representation or by Order of Withdrawal pursuant to Fla. R. Jud. Admin 2.505. 15. On June 24, 2019, the Court denied the Defendant’s Motion to Dismiss the Plaintiff's Complaint for Legal Malpractice and proceeded without the Plaintiff's exoneration from case numbers 312017CF000922A and 312017CFO01265A. 16. On June 25, 2019, the Defendant filed an Answer to Complaint with no request for attorney’s fees or costs. 17. On July 9, 2019, the Court granted the Defendant’s Motion to Consolidate and in the Order filed on July 10, 2019, states that “this case is consolidated with case number 312018CC001057, Leah Hubbard v. E. Clayton Yates, PA, before the circuit court case referred above”. Copies were furnished to Jeffrey K. Rubin, Esquire of Conroy Simberg. Further, the Order is silent as to the whether any or alf actions consolidated will be heard at a joint trial, separate trials or hearings or whether the cases were consolidated for judicial economy. 18. On July 22, 2019, the Court filed a Clarified Order on Defendant, E. Clayton Yates, PA’s Motion to Consolidate and Second Order to Submit Agreed Case Management Plan and Order which did not clarify whether any or all actions consolidated will be heard at a joint trial, separate trials or hearings or whether the cases were consolidated for judicial economy. 19. On July 30, 2019, the Defendant filed the Defendant’s Motion for Final Summary Judgment for the Plaintiff's failure to obtain exoneration in the criminal court prior to filing the legal malpractice case. There were material facts remaining from the consolidated case number312018CC001057 which were not heard or addressed in the Defendant’s Motion for Final Summary Judgment. 20. On August 2, 2019, the Defendant filed a Proposal for Settlement Offer which was ambiguous and not made in good faith. There are material facts which remain in case number 312018CC001057 which was consolidated with 2019CA000232. These material facts are outstanding Invoices due to the Plaintiff for freelance paralegal work for the Defendant and the Defendant’s counter-claim for attorney’s fees. These actions are not germane to a common question of law or fact pending before the Court in case number 312019CA000232. Further, the Court's Order is silent regarding which material facts are consolidated and/or heard before the Court or whether there will be separate trials. 21. On October 10, 2019, this Court heard the Defendant's Motion for Summary Final Judgment with prejudice and entered an Order Granting Defendant, E. Clayton Yates, P.A.’s Motion for Final Summary Judgment without prejudice and Final Judgment in Favor of Defendant per the Court’s transcript allowing the Plaintiff to pursue exoneration in case numbers 312017CF000922A and 312017CF001265A and re-file the action. 22. On October 18, 2019, the Defendant filed Defendant’s Motion to Determine Entitlement to Attorney’s Fees and Motion for Entry of Attorney’s Fees Judgment. 23. On October 21, 2019, the Defendant filed Defendant’s Motion to Tax Costs. 24. On October 29, 2019, the Defendant filed a Notice of Hearing, Motion Calendar, for November 8, 2019 at 8:30 a.m. for Defendant’s Motion to Tax Costs and Defendant’s Motion to Determine Entitlement to Attorney’s Fees and Motion for Entry of Attorney’s Fees Judgment. 25. On November 8, 2019 at 8:30 a.m. the Plaintiff and the Defendant’s counsel were present before this Court and both parties made argument regarding the Motion to Tax Costs andDefendant’s Motion to Determine Entitlement to Attorney’s Fees and Motion for Entry of Attorney’s Fees Judgment. This Court determined that the hearings were not ripe because the Plaintiff was seeking exoneration in the criminal court Indian River County which has not been resolved. No Order was entered by this Court to reflect this ruling. 26. On July 2, 2020, the Court heard argument from the Plaintiff and the Defendant on the Defendant’s Motion for Entitlement to Attorney’s fees and Motion to Tax Costs. The Plaintiff argued that the Proposal for Settlement was ambiguous and not made in good faith. Further argument was that the Proposal for Settlement was ambiguous because if failed to list all claims with specificity on the Proposal for Settlement or attach a release specifically listing the claims that the Defendant was proposing to release. The Plaintiff continued to argue that the material facts and facts not germane in case number 312018CC001057 were merged with case number 312019CA000232 that were not specifically addressed in the Proposal for Settlement which sought to dispose of any and all claims relating to E. Clayton Yates, P.A. 27. On July 10, 2020, this Court entered an Order Granting Defendant, E. Clayton Yates, P.A.’s Motion to Tax Costs, and, Final Judgment as to Taxable Costs in Favor of the Defendant, E. Clayton Yates, P.A. and an Order Granting Defendant, E. Clayton Yates, P.A.’s Motion to Determine Entitlement to Attorney’s Fees granting E. Clayton Yates, P.A.’s Motion and determining that the Proposal for Settlement was in compliance with the requirements in Section 768.79, Florida Statutes and Rule 1.442 