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  • LAKEVIEW LOAN SERVICING LLC vs. UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF JOSEPHINE BROWNReal Prop/Mort Foreclosure-Homestead, Residential $50-249K document preview
  • LAKEVIEW LOAN SERVICING LLC vs. UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF JOSEPHINE BROWNReal Prop/Mort Foreclosure-Homestead, Residential $50-249K document preview
  • LAKEVIEW LOAN SERVICING LLC vs. UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF JOSEPHINE BROWNReal Prop/Mort Foreclosure-Homestead, Residential $50-249K document preview
  • LAKEVIEW LOAN SERVICING LLC vs. UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF JOSEPHINE BROWNReal Prop/Mort Foreclosure-Homestead, Residential $50-249K document preview
  • LAKEVIEW LOAN SERVICING LLC vs. UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF JOSEPHINE BROWNReal Prop/Mort Foreclosure-Homestead, Residential $50-249K document preview
  • LAKEVIEW LOAN SERVICING LLC vs. UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF JOSEPHINE BROWNReal Prop/Mort Foreclosure-Homestead, Residential $50-249K document preview
  • LAKEVIEW LOAN SERVICING LLC vs. UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF JOSEPHINE BROWNReal Prop/Mort Foreclosure-Homestead, Residential $50-249K document preview
  • LAKEVIEW LOAN SERVICING LLC vs. UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF JOSEPHINE BROWNReal Prop/Mort Foreclosure-Homestead, Residential $50-249K document preview


Filing # 99795405 E-Filed 12/04/2019 03:09:44 PM IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FOURTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR BAY COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 19004409CA SELENE FINANCE LP Plaintiff, v. ETHEL CARR; JOSEPHINE BROWN; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF ETHEL CARR; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF JOSEPHINE BROWN; UNKNOWN TENANT 1; UNKNOWN TENANT 2; Defendants. D T TO Ft CLOSE Mi ‘GAGE Plaintiff, SELENE FINANCE LP, sues the Defendant(s), ETHEL CARR; JOSEPHINE BROWN; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF ETHEL CARR; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF JOSEPHINE BROWN; UNKNOWN TENANT 1; UNKNOWN TENANT 2; and states: COUNT I MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE 1. This is an action to foreclose a mortgage on real property located in Bay County, Florida, and by reason thereof the venue for this matter is in Bay County, Florida. 2. Borrower(s), ETHEL CARR and JOSEPHINE BROWN executed and delivered a Promissory Note ("Note") dated May 16, 2008 in the original principal amount of $71,773.00. Securing payment of the Note, ETHEL CARR and JOSEPHINE BROWN executed and delivered a Mortgage ("Mortgage") dated May 16, 2008. The mortgage was recorded on June 11, 2008, in the Official Records Book 3058, Page 232, of the Public Records of Bay County, Florida, and mortgaged the property described in the Mortgage. Copies of the Note and Mortgage are attached hereto. 3. Plaintiff, SELENE FINANCE LP, is the holder of the note and is entitled to enforce said mortgage and mortgage note. 4. JOSEPHINE BROWN AND ETHEL CARR, is/are the current owner(s) of the real property which is the subject of the Mortgage. 5. The Mortgage is a lien superior in dignity to any prior or subsequent right, title, claim, lien or interest arising out of mortgagor or the mortgagor's predecessors in interest. 10000054346. A default exists under the Note and Mortgage as a result of the amounts due under the Note and Mortgage in that the payment due for June 1, 2019, and all subsequent payments have not been made. 7. Plaintiff has demanded payment of the obligation reflected by the aforesaid Note and Mortgage, but despite such demand, said default has not been cured. 8. All conditions precedent to the acceleration of the Note and Mortgage and the filing of the instant foreclosure complaint have been performed, have occurred, or have been waived. 9. Plaintiff declares the full amount payable under the Note and Mortgage to be due. 10. Plaintiff is due the sum of $59,263.92, in principal under the Note and Mortgage, plus interest from May 1, 2019, together with all sums that may be due for taxes, insurance, escrow advances, and expenses and costs of suit including but not limited to filing fees, recording fees, title search and examination fees, fees due for service of process and such other costs authorized by the loan documents, by law, and as may be allowed by the Court. 11. Plaintiff is obligated to pay Plaintiff attomeys a reasonable fee for their services. Plaintiff is entitled to recover its attorneys’ fees under the Note and Mortgage. 