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  • BIBERSTEIN, HARRY vs. KIRCHBERGER, GABRIEL Other - Matters not falling within the Other civil Subcategories document preview
  • BIBERSTEIN, HARRY vs. KIRCHBERGER, GABRIEL Other - Matters not falling within the Other civil Subcategories document preview
  • BIBERSTEIN, HARRY vs. KIRCHBERGER, GABRIEL Other - Matters not falling within the Other civil Subcategories document preview
  • BIBERSTEIN, HARRY vs. KIRCHBERGER, GABRIEL Other - Matters not falling within the Other civil Subcategories document preview
  • BIBERSTEIN, HARRY vs. KIRCHBERGER, GABRIEL Other - Matters not falling within the Other civil Subcategories document preview
  • BIBERSTEIN, HARRY vs. KIRCHBERGER, GABRIEL Other - Matters not falling within the Other civil Subcategories document preview
  • BIBERSTEIN, HARRY vs. KIRCHBERGER, GABRIEL Other - Matters not falling within the Other civil Subcategories document preview
  • BIBERSTEIN, HARRY vs. KIRCHBERGER, GABRIEL Other - Matters not falling within the Other civil Subcategories document preview


Filing # 93641722 E-Filed 08/05/2019 11:04:16 AM IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL ACTION CASE NO. 17-CA-917 HARRY BIEBERSTEIN, Plaintiff, Vv. GABRIEL KIRCHBERGER, CAROL DEVILLE, SOUTHERN SHORES ENTERPRISES, LLC, a Florida limited liability company and MOONSTONE HOLDINGS, LLC, a Nevada limited liability company, Defendants. seinen GOLDEN KEY PROPERTIES, LLC’S AND ANDREAS KIRCHBERGER’S MOTION TO DISMISS REVISED SECOND AMENDED COMPLAINT AND FOR JUDGMENT ON THE PLEADINGS Golden Key Properties, LLC (“Golden”) and Andreas Kirchberger (“Andreas”), through counsel, file this Motion To Dismiss the Revised Second Amended Complaint for failure to state a cause of action and for Judgment on the Pleadings and state: 1 In Count VI of the Revised Second Amended Complaint, Plaintiff seeks a declaratory judgment that Defendant Gabriel Kirchberger (‘Gabriel”) is the de facto owner of Defendant Golden Key Properties, LLC (“Golden’), that Golden is Gabriel’s alter ego, and that Golden and its assets are otherwise amenable to execution in connection with Gabriel’s indebtedness to Plaintiff. 2. Plaintiff's claims against Defendant Gabriel Kirschberger originated with German “Debt Acknowledgements” that Plaintiff sued upon in Canada, copies being attached to his pleading as Exhibits 6A through 6G. Plaintiff's Canadian lawsuit on the “Debt Acknowledgements” resulted in the Canadian judgment attached to his pleading as Exhibit “8”. Since Plaintiff's claims herein are predicated upon the same “Debt Acknowledgements” that Plaintiff sued upon to obtain his Canadian judgment, such “Debt Acknowledgements” (Exhibits 6A — 6G) have merged into such Canadian judgment (Exhibit 8) and are not enforceable separate therefrom. JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A. v. Hernandez, 99 So0.3d 508 (Fla. 3% DCA 2011); Diamond R. Fertilizer Co., Inc. v. Lake Packing Partnership, Day Packing, 743 So.2d 547 (Fla. 5" DCA 1999). 3. As indicated on Exhibit 8, the Canadian Court ruled that Plaintiff could enforce the German “Debt Acknowledgements” as against Gabriel’s assets in Canada. On July 24, 2018, this Court determined that such Canadian judgment could not be enforced in Florida, which ruling was proper and acts herein as the law of the case. Florida Dept. of Transportation v. Juliano, 801 So.2d 101 (Fla. 2001). 4. Based on the merger of the Debt Acknowledgements into the Canadian judgment, combined with the law of this case that such Canadian judgment cannot be enforced in Florida, Plaintiff is judicially estopped from attempts to enforce the Debt Acknowledgements herein. Alternatively, Plaintiff has failed to state a cause of action because his allegations in furtherance of enforcing the Debt Acknowledgements herein conflict with and are negated by the Canadian judgment authorizing enforcement against Gabriel’s Canadian assets. BAC Funding Consortium, Inc. ISAOA/ATIMA vy. Jean-Jacques, 28 $0.34 936 (Fla. 2" DCA 2010). 