of the Florida Rules of Procedure. ARGUMENT F.R.C.P 1.270 states “(b) Separate Trials. The court in furtherance of convenience or to avoid prejudice may order a separate trial of any claim, crossclaim, counterclaim, or third-party claim or of any separate issue or of any number of claims, crossclaims, counterclaims, third- party claims, or issues.Florida Statute 768.79 7(a) states: “If a party is entitled to costs and fees pursuant to the provisions of this section, the court may, in its discretion, determine that an offer was not made in good faith. In such case, the court may disallow an award of costs and attorney's fees.” “This statute was interpreted by Schmidt v. Fortner, 629 So. 2d_1036, 1040 (Fla. 4th DCA 1993), to mean that the legislature has created a mandatory right to attorney's fees, if the statutory prerequisites have been met. Once the statutory prerequisites have been met, the only discretion afforded the trial court by section (7)(a) is the authority to disallow the attorney fee award when an offer is not made in "good faith. The Court opined further in Schmidt to state: “Tt is under subsection (7) of section 768.79 that Fortner says he finds his support for the trial judge's denial of fees in this case. He argues that under subsection (7) the court is given discretion to decline an award of fees. In this he is certainly partially correct. Subsection (7)(a) provides that: "(a) If a party is entitled to costs and fees pursuant to the provisions of this section, the court may, in its discretion, determine that an offer was not made in good faith. In such case, the court may disallow an award of costs and attorney's fees." This provision does indeed allow the court in its discretion to disallow an award of attorney's fees, but only if if determines that a qualifving offer "was not made in good faith." That is the sole basis on which the court can disallow an entitlement to an award of fees. In that circumstance, however, a "not in good faith" offeror though prima facie entitled to fees under section 768.79(7) has lost that entitlement because the offeree has succeeded in persuading the trial judge that the offeror acted without good faith.!°! His entitlement to fees has thus been disallowed because his intentions have been shown to be "not in good faith."1. As stated in Paragraph #3 Conditions: Upon acceptance of this Offer/Proposal, Plaintiff, Leah M. Hubbard, shall enter into a Stipulation dismissing with prejudice all pending claims against Defendant, E. Clayton Yates, P.A. is ambiguous. The condition does not precisely delineate what claims are being released, particularly where additional actions or claims are available to the claimant and including all claims against Defendant, E, Clayton Yates, P.A. in case number 3018CC001057 which was consolidated with the above captioned case. Further, the Defendant failed to attach a release form to the Proposal for Settlement. In Jones v, Publix Supermarkets, Inc., 68 So.3d 422 (Fla. 4" DCA 2011), the Court held that “We continue to observe that it is the preferred practice to set forth the terms of a release with particularity, either within the body of the proposal or by attaching the form of the release. However, based upon the specific facts of this case, we reverse and remand for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.” Further stated in Jones v. Publix Supermarkets, Inc., 68 So.3d 422 (Fla. 4" DCA 2011), “The trial court, while noting that "everybody understands who is being released and who isn't", concluded that he was constrained by our decision in Papouras _v. Bellsouth Telecommunications., Inc. 940_So. 24_479_(Fla. 4th DCA 2006), and denied Jones’ motion because the release was neither summarized nor attached to the proposal for settlement. Our review of this denial is de novo. Papouras, 940 So.2d at 480. In those cases where the release provisions contained within a proposal for settlement were deemed to be ambiguous, either there existed additional claims by and between the parties, or other related parties remained potentially liable and those claims might not be extinguished by the release.”WHEREFORE, the Plaintiff prays that this Motion for Rehearing on E. Clayton Yates Motion to Tax Costs and Motion to Abate and for any other further relief this Court deems just and proper. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing has been furnished by e- service to Jeffrey K. Rubin, Esq. and this 29" day of July, 2020. 