12. As a matter of request for relief, Demand is hereby made on the Defendant(s)/Owner(s), JOSEPHINE BROWN AND ETHEL CARR, and on the Defendant/Tenant/Occupants of the subject property, that all rent now due and owing on said property, or collected hereafter be paid directly to the Plaintiff, or, in the alternative, deposited in the registry of the Court pending further order of the Court, pursuant to Chapter 697, Fila. Stat. 13. UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF ETHEL CARR, UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF JOSEPHINE BROWN, UNKNOWN TENANT | AND UNKNOWN TENANT 2 may have or claim an interest in the Property herein sought to be foreclosed by virtue of the Property being homestead property and/or defendant(s) occupancy thereof. Said interest, however, is either invalid or is subordinate and inferior to the lien of Plaintiff's Mortgage. WHEREFORE, Plaintiff respectfully requests that this Court enter judgment: (a) foreclosing the Mortgage; (b) enumerating all amounts this Court determines due to Plaintiff pursuant to said Note and Mortgage; (c) ordering the Clerk of the Court to sell the subject property to satisfy the amount due Plaintiff, in whole or part; (d) adjudging that the right, title, and interest of any party claiming by, through, under or against any Defendant named herein be deemed inferior and subordinate to the Plaintiff's Mortgage lien and forever be barred and foreclosed; (e) retaining jurisdiction of this Court in this action to make any and all further orders and judgments as necessary and proper, including but not limited to re-foreclosure against any subordinate 1000005434interest omitted from these proceedings, determining the amounts owed to any condominium or homeowners association and issuance of writ of possession and the entry of a deficiency, when and if such deficiency is sought, and only if the parties liable under the Note have not been discharged in bankruptcy (however no deficiency will be sought if the parties liable under the Note were subject to an order allowing Plaintiff or its predecessors-in-interest only in rem relief from the bankruptcy automatic stay); ( awarding Plaintiff its attorney fees, costs, interest, advances; and (g) for such other and further relief as this Court deems just and proper. VERIFICATION Under penalty of perjury, | declare that I have read the foregoing, and the facts alleged therein are true and correct to the best of my knowledgé. and belief. ; | Vf Dawn Home Printed Name . tots Document Execution Specialist Title eXL Legal, PLLC Designated Email Address: 12425 28th Street North, Suite 200 St. Petersburg, FL 33716 Telephone/No. (727) 536-4911 David L. Reiger Attorney for the Pipi Bar 9571S By: #/ NOTE: PURSUANT TO THE FAIR DEBT COLLECTION PRACTICES ACT YOU ARE ADVISED THAT THIS LAW FIRM IS DEEMED TO BE A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. 1000005434IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FOURTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR BAY COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO SELENE FINANCE LP Plaintiff, v. ETHEL CARR; JOSEPHINE BROWN: AND ALL UNKNOWN PARTIES CLAIMING BY, THROUGH. UNDER OR AGAINST THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT(S). WHO (IS/ARE) NOT KNOWN TO BE DEAD OR ALIVE, WHETHER SAID UNKNOWN PARTIES CLAIM AS HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDITORS, TRUSTEES, SPOUSES, OR OTHER CLAIMANTS; Defendants CERTIFICATION OF ORIGINAL NOTE The undersigned hereby certifies: 1. That Plaintiffis in possession of the original promissory note upon which this action is brought. we The location of the original promissory note is 12425 28TH STREET NORTH, SUITE 200, ST, PETERSBURG, FL 33716. we The name and title of the person giving the certification is: Gaylyn Leach, Original Document Processor for Plaintiff's attorneys, eXL Legal, PLLC. 10000054344. The name of the person who personally verified such possession is: Gaylyn Leach, Original Document Processor for Plaintiff’s attorneys, eXL Legal, PLLC. a The time and date on which possession was verified were: at 11:00 am. 6. Correct copies of the note (and, if applicable, all endorsements, transfers, allonges, or assignments of the note) are attached to this certification. ~ I give this statement based on my personal knowledge. Under penalties of perjury, | declare that I have read the foregoing Centification of Possession of Original Note and that the facts stated in it are true. Type Name Here: Gaylyn Leach Title: Original Document Processor Date: November 14, 2019 1000005434Composite Exhibit A __NOTE May 16, 2008 Dow 2721 E. 11th Court PANAMA CITY, FL 32401 Pepe she ot 1 PARTIES Borewer” meuts each person signing atthe vil of this Note, and the person’s successors and assigns, “Lender Taylor, Bean & Whitaker Mortgage Corp. and its successors and assigns. 2 BORROWER'S PROSE TO PAY: INTEREST In retar for a foun received from Lender, Rarrotver promises to pty the principal samy of Seventy One Thousand Seven Hundred Seventy Three and no/100 Datlaes (CS 74,773.00 J} play interest, te the onder of Lender, fnterest will be charged on principal dom the date nt disbursomeat at the loan proceeds bs Lender, at the rate af Six and One Half patil porecnt 6.5000" per until the fall amount of principal has been pie 3 PROMISE TO PAY SECURED Horner's mine tet pay i sectired by amos deed of trust oe sintthar s rity instraenient that is dated the Same ww and caicd the “Security Instrament.” The Security Instrument protects the Pender trom fosses which might dlae ay this S result it Borrosver detunits ander dis Note 4. MANNER OF PAY MENTE «vy Time Bevower shall make «omen! of principal and interest to Lender ot the fist day af each mont: beginni July 04, 2008 