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  • BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON vs. LARGE, VICKIE ALEXANDRAReal Prop/Mort Foreclosure-Non-Homestead, Residential $50-249K document preview
  • BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON vs. LARGE, VICKIE ALEXANDRAReal Prop/Mort Foreclosure-Non-Homestead, Residential $50-249K document preview
  • BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON vs. LARGE, VICKIE ALEXANDRAReal Prop/Mort Foreclosure-Non-Homestead, Residential $50-249K document preview
  • BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON vs. LARGE, VICKIE ALEXANDRAReal Prop/Mort Foreclosure-Non-Homestead, Residential $50-249K document preview


Filing # 127610923 E-Filed 05/26/2021 04:28:37 PM . The News Herald P.O. Rox S040, Panama Gily, FL 32404 30392NH named Defendant(s) OFFICE OF THE Published Panama City, Dally Bay County, Flartdn IN THE CIRCUIT who be are deadnot orknown to alie, CLERK COURT OFOFCIRCUIT BAY COURT OF THE whether sald Unknown COUNTY, FLORIDA. 4 . FOURTEENTH JUD Parties may claim an State of Florida CIAL CIRCUIT IN AND Interest as Spouse, ANY PERSON CLAIM. FOR BAY COUNTY, Heirs, Devisees, Grant- ING AN INTEREST IK County of Bay FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION ees, ants or Other Claim- THE THE SURPLUS SALE, IF FROM ANY Defendant(s), OTHER THAN THE Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Ggse #: 1900441 4CA PROPERTY OWNEEF Toni Brown, who on oath says that (s)he is a Legal NOTICE OF SALE AS OF THE DATE OF Advertising Representative of The News Herald, a THE BANK OF NEW __ THE LIS PENDENS newspaper published at Panama City in Bay County, YORK MELLON fikfa NOTICE IS HEREBY MUST FILE A CLAIN Florida;. that the attached copy, being : a. Legal., THE YORK BANK as OF Trustee NEW for GIVEN der pursuant rescheduling toforee or- NO DATE LATERTHAT THAN THE THE Advertisement #34433312, was published in said Natonstar Home Eq closure sale or Final GLERK REPORTS newspaper in the issue(s) of uity Loan Trust 2007-A Judgment, entered in THE FUNDS AS UN Plaintiff, Civil Case No. CLAIMED. 05/14/2021, 05/21/2021 19004414CA of the Cir- VS.- cuit Court of the 14th If you are a persor Affiant further says that The News Herald isa newspaper Judicial CiroultIn and = with a disabilitywhe published at Panama City, in said Bay County, Florida, is eee Large ic Bay wounty, ain needs any der lo bor a direct successor ofthe Panama City News and that the said newspaper, together with itsdirect predecessor, has avelaVictorCarge alka Vickie Large; Shawn BANK MELLON OFNEWffk/a YORK THE ticipate i. ceeding, you nie are pre enti heretofore been continuously published in said Bay Michael Large; Un- BANK OF NEW YORK tled,at no cost to you County, Florida, each day (except that the predecessor, known Spouse of as Trustee for Na- tothe provision of cer- Panama City News, was not published on Sundays) and Vickie tionstar Home Equity tain assistance has been entered as periodicals matter at the post office in aoe ee alka ea a Trust Vicuin7s Aon cone me Panama City, in said Bay County, Florida, fora period of Large a/k/a Vickle exandra Lerge a/k/a mail at P.O,Box 1089 one year next preceding the first publication of the Large; Unknown Par- Victoria Alexandra Panama City, ‘Fl attached copy of advertisement, and affiantfurther says tiesin Possession #1, Large a/k/a Vickle 32402 or by phone @& that (s)he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm /fliving, and all Un- Large are defendant(s), (850) 747-5338 al or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund frown Parties ofaiming \ Cle oi ee ra east Seven 4 aye for the purpose of securing publication in the said newspaper, this advertisement for egainst named he “above Defendant(s) highest der and for “host cash bleh AT court. appearance, immediately upon ol re- who are not known to www.bay.realforeclose. ceiving this notifica. a . be dead or alive, com AT 11:00 A.M. tion Ifthe time before ; Signature of Affiant whether sald Unknown CENTRAL TIMEthe fol-on the scheduled appear. bu w Bed interest Parties Heirs, as may Spouse, claim an Devisees, Grant- jowing described dune 17, 2021, erty as set forth prop- in said seven ance are (7) Is days. less hearing If you thar impaired Sworn to and subscribed before me this 2°." Cake oa Final Judgment, towit: call 711. in Possession #2, if liv;THE NORTH 146 FEET 8ifl Kinsaul Ot day of iG _26a2f ing, and all Unknown OF LOTS 7 AND 8, CLERK OF THE CIR. bf Parties claiming by, BLOCK 72 , GUIT COURT y, rte y,rh ReeSO) , Aie: ProminentWy, through, sgainst under above the and CALLAWAY RECORDED PLAT, IN AS THE Bay County, Horida (/ Sigwture ofNotaryPublic Name of Notary typed, printed or stamped Personally known or produced identification Type ofIdemtfleatlsn Prodi ROLYNV.BARNES fe i et a commissions EXPIRES: 250443 November 12,2092 fif ves, Bonded brs Notary Public Undermaiters E The News Herald 601 W. #1" Street Michelle Collier oor eeablisned Oaliy DEPUTY CLERK OF Panama Cily, Bay County, Flosida COURT . ATTORNEY FOR State of Florida PLAINTIFF: LOGS LEGAL GROUP County of Bay LLP 2424 North Federal . . Highway, Suite 9860 Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Boca Raton, Florida Toni Brown, who on oath says that (s}he is a Legal s34a1 Advertising Representative of The News Herald, a (561) 998-6700 newspaper published at Panama City in Bay County, ‘561) 998-6707 Florida; that the attached copy, being a Legal 5/14, 5/21/2021 Advertisement #34433312, was published in said gyagenH newspaper in the issue(s) of 05/14/2021, 05/2 1/202| Affiant further says that The News Herald is a newspaper published at Panama City, in said Bay County, Florida, is a direct successor of the Panama City News and that the said newspaper, fogether with itsdirect predecessor, has heretofore been continuously published in said Bay County, Florida, each day fexeept that the predecessor, Panama City News, was not published on Sundays) and has been entered as periodicals matter at the post office in Panama. City, in said Bay County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement, and affiantfurther says that (s)he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. Signature of Affiant Sworn to and subscribed before me this Hl day of .Maz, _aO?| | ) LK) (/ SignayfreofNotaryPublic : Name of Notary typed, printed or stamped | | Personally known mA . . | or produced idby rifiecetesnsts ay rey gine, CAROLYN V. BARNES Rese ar aejf || TypeofIdentifiHossa . __ P| aes aay “Worse” iRES:November1# Gs2,259443. My COMMISSION 2022 ||pp Bonded Thru NotaryPublietindenwrters SUREA, CH. aR I Ga a eg ESSELTE |p || | |