3a \ 5820 33% Street Vero Beach, FL 32966 407-866-4931 leahhubbard0706@gmail.comFiling # 110081036 E-Filed 07/10/2020 02:57:11 PM IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 312019CA00232 (CONSOLIDATED WITH CASE NO. 2018 CC 001057) LEAH M. HUBBARD, Plaintiff, v. E. CLAYTON YATES, P.A., Defendant. / ORDER GRANTING DEFENDANT, E. CLAYTON YATES, P.A.’S, MOTION TO TAX COSTS. AND, FINAL JUDGMENT AS TO TAXABLE COSTS IN FAVOR OF THE DEFENDANT, E. CLAYTON YATES. P.A. THIS CAUSE having come on to be heard on the Defendant, E. CLAYTON YATES, P.A.’s, Motion to Tax Costs, with the Court having reviewed the Motion and its attachments, having heard the argument of counsel on July 7, 2020, and being otherwise advised in the premises, it is hereupon, ORDERED and ADJUDGED that the Defendant, E. CLAYTON YATES, P.A.’s, Motion to Tax Costs is GRANTED. A court reporter was present for the hearing on this Motion held on July 7, 2020.CASE NO. 312019CA00232 ORDER GRANTING DEFENDANT, E. CLAYTON YATES, P.A.’S, MOTION TO TAX COSTS, AND, TAXABLE COST JUDGMENT IN FAVOR OF THE DEFENDANT IT 1S ADJUDGED that the Defendant, E. CLAYTON YATES, P.A. recover from the Plaintiff, LEAH M. HUBBARD, taxable costs in the amount of $240.00. These sums shall bear interest at the statutory rate for which let execution issue. DONE AND ORDERED in Chambers, at Vero Beach, Indian River County, Florida, this day of , 2020. eSigned by JANET CARNEY CROOM 07/10/2020;14:56:50 neznfBu- HONORABLE JANET CARNEY CROOM CIRCUIT COURT JUDGE Copies furnished to: Jeffrey K. Rubin, Esquire, Conroy Simberg, Defendant’s counsel, 1801 Centrepark Drive East, Suite 200, West Palm Beach, FL 33401,, Leah M. Hubbard, Piaintiff Pro Se,, 2046 79th Avenue, Vero Beach, FL 32966 E. Clayton Yates, Esq., Counsel for Defendant / Counter-Plaintiff in consolidated case,, Fee, Yates & Fee, PLLC, 426 Avenue A, Fort Pierce, FL 349502019 cA 900232 - HUBBARD, LEAH M NS. YATES, E CLAYTON PA “SUMMARY “Judge: CROOM, JANETC” "Case Type: MALPRACTICE - OTHER PROPESSIONAI Case Number: 2019 CA 000232 Uniferm Case Number: 342019CA000232X000XX Clerk File Date: 3/19/2019 Status Date: 6/19/2020 SAO Case Number: Total Fees Due: 0.00 Agency Report, PARTY MAME ATTORNEY HUBBARD, LEAH E CLAYTON YATES PA YATES LA FRA YATES, E CLAYTON PA INDEPENDENT SERVICES oF VERO BEACH sc HUBBARD, LEAH LOCATION RESULT Events an Case | CASE HISTORY 1 NUMBER CHARGE DESCRIPTION CASE S DISPOSITION NEXT EVENT ALERTS | € No Additionat Cases CASEDOCKETS pare euTRY 7/90/2020 ORDER GRANTING DEFENDANT, E CLAYTON YATES PA'S MOTION TO TAX COSTS, AND FINAL JUDGMENT AS TO TAXABLE COSTS IN PAVOR OF THE DEPENDANT, £0 CLAYTON YATES PA ~ Recorded (OR.3317.199%. / 3120200039212} : 771672020 ~~ ORDER GRANTING DEFENDANT, E CLAYTON VATES PA'S MOTION TO DETERMINE ENTITLEMENT TO ATTORNEYS FEES: - ee — 6725/2020 ORDER SPECIALLY SETTING HEARING B/1972020 ~~ CASE REOPENED FOR S/AS7I0I0 MOTION TG STRIKE NOTICE OF HEARING, TELEPHONE $F: APPOINTMENT-30 MINUTE RESERVED 6/9/2020 ~~ NOTICE OF HEARING VIA TELEPHONE SPECIAL APPOINTMENT - 30 MINUTES RESERVED ‘APBOINTMENT-20 MINUTE RESERVED AND NOTICE OF HEARING, TELEPHONE SPECIAL 6/19 79020 NOTICE OF HEARING VIA TELEPHONE SPECIAL APPOINTMENT = 20 MINUTES RESERVED 2728/2628 NOTICE GF CANCELTATION HEARING SPECIAL APPOINTMENT “2720/2020 MOTIGN TO STRIKE NOTICE OF REARING, SPECIAL APPOINTMENT-15 MINUTE RESERVED ~ “D972020 NOTICE OF HEARING ~ TA8/0oIs NOTICE OF HEARING “OFESHIO1T NOTICE OF HEARING MOTION CALENDAR” ~~ “{0/2172019 DEFENDANTS MOTION TO TAX Wis PRATER RESPONSE 10 DEFENDANTS MOTION TO DETERMINE ENTITLEMENT TO ATTORNEYS’ FEES AND MOTION FOR ENTRY OF ATTORHES' FEE Jap CHERT™ WOBIIT “ABHIS/2019 ~~ CASE CLOSED “FO7TSTRTE GROER GN DEFENDANT, E CLAYTON YATES, BAS, MOTION FOR FINAL SUMMARY JUDGHEN JOFTS/2019 ORDER GRANTING DEFENDANT, E. CLAYTON YATES, BLAS, MOTION FOR FINAL SUMMARY JUDGIMENT, AND, FINAL JUDGMENT “ Recorded (OR.3246.749. ¢ 3120190060495) ____. a ns ns smite 1/1/2019 RECEIPT (FOR CD SUBPOENAED BY PLF SENT TO. CERRY “FOGIGTS ROTICE OF WHTHORAWAL OF LIMITED NOTICE OF “YOPATIOTS ATTORNEY PRO SE DEACTIVATED ~ ~ “FG7T 01S ~~ PLAINTIEFS MOTION TO STRIKE THE DEFENDANTS SWORN APRIDAVT IN SUPPORT OF THE DEFENDANTS FINAL SUMMARY JUDGMENT” 167772019" DEFENDANTS RESPONSE TO PLAINTIFFS ‘REPLY RERIORANDUUR AS TO FLAINTIFES MOTIONS FOR CONTINUANCEoN DATE ENTRY 383 10/1/2019 PLAINTIFF'S RESPONSE TO DEFENDANT'S MEMORANDUM OF LAW IN OPPOSITION TO PLAINTIFFS AMENDED MOTION FOR CONTINUANCE | ya 9/30/2019” DEFENDANTS SUPPLEMENTAL MEMORANDUM OF LAW IN OPPOSITION TO BLAINTIFES MOTION FOR CONTINUANCE a ~ 1a) 972772019” NOTICE OF UNAVAILABILITY — ~~ agg 87/281 “EOF URAVAILABIENTY” “AMENDED MOTION FOR CONTINUANCE —~ 77 ARES “376 BIOS G95” GAR7RGIS~ ~~ ORDER DENYING PLAINTIFFS MOTION TO STRIKE DEFENDANTS NOTICE OF HEARING ~ G74 S71R72019 DEFENDANT'S RERORAROON 6 ‘OF LAW IN OPPOSITION TO PLAINTIFFS MOTION (0 STRIKE DEFENGANTS NOTICE OF FEARING “yn bAbrz018 ~~ ~~ “yy BF6FOTS 872972019" APEACHMENT “ 8297209 169 89/2019 168 t yey B01 ICE OF SUPPLEMENTAL AUTHORITY 18 SUPPORT MOTION FOR FINAL SOKA | “yen SFAZ72019 DEFENDANTS RESPONGES 1D PLAINTIFFS THIRD #0 REQUES tS Sch PRODUCTION 465 SA6/RBIS AT TACHNERT ~ eq 672019 APEACHMENT™ “463 BeOS BLAINTIFFS RESPONSE TO DEFENDANTS MOTION FOR FINAL SUMMARY JUDGMENT, MOTION TH Liainiia ‘SHAM PLEADING aad MGTION FOR SANCTIONS en BAT 2019 — ~ PB 6 159 B/ZF2019 Bn se Braraais ATTACHE rns Eee “RR 2019 “ATTACHMENT ~ ~ ~— ~ ~ iRequest - 8/12/2019 ~~ PLAINTIFFS AMENDED MOTION FOR LEAVE TO AMEN COMPLAINT TO ADD A CLAIM FOR PUNITIVE DAMAGES AND PROFFER OF EVIDENCE (SAME PARTIES) i ‘(Request “fgg iOS “NOTICE FOR TRIAL —_—_—_—_—_ ~ | Request]... s/it0ie~ “Rian RESPONSE 70 DEFENDANTS MOTION TO DISMISS FOURTH AMENDED STATEMENT OF CLAIN/COMPLAINT FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CAUSE OF ACTION 553 ITH MEMORANDUM OF LAW, MOTION TO STRIKE SHAM PLEADING AND MOTION FOR SANCTIONS FOR PLEADING ABUSES : wn vias "s . i: 482 49 1 ‘ar B/brIOT® meee Request] gq 8/6/2019 ~~ ORDER ON PLAINTIFF'S MOTION TO STAY DISCOVERY” BIBI ‘ORDER ON PLAINTIFF'S MOTION TO COMPEL BETTER RESPONSES TO DISCOVERY ~ i 149 ' ([Regiest] 4, 87572019 PLAINTIFFS SECOND REQUEST FoR PRODUCT ‘BEF APTON VANES PA ee var “8/2/2019” DEFENDANTS RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS SECOND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION ~~ | SERFS (Ceaiest) 145 BRAT (Rawal SS 9 BIT est} 144 443 87272019 GAAIL SENT 70 HUBBARD, . _MSUBPOENA DUCES TECUIM FOR GLOBAL. TEL LINK™™ SUBPOENA ISSUED ‘FIAT DEFENDANTS MOTION FOR FINAL SUMMARY. ADUGHERT T1287 PATENT $2.00 RECEIPT B20T9020287° eee ” ee FPATIAS NOTICE OF HEARING TAOS NOTICE OF HEARING FIT “PLAINTIFF'S MOTION FOR LEAVE TO AMEND COMPLAINT 10 ADD A CLAIM FOR PUNITIVE OAMAGES AND PROFFER OF EVIDENCE AND TO ABD DEFENDANT LAW FIRM AND NEW CAUSE OF ACTION | TGat 40 oe 3 133 ou 7 125 R ~ v Request} y45 “FERRO” CLARIFIED ORDER OH DEFENDANT, E 45 “4 43 ig TAIT ~ RESPONSE TO SECOND REQUEST FOR ABMESIONS FISTS HOTICE OF HERRING = — 32 F/STROVS” DEFENDANT'S NOTICE OF SERVICE OF RESPONSES AND GEUECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS: FREES FOR ‘ADMISSIONS HTERRORETORES “TAFT OROER DENTING 0 FAIRS BUAINTIEFS MOTION TG STRIKE AFFIRMATI Request} 432 30 83 3 2 “Rp an os COURT NOTES 4 23 “6/25/2019” DEFENDANT E CLAYTON YATES BX ANSWER TO THE COMPLAINT AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSES ANG DEMAND FOR TRIAL BY JURY 2 og BRT “BAG BHOPIGTS ~~ DEFENDANTS MOTION TO STAY OR ABATE DISCOVERY ~~ “Siefoie me 1% “4/23720NS ~~ PLAINTIFF'S RESPONSE TO DEFENDANTS MOTION TO DISMISS DAT” —_ FARRIS” DEFENDANT COUNTER -PLAINTIFT'S MOTION TO STRIKE PLAINTIFY COUNTER DEFENDANTS THIRD AMENDED COMPLAINT TITLED AMENDED STATEMENT OF” 41472659 VR | 16 2 123 Ppa 6 3 Ra rf “2 a 20 120 ne 118 7 46 BATE ENTRY FI SERA MOTION TO DISMISS FOURTH AMENDED STATEMENT OF CLAIAUCOMPLAINT FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CAUSE OF ACTIION WITH MEMORANDUM OF CCAYTON YATES, BAS HMOTION TH COSOLIDATE AND SECOND ORDER TO SUBMIT AGREED CASE MANAGEMENT PLAN AND” ____.. ORDER - Recarded ( 3420190043377) 7a NOTIEE OF CANCELLING HEARING ON UNIFORM MOTION CALENDAR ” TAS/IOA9 DEFENDANTS MEMORANDUM OF LAW IN OPPOSITION TO PLAINTEE THSIRAT ~~ NOTICE OF HEARING UNIFORM MOTION CALENDAR FiA8/ 2019 DEFERGANT, E CLAYTON YATES, PA'S MOTION TO OEEM DEFENDANTS SECOND REQUESTS FOR ADMISSIONS TO PLAINTIFF AS ADMITTED AND MOTION FOR S MOTION TO STRIKE AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSES ~ FATTRAS ~~ NOTICE OF PRODUCTION FROM-NON PARTY (8S: 8/2/79) - GLOBAL TEL LINK T2219” DEFENDANT E CLAYTON YATES PAS SECOND REQUEST FOR ADMISSIONS TO PLAINTIFF LEAH M HUBBARD ~ Ti8/2019 NOTICE OF FILING (TRANSCRIPT OF THE NOVEMBER 6, 2017 AND NOVEMBER 7, 2017 HEARING) “Ti5PRAS ~~ DEFENDANTS AMENDED RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS 10 PLAINTIFFS FIRS) FIT ~ SaaS MOTION 7G COMPEL DEFENDANT EC CLAYTON YATES, TER RESPONSES TO REQUEST FOR ADIAISSIONS RETERROGATORIES AND PROVIBE FA “FOE AMENDED STATEMENT OF CLAIA/COMPLAINT (SAME PARTIES) ~~ COUNTERCLAIM PLAINTIFS E CLAYTON YATES PA MOTION TO STIUKE PCAINTIF® COUNTER-DEFENDANTS THIRD AMENDED 0{E) AND FOR INVOLUNTARY DISMAL PURSUANT TO ER.C.R 1.42008) CPMPLAINT TITLED AMENDED STATEMENT OF CLAIM/COMPLAINT PURSANT TO E.R.C.P. 1.5 FAT DEFENDANTS RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS REQUEST TO PRODUCE 6/28/2019” DEFENDANTS RESPONSE AND OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS FIRST REQUEST FOR ADMISSIONS ~ ec BEFEREART™ PLAINTIFFS OBJECTION TO DEFENDANTS MOTION TO APPEAR TELEPHONICALLY” NOTICE OF HEARING UNIFORM MOTION CALENDAR ~~ “DEFENDANTS MOTION TO APPEAR TELEPHONICALLY ~~ PLAINTIFFS FIRST REQUEST FOR -ADHISSIONS? aD B INTERROGATORIES “TO DEFENDANT E CAVTON ATES BA, ~ROTICE OF HEARING ~ SHOr201F 36/2019” aT “S7ZE/2O1S ~~ DEFENOANT, E- CLAYTON YATES BAS FIRST REQUEST FOR ADMISSIONS TO PLANTIFR, LEAH M. HUBBARD” 4722019” GEPENDANT. €. CLAYTON YATES, LACS FIRST REQUEST TO PRODUCE 70 PLAINTIFE, LEAH. HUBBARD ~~ FET NOTICE OF HEARING 422729 DEFENDANTS MOTION TO DISMISS THE COMPLAINT ~ if TO STRIKE AND AND FOR INVOLUNTARY DISMISSAL, PURSUANT TO FRCP 1.420{8) SLAM COMPL ANT PURSUANT TO FRCP 4 40 ‘OF G RESON S/BSTIONS ~~ APTACHRENT ‘3/25/2019 ~~ AMENDED COMPLAINT OF CLAIM 7COMPLAINT “NO CHANGES IN PARTIES” NOTICE OF TRIAL AND ORDER FOR CASE MANAGMENT CONFERENCE ~ 3725/2019" “SPISTI019 ~~” ORDER ON PLAINTIFFS REQUEST FOR LEAVE TO FILE A SECOND AMENDED COMPLAINT AND ON DEFENANTS MOTION FOR MORE DEFINITE STATEMENT ~ MGTION 76 BISNIS SECOND ANENDED COMPLAINT FOR FAILDIRE TO STATE A CAUSE OF ACTION WITH MEMORANOUM OF LAW ~ S/AR/20I9 MOTION FOR REFERRAL TO MEDIATIONhuace om pare ENTRY B3 11 3/21/2019 VERIFIED RETURN OF SERVICE ( E, SLATTOR YATES PA. (Request ] 1 DETIOS NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF HEARING “mmr TAG /2019 ~~ NOTICE GF HEARING “TST2IS