Any principal and interest rentaining on she fies! day of June 2038 Hebe dic on that dhe, which is called the "Maturity Date.” thy Phace asnicnt shat! by nade Taylor, Bean & Whitaker Mortgage Corp., 1417 North Magnolia Ave, Ocala, FL 34475, svat such other place as Lender may designate in writing by notive to Borrower 1) Amount Lact monthly pay oent of principal anid intorese iE be inthe ammount of |S, $453.65 Lhisamoone sill by port as kirser monthly: payment required hy the Security. Instrument, that shall be applied te principal interes sind eater items i for described in the Security Insteument HEORMDY HEN TINE UTE SotD om Doe vert,(CD) Altonge te this Note far Payment Adjusstnn Wan aie ed by Borrower tagethter sith this Nore, the covenants of the pisocidting For payment adjustments ise Mlenee shall be Mewporated bite and shall amend and supplenteat the covenants of this Note as if the allonge were a part ot this Soe Check applicaie bot ing Ejay Monge TJ] Graduated Payment MMlanze RORROWER'S RIGHT TO PREPAY Boaronver has the right te pay the debe etidenced bd fe. in whole Hr in part. without charge or peaalty on the first fa at any month, Feeder shal accept prepay ment on other dys provided that Borrower pays interest an the amount prepaid tor the remainder of the month to the estent required by Lender and permitted by 1 lations of the Seoretary. If Borrower ftinaies « partial prepin ment there il be ner chanses inthe dhe date or in the amouie oF the monthly payment unless Lender cutee in seriting ta tiene cin 6. BORROWER'S FLERE £0 PAY (MF Late Charge for OV 111 onder has not received the tll monthly pay ment required by the Security. Insteument, ay described in Parseraph 411 due Payments Laie Note bth et of tigen calendar day after the pay tent is due. Fender may eatlect a lage oh Four (lth Detaatt He Burcaser cetiults hy fbi: ws pay in fall any monthly payment, thea fender may. escept as limites by + cin the percent 4.0 hal the overdue amount of each pay meet ameunt cf thy Secroiag fm the Gow af payment defiults, require immediate payment in full oF the prineipal balance remaining due and ail default. Inmany circumstances rezulations issued by the Secretary will limit Lender's ited interest, Loner mig chaise not Go exercise this option sithour waiving is rights in the event of any subsequent NS to require immediate payment in full in thy cave F payment de sudlations. AS His. This Nove does net authorize acceleration when not permited by HED teed in this Note, “Secrecy” aivants the Secretary of Housing aud Crban Development or his or her designee 4} Payment of Casts and Expenses. TET emder has tequived immodiate payment itt fill ay described above, Lender may require Berrower bs pay costs and rable hy Sete to the extent noe prohil foes and costs stall bear interest front the date of disbarsement at the same rate as the principal of this Nee, sponses inch rid ot formats attorneys) fees for enfirsir ced by applicable bos “WAIVERS Horener and ony other person whe has obligations under this Note waive the rights af presentment and tstice of wishonor “Present” means the Fight @ require Tender to demand pay ment of aineitts dug, “Notige of dishonor” means the rizht ts require Lender (0 give notice bo other persons that ammonnts due have nut been paid 8. GIVING OF SOTICES. ta siven to Bortnver under this Note will be giver by delisering it or by onditing it hy fitst clays mail te Burrnver adhe property address shosy ar at different address if Borrower hats applicable baw requitys different method, wits Botice thi nest be iven Leute A notice of Borvower’s different alihvess ent Fender under this Note sill be given by first class mail to Lender at the address stated in Paragraph 4th or ata ditterent auidiess if Borns er is gists a motive of that ditherent aldress Any notice that must be 9. OBLIG CTLONS OF PERSONS UNDER THIS NOTE Heruare thane person signs this Note, each person is tully and personally obligated tev keep all wf the promises minke ti tits Note, incladiny the promise tee pay the full amount axed. Any person whe is aranlor, Surety or endorser of this Sete false obligated (0 do these thing Any person whe tithes over these obligations. including the wbligations of a sharAnbor, surety of canborser of this Note, is also obligated 16 keep all af the promises made in this Note. Lender may enforce ther Any ane person si its tights cinder Uhis Note agitinst each person individually or against all signatories his Note aia be requited to pay all of the amounts owed «ander this Note HORNS FIV EIXEH RTT SOE abuMW. DOCL MENTARY TAX Thy state documentary tas dug on this Note has been paid on the mortsaze securing this indebtedness. BY SIGNING BLOM Borrower accepts and agrees te the terms anid covenants contaisied in ps through 3 of this eth tS Bovsoser oe Neath a «Seal fa Henoser — a a (Seats Tatoos Fratonse wind Only Without recourse, pay to the order of By: Taylor, Bean & Whitaker Mortgage Corp a8 Ga < Bila Carter-Shaw, EVP ErORIDY HEC MED RATE NorComposite Exhibit A Betti Fah Jessica Cunningham Taylor, Bean & Whitaker Mortgage Corp. 1417 North Magnolia Ave Ocala. FL 34475 File # 2008033468 OR BK 3088 Pages 252-299 RECORDED 06/11/08 14:47:01 vo CARL M. SUGARMAN Harold