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  • BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON vs. LARGE, VICKIE ALEXANDRAReal Prop/Mort Foreclosure-Non-Homestead, Residential $50-249K document preview
  • BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON vs. LARGE, VICKIE ALEXANDRAReal Prop/Mort Foreclosure-Non-Homestead, Residential $50-249K document preview
  • BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON vs. LARGE, VICKIE ALEXANDRAReal Prop/Mort Foreclosure-Non-Homestead, Residential $50-249K document preview
  • BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON vs. LARGE, VICKIE ALEXANDRAReal Prop/Mort Foreclosure-Non-Homestead, Residential $50-249K document preview
  • BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON vs. LARGE, VICKIE ALEXANDRAReal Prop/Mort Foreclosure-Non-Homestead, Residential $50-249K document preview
  • BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON vs. LARGE, VICKIE ALEXANDRAReal Prop/Mort Foreclosure-Non-Homestead, Residential $50-249K document preview
  • BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON vs. LARGE, VICKIE ALEXANDRAReal Prop/Mort Foreclosure-Non-Homestead, Residential $50-249K document preview
  • BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON vs. LARGE, VICKIE ALEXANDRAReal Prop/Mort Foreclosure-Non-Homestead, Residential $50-249K document preview


iling # 125601633 E-Filed 04/26/2021 02:39:02 PM IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FOURTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR BAY COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON f/k/a Case #: 19004414CA THE BANK OF NEW YORK as Trustee for Nationstar Home Equity Loan Trust 2007-A Plaintiff, “VS,- Vickie Alexandra Large a/k/a Victoria Alexandra Large a/k/a Vickie Large; et al. Defendant(s). JOINT STIPULATION OF CONSENT TO FINAL JUDGMENT OF FORECLOSURE THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON f/k/a THE BANK OF NEW YORK as Trustee for Nationstar Home Equity Loan Trust 2007-A and VICKIE ALEXANDRA LARGE A/K/A VICTORIA ALEXANDRA LARGE A/K/A VICKIE LARGE, (“Defendants”), by and through their undersigned counsel, hereby file this Joint Stipulation of Consent to Judgment in the above styled case and state: : 1, Defendant hereby agrees to no longer contest, object to, or in any other way further inhibit the Plaintiff's ability to proceed with the instant foreclosure action; and Defendant consents to the entry forthwith of a Final Judgment in the Plaintiff's favor. Defendant hereby waives and withdraw(s) all defenses in law or equity which she had, has, or may have in the future, including all rights of redemption and all rights to an appeal on any issues arising from the instant action. 2. Plaintiff relinquishes any right to seek a deficiency judgment against Defendant or to pursue a separate action on the promissory note in the instant action. 1 3, Plaintiff agrees to pay the Defendant an undisclosed settlement amount once the W-9 received by the Plaintiffs counsel. Plaintiff agrees to make payment to Defendant or her counsel, within 90 days ofthe issuance ofthe certificate of title. 4, Defendant agrees to pay for his/her own attorney fees and costs and shall not look to the Plaintifffor payment. Plaintiff shall be entitled to recover its attorney’s fees and costs incurred during the pendencyofthe action. Such fees and costs will be incorporated into and made part ofany judgment entered by the court in favor ofthe Plaintiffpursuant to paragraph | above. Plaintiff will not look to Defendant(s) for payment. 5. Plaintiff and Defendant agree that the exchanges made herein represent a mutual exchange for fair value and that no party has received or paid an unfair windfall in this mutual exchange. 6. Notices: Plaintiffshal! continue to provide notices to Defendant’s attorney and keep him/ her apprised of all stages of the proceedings in this action, 7. Effective Date: This Joint Stipulation shall be effective on the date first written below, 8. Original Signatures: This Joint Stipulation may be executed in counterparts. Fax signatures shall operate as originals. The attorneys executing this document each represent that they have full authority to execute this document on behalf oftheir clients, The court retains jurisdiction for enforcementofthis agreement. Alexiidra Large a/k/a Vickie Large Date Mitch Dever, Esq. Date 2 3. Plaintiffagrees to pay theDefendant anundisclosed settlementamount oncethe W-9 receivedby the Plaintiff’s counsel. Plaintiffagreesto makepaymenttoDefendant or hercounsel, within 90 days ofthe issuance ofthe certificate oftitle. 4, Defendant agrees topay forhis/herown attorney fees and costs and shallnotlook to the Plaintiffforpayment. Plaintiffshallbe entitledto recover its attorney’s fees and costs incurred during the pendency ofthe action. Such fees and costswill be incorporated into andmade partofanyjudgmententeredby the court infavor ofthePlaintiffpursuant to paragraph 1 above. Plaintiffwill not look to Defendant(s) for payment. 5. PlaintiffandDefendantagree thatthe exchanges made hereinrepresent amutual | exchange for fairvalue andthatno party hasreceivedorpaidanunfairwindfallinthis | mutualexchange. | 6. Notices:Plaintiffshal!continuetoprovidenoticestoDefendant’sattorneyand keep him/ her apprised ofall stages ofthe proceedings in this action. 7. Effective Date: This Joint Stipulation shall be effective on the date first written below. 8. Original Signatures: This Joint Stipulation may be executed in counterparts. Fax signatures shall operate as originals. The attorneys executingthis document each represent that they have full authority to execute this document onbehalfoftheir clients. The court retains jurisdiction for enforcement ofthis agreement. \yunguarken/ VickieAlexandraLarge a/k/aVictoria TO lea Alexandra Large a/k/a Vickie Large Date 2 /s/ Matthew Flicker 4/19/2021 on eT Matthew Flicker, Esq. Date Attomey for Plaintiff CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE 1 HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy ofthe foregoing has been furnished by U.S. Mail and/or email service ifan email address is so listedbelow on of f (ici! , 2021 to the following: Shawn Michael Large, 3426 Douglas Road, Apartment B, Panama City, FL 32405 Vickie Alexandra Large a/k/a Victoria Alexandra Large a/k/a Vickie Large, c/o Mitch Dever, Esq., *Pursuant to Fla. R. Jud. Admin. 2.516(b)(1)(A), Plaintiff's counsel hereby designates its primary email address for the purposes of | email service as:* | LOGS LEGAL Attorneys GROUP LLP for Plaintiff i 4630 Woodland Corporate Blvd., Suite 100 : Tampa, Telephone:Florida (813)33614 880-8888 Ext. 55153 Fax: (813) 880-8800 : For Email Service Only: For all other inquiries: » Mba Matthew Flicker, Esq. Hr FL Bar # 87241 Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act, you are advised that this office may be deemed a debt collector and any information obtained may be used for that purpose. 19-321900 FCO] CXE 3