NOTICE RE MOTION FOR DEFAULT ~ 1/9/2019 ~~ ROTION FOR DEFAULT THE YATES LAW YATES P.A. RESPONSE FILED" TORT TaN isiaiss ‘MEMORANDUM OF LAW ORDER GRANTING PLAIN T97IOE 2719/2018 ~ ORDER DENVING PLAINTIFFS /COUNTER-CLAIM DEFENDANTS LEAH M HUBBARD & INDEPENDENT SERVICES OF VERO BEACH LLCS MOTION TO STRIKE RE _TO REQUEST FOR ADMISSION AND Y JUDGMENT RATE “ARGS NOTICE OF HEARING ~ TIAZ/2 a RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADMISSIONS BROS” DEFEND: (Regest] ~ TOMS7RHE ~~” NOTICE OF SERVICE OF REQUEST FOR ADAISSIONS nner DEFENDANT COUNTER-PLAINTIFFS NOTION TO STRIKE PLAINTIFF COUNTER DEFENDANTS NOTICE OF HEARING “PERERA C COUNTES PLANTS RESP . “"g7 97572018 ROTICE OF CHANGE OF ADDRESS ~ 86 5/2618 NOTICE GF FEARING ~ ys AES ic gq B/E “a3 e242 RE go 8/6/2018 ~ 6TH ~~ 6/STR018 PAYMENT $295) DEFENDANT ATOR ~ COPY OF ORDER ON MOTION TO TRANSFER CAUSE 70 COUNTY COL 6/5/2018 ~~ 6/4/2018 CASE FILED 06/04/2018 CASE NUMBER 2618 CC COIDEFHAGE DIN DATE ENTRY Bt 71 5/29/2018 —_ORDER-ON MOTION TO TRANSFER CAUSE TO COUNTY COURT Gi 70 3f2472018 STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT 6 B/RAT2018 ~~ PFE LEP DEEP JUDGE GRANTS TRAP TO COUNTY ATTY TO PREPARE ORDER™ 3/3/2018 ~~ VERIFIED RETURN OF SERVICE (WATES TAW FIRM SVD: 4/24/18) “COPY OF SLINS ATTACHED - ADVISED BLF ORIGINAL NEEDED” ot 4/23/2018 go 42872018 Pr “yo arsaOIe i 58 “FACALLED BLFF an oo APPALEOEH oon . 36 A/aSIROIB “55 42872018 52 472372018 SUNN 4723/2018 ~~ SUNMAONS ISSUED: YATES LAW FIRM “40TEFiling # 89024379 E-Filed 05/06/2019 11:53:28 AM 1932201/4 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 312019CA000232 LEAH M. HUBBARD, Plaintiff, v. E. CLAYTON YATES, P.A., Defendant. / DEFENDANT’S MOTION TO CONSOLIDATE Defendant, E. CLAYTON YATES P.A., by and through its undersigned counsel and pursuant to Rule 1.270(a) of the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure, moves this Honorable Court for the entry of an Order consolidating this circuit civil action with the case of Leah Hubbard v. E. Clayton Yates, P.A./ E. Clayton Yates, P.E. v. Leah Hubbard, case number 2018 CC 001057, pending in the County Court of Indian River County, for the reasons stated below. MEMORANDUM OF LAW AND ARGUMENT When actions involving a common question of law or fact are pending before the court, it may order a joint hearing or trial of any or all the matters in issue in the actions; it may order all the actions consolidated; and it may make such orders concerning proceedings therein as may tend to avoid unnecessary costs or delay. Fla. R. Civ. P. 4.270(a). As provided in Rule 4.270(a), there are two major conditions that must exist before the trial judge may enter an order of consolidation: (1) each of theCASE NO. 312019CA000232 DEFENDANT'S MOTION TO CONSOLIDATE actions must be pending before the court; and, (2) the actions must involve a common question of law or fact. Id. The purpose of consolidating cases is to minimize expense and delay. See Wagner v. Nova University, Inc.. 397 So. 2d 375 (Fla. 4th DCA 1981). Generally, if the same issue is presented in two or more cases that are pending before the court, an order consolidating the cases will conserve judicial resources by avoiding a duplication of effort. Padovano, 5 Fla. Prac., Civil Practice § 15:7 (2018-2019 ed.). The Court should consolidate the instant case with the case of Leah Hubbard v. E, Clayton Yates, P.A./ E. Clayton Yates, P.E. v. Leah Hubbard, case number 2018 CC 001057, pending in the County Court of indian River County as both cases are pending before the Court. (A copy of the operative Complaint in this action is attached as Exhibit “A’). Both cases arise out of the same common nucleus of operative fact and law: the representation of Ms. Hubbard in two criminal cases by E. Clayton Yates, Esq. and his professional association. in both cases, Plaintiff alleges that she performed paralegal services for Mr. Yates’ firm and was not paid. (The operative Complaint in the County Court case is attached as Exhibit “B”). In turn, Mr. Yates counter-claimed and alleged that the Plaintiff failed to pay him for those legal services. (The operative Counter-Claim is attached as Exhibit “C"). In both cases, Plaintiff alleges that Mr. Yates’ was fully paid and/or that his legal services failed to meet the standard of care.CASE NO. 312019CA000232 DEFENDANT'S MOTION TO CONSOLIDATE In other words, the claims and defenses in the two cases appear to be inextricably : intertwined. Neither case will be delayed by an Order granting this Motion. Neither case is currently set for trial. Neither case has had depositions taken fo date. Neither case involves a procedural posture at variance with the other as motions to strike and/or dismiss pleadings remain pending in both cases. In both cases, Ms. Hubbard is representing herself so she will incur no additional attorney’s fees or costs due to a consolidation. Consolidation also does not affect the substantive right to attorney fees. therefore, a fee award in an action in which there is a substantive right to fees cannot be offset by a recovery in consolidated case in which there is