Bazeel Clerk Bay County, Florida 17345 S. DIXIE HWY DOC STMP-M. $281.30 INT TAX: $143.58 DEPUTY CLERK GB #2 Trans # 879822 ee Spite Stave Thi MORTGAGE inca HIS MORTOAGE Security Instowment”s is given on May 16, 2008 is Ethel Carr and and Josephine Brown. “s Sy Vg nn CoRorcower™ 1, Héy Security histeument is given te Mew ea Lender aunt Lender's sageessnns ane Ulcctromis Registration Sp seems. Ine. 1 SIERS"L MERS is seperate carpuration that is acting solely as umtinee ois MERS is the mortuagee under this Security: Instrument, MERS is ndfer the Lawes of Delaware, an has ay address and telephone mumber of P.O. fees 2026, Flint, MI WL 22 WL ANNE A7V-MIERS, Taylor, Bean & Whitaker Mortgage Corp. waived and visting ized snd evisting aude thy basset PL ‘1 hasnt atdress of 1447 North Magnolia Ave, Ocala, FL 34475 Bornaseromes t etder the rincipal sum ot Seventy One Thousand Seven Hundred Seventy Three and no/100 Dollars tS. 974,773.00 1 This debt is cvidenved by Horrawer’s note dated the same date ay this Security Tnstrunent (Note, which provides for tocathly payments, with tie fall debi, if nor paid eartier, dite and payable on June O4, 2038 His Security Iystranent secures te Lender: tab the repayment of the debt evidenced by the Note. with interest. and all fefiewals estemstogs and miaditications of the Notes iba the paymem of aif ether sums. with interest, advanced ander Docagtaphh The protest the security ef this Security fastruments and fer the perfiamance of Herrawer's covenants and rercowertt ainler thts Ncirify Erstrument and the See Lor this purpose, Betrosser does hereby mortgage. grant and coms) BLS Soodeis as tamiage fur London and benders sugcessses and assignst cand te tty stiocessers and aysigms of MERS the Patlosints described property located in BAY Count Florida FORTY HEEY MORI st on — ovensSee Attached Exhibit A. stich has the adaltess ol 2721 E. 11th Court PANAMA CITY blvd 32401 Property Adiiress"s LOGL THER W11H all the improvements now or hereatier erected cn the property. and all uid fistines now oF heteaitier a fistrunnent. Mh et tit SERS hols with nents. appurtenances Cot die property. Mi replacements and additions shall also be covered by this Security s referred ta inthis Security Instrunient ay the “Property.” Harrower understands and agrees sl tite to the interests yranted by Bosroncer in this Security Instruments but if necessary to comply Yer easton, MERS Gis nominee tor Lender and Lender's siceessor wand assigns has the Fi ht: to exereis T thos interests, inchitigg. but not fhnsied to, the right te torectose and sell the Property: and te take any action any or all syuired ot i ouder but not Limited tu. relesin this Security Instrument BORROMER COVES ANTS that Borrower is lawfully seiaf af the estite hereby vonveyed and has the right to wt and comes the Property and that the Property is unencumbered. except for encumbrances of cece ‘wer Sarrants sd will defond generally the dle to the Property against ull claims and demands. subject w an. Ber chicutibraices of recon FEES SPCC REDS INSTRUMENT combines uniform covenamts tir natiouat use and nen-uniterny covenants with Hinvived Sarutions by juristiction ts constitute a unitona secu) insinanent covering real property USTORXECOMEN ANTS, Horronver and | ender cos enant and agtve as fallow 1 Payment of Principal, tuterest and Late Charge. Borrower shalt pas when due the pringipal off aand interest ont the debt evidenced by the Nowe and kate eta: > due uiider thy Neve - and Other Charges. Bornoter shall inclide in each monthly payment her with de pelacipal iad Faterest as set tit in the Note and any Lite charges, a stint five Guy taves and special Ssesonterts fesied or ts he fev ied against the Pasperty, dst feaschold pay ater fied cider paragraph 4. tn we insurance el Urhan Dev clopment (Secretary “hor in any sear it which such premium woukl the Security Lnsteument, each monthly pagment shall alse include either: (7) a sam for Monthly Payment of Tayes, tnsuca oe around rents on the Property, nd 6) PrOHTUMS tor isurance F S year in which the Lender must pay stan PreHHUM Bethe Secretar ot Housing ivy been required if Feuder still he the snstial Hortyctse insuranye premian fo be paid by Lender ts the Secretary. or Gi ‘monthly chcrge instead of a ntact ably amount to be determined by the by the Secretary. these items are called “Lscroe Hents” and the sums paid te Giseiuaey promiany if this Security fsisument ts held by the Secretary. in a ved Seerein. Except for diy monthly cher te Jer ane called "Lacros Funds fender may. at Hime, collect and hokd amounts far bseran Hemis in an a ‘gate ammount NOL Gs eseeed the asa anwar tha way be regained for Bormoacer’s eseros stscount under the Real Estate Settlenbent Procedures Act ef ‘ SC. 8 2001 ct seq. aitd iarplementing regulations, 2. CFR Pact 3S00, as they mut be amended from time te time: URI SP AT. except thal iy cushion ar reserve permitted by RESP \ thr ananticipsted disbursements or dishursentents before Hhe Rorroaset’s payments are available in the account mi riot be ba sect on amounts dug for the mise insurance premium. Hi the amounts helt by Fender foe Peers Troms exveed the amounts permitted to be hell by RESPA, Lender shall es vount fs Borrower forthe