5. Plaintiff has not alleged that he has a Florida judgment against Gabriel, and this Court has already ruled that Plaintiff's Canadian judgment, into which the Debt Acknowledgements merged, is unenforceable herein. Although he lacks a Florida judgment, Plaintiff essentially seeks to conduct pre-judgment collection efforts as against Golden and Andreas in the guise of his Count VI claims that “Golden and its assets are otherwise amenable to execution in connection with Gabriel’s indebtedness to Plaintiff” As the Court is well aware, pre-judgment collection efforts are only available in the form of such extraordinary remedies as pre-judgment gamishment or pre-judgment attachment. 6. Rather than seeking a proper remedy as against Golden and Andreas (and posting the requisite bond, etc.) in the form of pre-judgment garnishment, pre-judgment attachment, etc., or rather than first obtaining a judgment against Gabriel and thereafter conducting post-judgment supplementary proceedings, Plaintiff improperly seeks pre-judgment collection of assets under the guise of a request for a declaratory judgment. Plaintiff wants the Court to declare that Golden is Gabriel’s alter ego, and that Golden and its assets are amenable to execution in connection with Gabriel’s indebtedness to Plaintiff, even though Plaintiff lacks a money judgment. Plaintiff is, in essence, improperly attempting to execute on the assets of Golden and Andreas in connection with his attempts to enforce a non-existent judgment against Gabriel. 7. As a matter of Jaw, Plaintiffs claims in Count VI are not the proper subject of a declaratory judgment action. Since Plaintiff lacks an enforceable money judgment against Gabriel, the issue of whether Gabriel is Golden’s alter ego, and whether Golden and its assets are amenable to execution, cannot possibly constitute a bona fide, actual, present, practical need for the requested declaration. Absent a Florida money judgment against Gabriel, there is no bona fide dispute between adversaries who present the Court with a justiciable question, so Count VI must be dismissed for failure to state a cause of action. Grable v. Hillsborough County Port Authority, 132 So.2d 423 (Fla. 2" DCA 1961). 8. Additionally, without alleging the requisite ultimate facts, “Plaintiff contends that Golden is Gabriel’s alter ego”, thereby seeking to disregard Golden as a legal entity and effectively pierce its corporate veil. Plaintiffs allegations are based on “information and belief’, which “belief is based upon” the alleged facts that “statements made by Gabriel disguised his ownership of Golden” and that “Gabriel similarly disguised his ownership of Moonstone and Southern.” These are not reasons to pierce a corporate veil. Even if a corporation is merely the alter ego of its dominant shareholder, its corporate veil cannot be pierced so long as its separate identity was lawfully maintained. Houri v. Boaziz, 196 So.3d 383(Fla. 3 DCA 2016). WHEREFORE, Golden and Andreas respectfully request that this Court dismiss the Revised Second Amended Complaint and/or grant a judgment on the pleadings in their favor, and request such other relief as the Court deems appropriate CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE WE HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing has been filed with the Clerk of Court via the Florida Courts E-Filing Portal which will serve as a notice of electronic filing upon all counsel of record this 5th day of August, 2019. BAUR & KLEIN, P.A. Attorneys for Golden Key Properties, LLC and Andreas Kirchberger New World Tower, Suite 2100 100 North Biscayne Boulevard Miami, Florida 33132 Phone: (305) 377-3561 / Fax: (305) 371-4380 if if CG cig By: Le ‘STOPHER J. KLEIN Fla. Bar. No 311855