no substantive right to fees. See Shores Supply Co. v. Aetna Cas. & Sur. Co., inc., 524 So. 2d 722 (Fla. 3d DCA 1988). As such, consolidation will not harm the substantive or procedural rights of any party to this action. The purpose of this motion is not for delay, but out of necessity and concern for judicial economy. Accordingly, this Honorable Court should grant the Motion to Consolidate. WHEREFORE, the Defendant, E. CLAYTON YATES P.A., respectfully requests that this Honorable Court consolidate this action with the case of Leah Hubbard v. E. Clayton Yates. PA, / E. Clayton Yates, P.E. v. Leah Hubbard, case number 2018 CC 001057, pending in the County Court of Indian River County, and for the Court to grant all other relief it deems just and proper.CASE NO. 312019CA000232 DEFENDANT'S MOTION TO CONSOLIDATE CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE SERENE SSS | HEREBY CERTIFY that a copy hereof has been furnished by service through the eportal to Leah M. Hubbard, 2046 79th Avenue, Vero Beach, FL 32966, Pro Se, Leah Hubbard,, on this 6th. day of ___May_, 2019. CONROY SIMBERG Attorney for Defendant, E. Clayton Yates, P.A. 4801 Centrepark Drive East, Suite 200 West Paim Beach, FL 33401 Telephone: (561) 697-8088 Facsimile: (561) 697-8664 Primary Email: Secondary Email: % By: _/s/ Jeffrey K. Rubin John A. Lurvey, Esquire Florida Bar No. 570222 Jeffrey K. Rubin, Esquire Florida Bar No. 420841932201/4 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR INDIAN RIVER COUNTY CASE NO. 312019CA00232 (CONSOLIDATED WITH CASE NO. 2018 CC 001057) LEAH M. HUBBARD, Plaintiff, Vv. E. CLAYTON YATES, P.A., Defendant. / DEFENDANT, E. CLAYTON YATES, P.A.’S, OFFER OF JUDGMENT / PROPOSAL. FOR SETTLEMENT TO PLAINTIFF, LEAH M. HUBBARD The Defendant, E. Clayton Yates, P.A., by and through its undersigned counsel, hereby serves this Proposal for Settlement to Plaintiff, Leah M. Hubbard, pursuant to Florida Statute §768.79 and Fla. R. Civ. P. 1.442, as follows: 1. Name of parties: The Defendant, E. Clayton Yates, P.A., makes this Offer/Proposal to Plaintiff, Leah M. Hubbard. 2. identify Claims: This Offer/Proposal resolves all damages that would otherwise be awarded in a final judgment in the above-captioned maiter. 3. Conditions: Upon acceptance of this Offer/Proposal, Plaintiff, Leah M. Hubbard, shall enter into a Stipulation dismissing with prejudice all pending claims against Defendant, E. Clayton Yates, P.A. This offer is exclusive of all other offers. This Offer of Settlement/Judgment shall remain open for a period of thirty (30) days or until withdrawn in writing whichever occurs first.CASE NO. 312019CA00232 (CONSOLIDATED WITH CASE NO. 2018 CC 001057) 4. Amount: The amount of the Offer/Proposal is the total sum of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS AND ZERO CENTS ($1,000.00). 5. Punitive Damages: This Offer/Proposal does not include any sum related to punitive damages because there are presently no claims for punitive damages in this case. 6. Attorneys’ fees: This Offer/Proposal does not include attorneys’ fees which are not a part of the legal claim. 7. Miscellaneous: Failure by the Plaintiff, Leah M. Hubbard, to accept this offer within thirty (30) days from the date hereof shall constitute a rejection of this Offer of Settlement/Judgment and may result in appropriate sanctions being imposed by the Court upon the Plaintiff, Leah M. Hubbard, including costs, expenses and reasonable attorney's fees. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE | HEREBY CERTIFY that a copy hereof has been furnished to Leah M. Hubbard, 2046 79th Avenue, Vero Beach, FL 32966, Pro Se,, by electronic mail on this _2nd__ day of __ August_, 2019. CONROY SIMBERG Attorney for Defendant, E. Clayton Yates, P.A. 1801 Centrepark Drive East, Suite 200 West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Telephone: 561-697-8088 Facsimile: 561-697-8664 Primary Email: Secondary Email: By: _/s/ Jeffrey K. Rubin Jeffrey K. Rubin, Esquire Florida Bar No. 42084Filing # 92334698 E-Filed 07/10/2019 02:28:22 PM 1932201 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 312019CA00232 LEAH M. HUBBARD, Plaintiff, v. E. CLAYTON YATES, P.A., Defendant. / ORDER ON DEFENDANT, E. CLAYTON YATES, P.A.’S, MOTION TO CONSOLIDATE THIS CAUSE having come on to be heard on Defendant, E. CLAYTON YATES, P.A.’s, Motion to Consolidate this circuit civil action with the case of Leah Hubbard v. E. Clayton Yates, P.A. / E. Clayton Yates P&. v. Leah Hubbard; case number 2018 CC 001057, pending in the County Court of indian River County, and the Court having heard argument of counsel, and being otherwise advised in the premises, it is hereupon, ORDERED and ADJUDGED that said Motion be, and the same is hereby penien tive Case 15 Cons elice ted Trh Case Number 2616 co eblasg. Leah Ywwhad vf Clavin Votes R.A. befor Lue Ciecus Coypt Case Fes opved a loove. %,CASE NO, 312019CA00232 ORDER ON DEFENDANT'S MOTION_TO-CONSOLIDATE DONE AND ORDERED in Chambers, at Vero Beach, Indian River County, Florida, this Oy day of = ). A , 2019. HONORABLE JANET CARNEY CROOM CIRCUIT COURT JUDGE} Copies