wveess Lunds as required by RESP. If the amounts of finds held by Lender at any Gime are not cilistont pas the Posteo tems shett duc, Londge ats nati the Uornser snd reghire ftonrower to ntake up the shortaze Im permaitod by RESP FORINT Mania vet ners GrowThe TPoerot Purids ste pledved as additional sevarity fr all sums secured by this Security Instament, If Rorrnver ance remaining ter ll Ho all such sums, Borrower's account shall hy credited with the # tenders tr Penler thy Hall pecs installment (tens cr Het ahd Cc] and any tortzage insurance premium installment that | ender has net hecome obfigated rectosure sake Pap te thy Seveviuy, and Lender stall promptly vetind any excess Hinds to Borrower Imapediately prio 46 the Property of iy avquisitiow by Lender Horower's account sul be credited with any bakince & lastallments tie deans Gn. bd aid 3. Application uf Payments. AH payments as FURST. te the met alt by Lender to the Sc the Secretary instead of the monthly mortgaze insurance premian SECOND. te ans ta hazard insurance premiums, as regained be appticd by Lender as falls: by iphis Lan 2s veretity or by the monthly chars we lassrance premiyal to id fire. Rood anf other special assessments, tease idl payments ox ground rents HARD. to interest dug under the Note FOU RTHL te ameatization af the principal othe Note: atl HP TH to Lay chiirges dig inider the Not 4.0 Fire, Flood and Other Ha tive of stehsequeutly erected. J Tasurane Porrosver shall insure all improwentents on the Praperts. whether nos 2 fire, tor which Hautes insurance, Uns (astranes staal be maintained ia the amounts and for the periods that Lender requires. Borroser shall tise insure all improvements ot the Property, whether no in evistence ar subsequently erected, against loss by Mucnls to the estent requlited by the Secretars.. MH insurance shall be carried with companies appeased hy Lender. The iasurance policies snder vins¢ any hava, casualties, and contingencies. includ cand any renewals shall he held By Lender and shall iaglade foss payable clauses in favor of, and int form acceptable te, Leiter tn the eovnt of loss, Borrower shall hy Beroser, Fuel iasurance company concerned is her ve Lender immediate notice by mail. Lender msiy make proat af loss ior make pron hy auitorized and ditected f make payment for sich loss direst eT onder, instead! of ts Bomower and to Lente fa te the reduction of the indebtedness under the Note and this Security Lastrument, first to any nrounts applied in the order in paraeraph 3. and then to prepayment of principal, or (by to the restoration wr rep ed Property, \ny application of the proceeds (6 the principal shall not extend or postpone the due dae of the pir 2 or chi sts oner at amount required bs pay all outstanding indehiedness under the Note and this Security Instrument stall he Joi. AI or any part of the insurance proceeds may he applied by Lender. at ns oaption, cit monthly pasments which are referred te in para the amount of such payments. Vay excess insurance pail tthe entity legally entitled thereto, Py the exent ott ure of this Security Insirument or oer tsmstey of tithe 0 the Property dat etingaishes the 3h. (ie aud Interest of Buriat itt and te tusurance palsies i force shall pass tthe purchaser S Gecupaney. Preservation, rotection af the Peaperty: Berrowers Laan \ppli Heaschalds, Ronower stall occupy. establish, and use the Moyrerty ay Borrow et"s principal residence within siNty days afte intenance and P ation the wrecation of this Seowrity Instrament dor within sixty dks of «later site ow transfer of the Property sand shal continue te Sup the Proper ts Borrower's principal residence fin at least ame year alter the date of ecupaney. unless Lender steteriines that ecguirement sill couse undue hardship fr Borroaver, or unless evtenuating eigetmistances exist which are Peon Bemowee's cantrol Hortower still notify Lender of any extenuating circunastances, Borrower shall not commit haste oF dest Hage or substantially change the Property or allow the Property deteriorate, reasonable wear and teat esschted Conder may inspect the Property if the Property is satcant or abandoned or the haw is in default, Lender may tahe Honorable tetion t6 protect and presente stich abandoned Property. Boaener shall also be in default if Bomouer 0 application process, gave materially false or inaccurate information «vr statements te Lender tar failed to Provoke Lender with gy material informations in connection with the loan evidenced by the Note. incladin fe representations concerning Beroner's overpanics of the Property as a principal residence, this Security Instrument is guia Kewell, Remongs shall coniply with the provisions of the fease. Hf Borrower aoquires tee title ko tbe Property. the ' will not he merged arthess Fender agie 6 Candemaation. The proceeds of any award or clin for damages, dircet or consequential, in connection with aus but not limited Scholl and Tee title testhe mer er in writin, std shall ep Security Harament, Lender shall apply such proc oF thing of any part oP the Properts. of for cvavesance ie place « conitemnation, are hereby assigned Af to Lender to the extent of the fill amount of the indebwedness that remains unpaid under the Nete snd this ds to