furnished to: Jeffrey K. Rubin, Esquire, Conroy Simberg, Defendant's counsel, 1801 Centrepark Drive East, Suite 200, West Palm Beach, FL 33401,, Leah M. Hubbard, Plaintiff Pro Se, Leah Hubbard,, 2046 78th Avenue, Vero Beach, FL. 32966 x NyPOT ARRUNPARAP RIES BY RRR RAR RR Ae Rg A K: S PG: 181, 7/23/2019 11:29 AM Filing # 92926225 E-Filed 07/22/2019 01:40:57 PM 1932201 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 312019CA00232 LEAH M. HUBBARD, Plaintiff, Vv. E. CLAYTON YATES, P.A., Defendant. / CLARIFIED ORDER ON DEFENDANT, E. CLAYTON YATES, P.A’S. MOTION TO CONSOLIDATE AND SECOND ORDER TO SUBMIT AGREED CASE MANAGEMENT PLAN AND ORDER THIS CAUSE having come on to be heard on Defendant, E. CLAYTON YATES, P.A.’s, Motion to Consolidate this circuit civil action with the case of Leah Hubbard v. E. Clayton Yates, P.A./E. Clayton Yates, P.E. v. Leah Hubbard, case number 2018 CC 001057, pending in the County Court of Indian River County, and the Court having heard argument of counsel, and being otherwise advised in the premises, it is hereupon, ORDERED and ADJUDGED that Defendant's Motion to Consolidate is GRANTED." The case of Leah Hubbard v. E. Clayton Yates, P.A./ E. Clayton 1 The Court granted this Motion on July 9, 2079 after a hearing on same and an Order granting the Motion was entered. The Clerk of the Court, has requested that the Order granting the Motion explicitly state that the County Court case has been consolidated into this matter in a clearer manner.Bae Saas Ree Bere CASE NO. 312019CA00232 ORDER ON DEFENDANT'S MOTION TO CONSOLIDATE Yates, P.E. v. Leah Hubbard, case number 2018 CC 001057, pending in the County Court of Indian River County is consolidated into the Circuit Court case of Leah_M. Hubbard v. E. Clayton Yates, P.A., case number 312019CA00232, pending before the Honorable Janet Carney Croom, in the Circuit Civil Division of the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit of Florida, in and for indian River County. Agreed Case Management Plan and Order due within 20 days of the date of this Order. DONE AND ORDERED in Chambers, at Vero Beach, Indian River County, Florida, this day of , 2019. 10:56 am, Jul 22 2019 OL, HONORABLE JANET CARNEY CROOM CIRCUIT COURT JUDGE Copies furnished to: Jeffrey K. Rubin, Esquire, Conroy Simberg, Defendant's counsel, 1801 Centrepark Drive East, Suite 200, West Palm Beach, FL 33401,, Leah M. Hubbard, Plaintiff Pro Se, Leah Hubbard,, 2046 79th Avenue, Vero Beach, FL 32966Filing # 91211890 E-Filed 06/17/2019 03:09:59 PM 1932201 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 312018CC001057 LEAH M. HUBBARD, Plaintiff, Vv. THE YATES LAW FIRM E. CLAYTON YATES, P.A., Defendant. / LIMITED NOTICE OF APPEARANCE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the law offices of CONROY SIMBERG hereby files this Notice of Appearance as counsel on behalf of E. CLAYTON YATES, P.A. and requests that all future correspondence and pleadings be directed to the undersigned. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE | HEREBY CERTIFY that a copy hereof has been furnished by service through the eportal to Leah M. Hubbard, 2046 79th Avenue, Vero Beach, FL 32966, Pro Se on this 17th day of June _, 2019. CONROY SIMBERG Attorney for Defendant, E. Clayton Yates, P.A. 1801 Centrepark Drive East, Suite 200 West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Telephone: (561) 697-8088/Fax: (561) 697-8664 Primary Email: Secondary By: _/s/ Jeffrey K. Rubin Jeffrey K. Rubin, Esquire Florida Bar No, 42084Filing # 87502787 E-Filed 04/04/2019 04:37:12 PM 1932201 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2019 CA 000232 LEAH M. HUBBARD, Plaintiff, Vv. E, CLAYTON YATES, P.A., Defendant. / NOTICE OF APPEARANCE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the law offices of CONROY SIMBERG hereby files this Notice of Appearance as counsel on behalf of E. CLAYTON YATES, P.A. and requests that all future correspondence and pleadings be directed to the undersigned. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE | HEREBY CERTIFY that a copy hereof has been furnished by service through the eportal to Leah M. Hubbard, 2046 79th Avenue, Vero Beach, FL 32966, Pro Se onCASE NO. «MATSUP_COURTNO» this _4th _ day of _April 2019. CONROY SIMBERG Attomey for Defendant, E. Clayton Yates, P.A. 1801 Centrepark Drive East, Suite 200 West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Telephone: (561) 697-8088 Facsimile: (561) 697-8664 Primary Email: Secondary Email: By: _/s/ John A. Lurvey John A. Lurvey, Esquire Florida Bar No. 570222 Jeffrey Rubin, Esq. Florida Bar No. 42084Filing # 97603588 E-Filed 10/21/2019 02:38:24 PM 193220114 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR INDIAN RIVER COUNTY CASE NO. 312019CA000232 LEAH M. HUBBARD, Plaintiff, Vv. E. CLAYTON YATES, P.A., Defendant. / DEFENDANT'S MOTION TO TAX COSTS Defendant, E. CLAYTON YATES, P.A., pursuant to the provisions of Section 57.041, Florida Statutes, moves this Honorable Court for the entry of a Judgment taxing costs against the Plaintiff, Leah M. Hubbard, for the reasons stated herein. MEMORANDUM OF LAW