the reduction vf the indebtedness under the Note and this Security NCaunmounts applied int the order pron ided in parasccph 3, and then fo prepay ment at prineipiel the principal shall nor extend or postpone the duc date of the monthly payments, whieh ars feteamennt Hirst ts any lini Any aplication af Uke proceeds TOKIO Hy Mat ye vers Gest:retemed 1 i paantgraph 2 change the amount of stich paximents, Vy excess proceeds ser an amount required to pay all fe andl this Security Instrument shall be paid wethe entity fexally entitled thereto ae Her's Rights in the Property. Borner stall pay all governmental nd imponitivins that are not inched in para cuistaniding: indubsednyss uaver the No Charges ta Burrow tection of E or niunicipal vlkarses, fines rapt 2, Borrower shall pay these obligations on time: he entity whictt is cssed the payment HF failure «pay sould adv cisely aiffect Lender's interest i the Property pea Lenders request Banusver sill proaptly fuenish to Lender receipts exidencing these pay ments W Borvsver folly to make these py ments or the payments required by parazeaph 2. ur fails te perform any other vos gals land agivement= contained int this Security be tunignt, or here is a test! proceeding that may sigaiticantls affect Lendvr’s rights im the Property (such ats a proceeding io hankruptey. lor condemmation «to enforce kaws or revglations). then Is necessary to protect the value ef the Peaperty and Lender's pity ment af eves. haga instance and other Hems mentivned in partsraph 2 tt He beste intorest from the date of disbursement at the Note rate. and at the eption of Confer shall be inmedisaely due and pay alte Fender mig de anal pay whatever including us in the Property, Any amnumis distiersed by Lender under this pa ueraph shall become an alitional debt of Borrower and he sec J by this Security Listiument. Hrgse amenity sh Bectonser shall pimps discharay any tien shich has priority over this Security ustrument unless Borrower: tatagrees ier rit ayiment of thy of Wien secured by the Lien in a manner acceptable to Lender: ( ciottesty it soul faith the fists by, oe defends a inst enforcement of the Tien in, legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the vah-fccttent of the Hen: or Gor secures from the holder af the Beran agreement satistactry te: Lender subordinattine the ty te dhs Secarits Instoument, IE Lender deterinines that any part of dhe Property is subject to a Hien which may attain priority seer this Security Instrument, Lender inay give Boonwer a notice identifying the lien, Rorraiwer sbulll sitisth the lien or take he or mor of the ations set forth above within 1 days of the 5. Fees, Lender may collest fees and cha 9. Grounds far Aeeleration af Debt (a Default, Lender may. except as fimited by regelations issued hy the Secretary in the case of payment detatlts require immnediaee pay mint in full ofall sams secureal by this Securit Instewmeut if giving of notice. cs authorizes by the Seerotary Gi) Bomacor sketaults by tailing to pay in full ny Monthly payment required hy this Security Instrument priee teoren the dug date of the nest monttily pay ment, Gr 68 Bomacer detadts by tellins, for period of thirty days. t perform ang other obli Secuity Insteaument tions contained in this (hi sale Without Credit Approval, Lender shail. if permitted by applicable fa ‘including scetion Mid of the CamMeSE Geman Depository Mistitutions Ast of LIS2. 12 US.C. E71. aN ane with the prior approval of the Secreta. requiry immediate payment in tudl at all sums secre by this Security Instrument if (i) Mbor pan ot the Peoperty, or a heneticial interest in a teust ossaing all or part of thy Property. is suk ot ferred Gather than hy devine or descent), ad GEL The Property is not occupied by the purchaser or Hee as His or her principal residence w ghittice dees st accapy the Property, but his or her credit has not beet approved in accordance with the eeuiitontents oh the Secretary the purchase (el Na Waiver, if circumstances eccur that woald permit ender to require immediate payment in full, but Lender dives mo Avquite stich payments. | ender does nov waive its rights with respect to suhseqitett ev ents (ay Regulations of HUD Seere Fights, in the case of payment dy ys. tn many ciecum. sitices regulativns issued by the Secretary will limit Lender's HS. te require immediate payment i full and torectose if not paid This Secity Instrument does not authorize acceleration sar forechostre it nt permitted by re fe) Mortgage Nat Insured, Borrower avrees that it this Seeurity Instrument and the Note sligible tor insurance snder the National Housing Act within eight months frou the dote hereof, Lender may. at its option reglire immediate py Security Instrument, writen statement! af aay authorized awent of the Seeretary dated subsequent to eight months trom the date he nstwmnent sad the Note. shall be deemed gonclusive ps this lations af the Secretary are not determined to by vent in fall of all suons securcd hy this #. declining to insure this Secusiy “tot such ineligibility. Nubsithstanding the Rareyoins ory not be evetcived by Lender when the unavailability af mseraace is votely due ts Lender's failure to fomtih a Movtzave insurance preaviam 6 the Secrets 16, Rein} rement, Borriay