AND ARGUMENT This is a legal malpractice case. As established in Exhibit “1°, a Final Judgment was entered in favor of the Defendant, E. CLAYTON YATES, P.A., on October 10, 2019. As the prevailing party, Defendant is entitled to taxable litigation costs under Section 57.041, Florida Statutes and the Statewide Uniform Guidelines of Taxable Costs in Civil Actions in Florida. As established in the Affidavit of the undersigned, Exhibit “2”, Defendant seeks taxable costs in the amount of $240.00 for court reporter appearance fees. Said costs are taxable under the Statewide Uniform Guidelines. The costs sought in this motion are separate and distinct from the attorney's fees sought in Defendant's separately filed Motion to Determine Entitlement to, and Amount of, its Attorney's Fees.CASE NO. 312019CA000232 Accordingly, this Honorable Court should enter a taxable cost Judgment in favor of Defendant in the amount of $240.00. WHEREFORE, the Defendant, E. CLAYTON YATES, P.A., respectfully requests that this Honorable Court (1) enter a Judgment awarding this Defendant its taxable litigation costs in the amount of $240.00, and, (2) for the Court to grant all other relief it deems just and proper. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE | HEREBY CERTIFY that a copy hereof has been furnished by service through the eportal to Leah M. Hubbard, 2046 79th Avenue, Vero Beach, FL 32966, Pro Se, Leah Hubbard,, on this _21st day of October _, 2019. CONROY SIMBERG Attorney for Defendant, E. Clayton Yates, P.A. 41801 Centrepark Drive East, Suite 200 West Palm Beach, FL 33401 ~ Telephone: (561) 697-8088 Facsimile: (561) 697-8664 Primary Email: Secondary Email: By: _/s/ Pelfrey K. Rube Jeffrey K. Rubin, Esquire Florida Bar No. 42084Exhibit “1”Filing # 97319301 E-Filed 10/15/2019 04:01:44 PM IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 312019CA00232 (CONSOLIDATED WITH CASE NO. 2018 CC 007 057) LEAH M. HUBBARD, Plaintiff, v. E, CLAYTON YATES, P.A., Defendant. / een nner ORDER GRANTING DEFENDANT, E, CLAYTON YATES, P.A’S, MOTION FOR FINAL SUMMARY JUDGMENT, AND. AND, FINAL JUDGMENT IN FAVOR OF THE DEFENDANT THIS CAUSE having come on to be heard on the Defendant, E. CLAYTON YATES, P.A’s, Motion for Final Summary Judgment, and the Court having reviewed the Defendant's Motion, Defendant’s Supplemental Memorandum of Law filed on or about August 19, 2019, the materials filed by Plaintiff, and being otherwise advised in the premises, itis hereupon, ORDERED and ADJUDGED that the Defendant, E, CLAYTON YATES, PA'S, Motion & Final Summary Judgment is GRANTEDp af the Court $ 444 n€ OFF DGED that the Plaintiff, LEAH HUBBARD, shall take nothing by this action and the Defendant, E. CLAYTON YATES, PA., shail go hence without day. This Court expressly reserves jurisdiction to determine the Defendant'sCASE NO, 312019CA00232 ORDER GRANTING DEFENDANT, E. CLAYTON YATES, P.A.’S, MOTION FOR FINAL SUMMARY JUDGMENT, AND, FINAL JUDGMENT IN FAVOR OF THE DEFENDANT entitlement to taxable costs and attorney's fees upon proper motion(s) filed by the Defendant. , DONE AND ORDERED in Chambers, at Vero Beach, Indian River County, Florida, this /(@_ day of Ocber , 2019. TONORASLEDNET CARNEY CROOM CIRCUIT COURT JUDGE Copies furnished to: Jeffray K. Rubin, Esquire, Conroy Simberg, Defendant's counsel, 1801 Centrepark Drive East, Suite 200, West Palm Beach, FL 33401,, Leah M. Hubbard, Plaintiff Pro Se,, 2046 79th Avenue, Vero Beach, FL 32966 . E. Clayton Yates, Esq., Counsel for Defendant / Counter-Plaintiff fh consolidated case,, Fee, Yates & Fee, PLLC, 426 Avenue A, Fort Pierce, Florida 34960 Patrick MacRae, Esq., Counsel for Plaintiff {limited appearance), 1358 Bayshore Drive, Fort Pierce, FL 34949, att jorneymacras@yahoo.comExhibit “2”IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR INDIAN RIVER COUNTY CASE NO. 312019CA00232 LEAH HUBBARD, Plaintiff, Vv. E. CLAYTON YATES, P.A., Defendant. / AFFIDAVIT OF JEFFREY K. RUBIN, ESQUIRE IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANT'S MOTION TO TAX COSTS Ere naval! 2S STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) COMES NOW, the undersigned, JEFFREY K. RUBIN, ESQUIRE, who after being first duly sworn upon oath deposed and stated as follows: 1. 2. My name is Jeffrey K. Rubin, Esquire. | am over the age of 18 and competent to testify to the following which is based on personal knowledge. Since September 20, 2007, | have been a member in good standing of The Florida Bar. Since September 6, 2011, | have practiced law at Conroy Simberg, P.A. | have served as counsel for Defendant, E. Clayton Yates, P.A., in the above-referenced action since April 2019.CASE NO. 312019CA00232 AFFIDAVIT OF JEFFREY K, RUBIN, ESQUIRE 6. Pursuant to the Statewide Uniform Guidelines of Taxation of Costs in Civil Actions, the Defendant has incurred $240.00 in taxable costs for court reporter appearance fees from U.S. Legal Support for two hearings in this matter. Copies of those invoices for court reporter appearance fees are attached hereto as Composite Exhibit "A’. 7. The taxable costs sought herein were necessary for the defense of this a