has ar Ait be reinstated if Lender has required immediate pas ment in full hovase Boroser s tailure te pay an amount due under the Note oe this Security tnvirument, This ¢ -h¢ applies even atter foreclosure Prewcadines arc untied, To reinstate the Security Instrument, Bosrosser shall tensfer in «fun suns all aanounts reguired THOR vty Mort sotvers secaunt current inelutio hie extent they are obligations of Boeroisee under this Security histrument He costs snl resonable and customary attorneys’ tees and expenses properly associated with the foreckssure (pon reinstatement by Borrower. this Security Jnsteument and the obligations that it secures shall remain in ttect as df Lender had not eeyisined inumediate payment in full, Hoavever, Lender is not roguired te permit reinstatement if (i) > within Wo sears imntedittels Londen hos sissepted reinstatement atter the cammencement of foreckostire preceedin veins the commencement af « curent foreclosure procevaing, Gir reinstatement will prectiske forectosure on different «fleet the priority of the lien create U1. Harrower Not Released: Forbearance by Lender Net a Waiver, Ustension of the time of payment ot Mowlitic ution of amortization of the sums secured by tis Security lnsteum nds i the furs, oF Gd rensstatement will aalversel by this Security Instrument gramed by Lender to any successie in interest ef Borower shall nor apenite ( retedse the Habitity of the ori Sings a io of the Stitis secured by this Security fnstriment by reason oP any demand made by the nal Borrower ov Borrower's sugcessors ia interest. Lender shall not be reyuited t commence prove oF jt interest or refuse to extend time fir payment or Hionsic Modis amorti ivisat Bortnver or Burrower's successars in interest Any Larbearance by Lender i eXereising any right or remedy shall not B any right or remedy id Several Liability: Ca-Ni Security fiswumtent bull bind and henelit the suovessors and ass salver ator preclie the exercise ut [Successors and Assigns Bound: Joint Hers. The covenants andl agreements of this not Lender and Borrower, subject fo the provisions of fash hh Borrower's covensiis and asceements shall be joint aad several. Aay Bormver who vorsigns this Security Unstrument but does ts esgcure the Notes tia is coesigning this Security. Instru ent only W mortage, grant and convey that Morrone s interest iu the Property under the wes of this Security Instrument: (61 is mot personally obligated to pay the suns and any other Borrower oray agree f0 evtend, modify. forbear we make any aecommodations with regard & the tert of diy Securiiy. Insteumeot ar the Note without that Borrower's sectited by this Security Lastruments atid (cd fees that Lend vous, 13. Notices. Ny notice iy Barrower provided fr in (his Security fasttument shall he given by delivering it or bs hailing if hy fest class mail antess applicable kaw requttys de oF anotter method. The netice shall be directed i the Proper Adtelee fe Lender's ackiress stated herein or amy stdlress Lender fer adhlives Rostoasey designates by motive « Lendgr. Any notive to Lender shall be desi ive te Borrower or Lender when given as prov ied in this pxtragraph 14. Guverning Law: Severability, This Security Instrument shall bev iweisdiction in which the Hroperty is tovated. fa the event that niflicts with applicable hus, such contict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Lnsteany by First class mail ates hy notice bi Bomawer, Any notice pros ided for in this, Security lnstrument shatl be deemed te have heen wermed by federal law and the faw of the } provision or ekiuse of this Security Instrument or the Note nt ar the Note which ean pmvision. To this end the provisions of this Security. Instrument and the Note cet without the conflicting sleclatet to be svt erable 15. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given one conformed copy of the ete and of this Security. lustrument 16. TBiardaus Substances, Borrser shall not cause oF perniit thy presence, dye, disposal, storage, a eclease af any Vasankaus Sibstaneys ot on in thy Property, Borrower shath dot do. nor allow anyone ele to de, aaything afiveting the Property that 1 in stelatiow af toy Fry irommental 1as. The preceding Mo sentences shall not apply 0 the presence. use. ot sevtiae on the Praperty of sarall quantities of Hazardous Substances that are generally eecounized ts be appropriate to nenial Fesnlentiat uses aiid te niietenancy of the Property Honiever shatl promptly give Lender weitten notice «Pans investigation, cham, demand, lie suit or other ation by ny grserhatcotal i Fegutiloty genes oF private party invols ing the Property and tny HL sposhigt Homage fass actual knowledge. If Borrower ke Hat sigy removal or ether remediation of any Hazardous Substances aitectina the Prop auctions in aecordance with Ens irommental {ss aph to. “Hasardvins Substances” are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous substances by Niheaniwital Daw cad the folowing substare ardous Substanee or Lavisonmentat rs.or is notitied by any governmental or sultry authority 15 is necessary, Horrower steall promptly take al necessary rome As sed ier tis pa t Pesticides and fterhicidles, volatile solvents, materials conciining asbestos ar formalielty de. and rain gasoline, horosene. other famauible or tovig petroleum products. toxig ive ataterials, As used Sand laws of the jurisdiction where the Properts is located that int this par staph 10, “Env imantental Law” means fevleral Feline te freatth safely oo en iroumentil protection SOSENILORMECOVENANES, Rorronver and Lender further gov enant and 17. Assignment of Rents. Be Hosperty. Borrower authorizes Lender oo Lender's Fee ay fiallows, remer unconditionally assis nel transfers tev Lender ll the rents and revenues of the fats to collect the rents and events anu hereby dirwets each tenant of > agents, However: prior ( Letder’s notice fe Bertoaser of Bom the Property 16 pas the rents to Pender or Land EEOIID VHA MORTGAGE nes west:emtent in the Security Insteument, Boerner shall collect and receive all rents and resentes of wothe bonetitot Lender and Borrower. This assignment oP rents constitutes am absolete ss Aament tlhe Paapess as trustee atid Got any aysiZBINGAH foe additional secutity. en H Lender gives tetice of breach ty Bamuwer teh all rents received by Borrower shall be heh 6y Borrow er as Guster fe all be entitled to vollect and teceive all of the vents of the Property and Co each tenant Pte Property shill pay ofl rents duc and aupaid «6 Lender or benefit of Lender only, to be applied to the sums scoured by the Security tastrument: dh) Lender sf Lender's assent on fender’ written demand to the tenant Hormower has not esecuted any prior assignment of the rents and has not and Will uot perlorn aa act that would preven Loter from ese cistiy its rights ander this p: peeiphe 17 Fender shall not be required ty enter upon, fake congrh or maintain the Property belive or alter notige of cach te bormever, Honever, Lender or a judicially appointed receiver aay dv 30 at any time there is a breach, Any application of rents shall ot vure or waive any detault or invalidate any other right or remedy of Lender, This assignment af Fenty ot the Pro debt seoutved by the Security Fasteument is paid in full 18. Foreclosure Procedure. 1 Lender requires mumediate payment in tall under parawraph 9% Lender may foreclose ty sual Yerminate when th Security Ineument by juaticial proceeding Lender shall he entitled te culleet all expenses incurred in pursuing the hentvalies pros ieled in this pa fap £8 including. bur a 1 Himited to, reasonable attorney 5” fees and costs of title evidence WW thy Lender's intcrest in this Security Instrument is hekd by the Seeretary and the Seeretary requires immediate pasatont i full ander pay ale provided in the Single Fa wire ASL OF 99H OAD LSC. S751 et seq. hy requesting a forectosure commissioner designated tender dhe Awt to comntenve Foreclosure and to sell the Property as provided in the Act, Nothitty in the preceding tilable co a Lender under this paragraph 18 or applicabte I I Sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shall release this Security lnsteument, Hormower shall pay any recordation casts, Lender may cha this Security Jnstruinent but cats iE ike fee is paid wa third party tor vervices rendered and the charging of the fee is permitted under porticatle favs raph 9 the Secretary may invoke the nonjudiviat prover wf I Mortgage Fores sentence shall dyprive the Secretary of any rights ottternvise 1. Releaye, Upon paymenr of Borner a fee for 4 20. Attorneys” Fees, As ased in this Security Instrument and the Note, anerteys” fees shall Include those awarded by p appellate come ane any attorneys’ fees incurred in a bankruptcy priceedil 21. dury Triat Waiver. The Uorrower hereby waives ain right fo atrial by jury ia any section, proceeding, elaint, or uatorckainy, whether in cumract or tort, at lass or in equity aising hub ater in any way related to this Security Instrument the Nute Riders ta this Seer ty tastrument, Hone or more riders are executed by Bortower and recorded together with Hols Security Mistrunteat. the coretamts ef cach such rider shall be incorporated into sand shall amend and supplement the eos omnis ikl agrecmeit » this Security Histrument as ifthe riders} were a part ot this Seeurits Instrument [Ciieeh applicable hoxtestf ] ¢ sndomiiniam Rider Ty Growing Lqutity Rider 7 Planned (nit Her elopment Ridder Adjustable Rate Rider [7] Rehabilitation Loan Rider © Nonist iwner ecupanes Rider [7] cater iSpecits} THEORIDVEEY Mom Te vr ers GestBY SIGNING BEL OM. Romer aevepiy and agrees to the tems contained in paves U through “of this Security Eestriment vad in any Palvet st executed hy Bortusser and recorded with it oe Wem Salt Teste Toone 405 .N, Gray Avenue Panama City. FL 32401 Sie Paci ade __1ealh i _tSeal) Josephine Brown it . Horiestce — ee a NO a SCH Feeney — Torte Couity of The haregoing instcument was acknowledsed beline me this day of Milos is persmally Know tome ue whe has prouticed stone ation a scanner, Notary Put Sate of Flonda | f i FEORIDY HEY MOR LG Gt ers GestLEGAL DESCRIPTIO! BEGINNING AT A POINT WHICH IS 270 WEST OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTH, RANGE 14 WEST, RUNNING THENCE SOUTH 264 FEET, THENCE WEST 110 FEET, THENCE NORTH 264 FEET, THENCE EAST 110 FEET TO THE STARTING POINT. LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTH, RANGE 14 WEST, BAY COUNTY, FLORIDA.