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  • LAKEVIEW LOAN SERVICING LLC vs. UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF JOSEPHINE BROWNReal Prop/Mort Foreclosure-Homestead, Residential $50-249K document preview
  • LAKEVIEW LOAN SERVICING LLC vs. UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF JOSEPHINE BROWNReal Prop/Mort Foreclosure-Homestead, Residential $50-249K document preview
  • LAKEVIEW LOAN SERVICING LLC vs. UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF JOSEPHINE BROWNReal Prop/Mort Foreclosure-Homestead, Residential $50-249K document preview
  • LAKEVIEW LOAN SERVICING LLC vs. UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF JOSEPHINE BROWNReal Prop/Mort Foreclosure-Homestead, Residential $50-249K document preview
  • LAKEVIEW LOAN SERVICING LLC vs. UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF JOSEPHINE BROWNReal Prop/Mort Foreclosure-Homestead, Residential $50-249K document preview
  • LAKEVIEW LOAN SERVICING LLC vs. UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF JOSEPHINE BROWNReal Prop/Mort Foreclosure-Homestead, Residential $50-249K document preview
  • LAKEVIEW LOAN SERVICING LLC vs. UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF JOSEPHINE BROWNReal Prop/Mort Foreclosure-Homestead, Residential $50-249K document preview
  • LAKEVIEW LOAN SERVICING LLC vs. UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF JOSEPHINE BROWNReal Prop/Mort Foreclosure-Homestead, Residential $50-249K document preview


Filing # 144309196 E-Filed 02/21/2022 04:04:33 PM IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FOURTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR BAY COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 19004409CA LAKEVIEW LOAN SERVICING, LLC Plaintiff, Vv, THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, GRANTEES, DEVISEES, LIENORS, TRUSTEES, AND CREDITORS OF JOSEPHINE BROWN; BETTY BROWN MCCRAY A/K/A BETTY MCCRAY; BEVERLY PATTON, DECEASED, ET AL. Defendants. NOTICE OF FILING ORIGINAL NOTE AND ORIGINAL RECORDED MORTGAGE The Plaintiff, LAKEVIEW LOAN SERVICING, LLC, by and through undersigned attorney hereby files of record the: ORIGINAL NOTE ORIGINAL RECORDED MORTGAGE. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT a copy hereof has been furnished by U.S. Mail or Email on this 2ichday of Becember=202I to: cor roucy (202 1000005434 JAMES ROBERT HUGHES (OPPOSING COUNSEL FOR WANDA DARLENE ROGERS A/K/A WANDA DARLENE MCCRAY A/K/A WANDA D. MCCRAY) P.O. BOX 2467 PANAMA CITY, FL 32402-2467 JHUGHES@BARRONREDDING.COM BRIAN D. LEEBRICK, ESQ. (OPPOSING COUNSEL FOR BAY COUNTY, A POLITICAL SUBDIVISION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA) 840 W. 11TH STREET PANAMA CITY, FL 32401 BLEEBRICK@BAYCOUNTYFL.GOV ETHEL CARR 2721 E NTHCT PANAMA CITY, FL 32401-5005 MARILYN FRANCENE MCCRAY LOTT 1500 DENNY ST MOUNT VERNON, AL 36560 MELVIN FRANKLIN FOSTER A/K/A MELVIN FOSTER 2702 RIDGEWAY DR. WITCITA FALLS, TX 76306 ASHLEY LATRESEE PATTON 3506 E. 2ND CT. PANAMA CITY, FL 32401 JEFFREY TYRONNE MCCRAY A/K/A JEFFREY TYRONE MCCRAY A/K/A JEFFREY T. MCCRAY A/K/A JEFFREY MCCRAY A/K/A JEFFERY TYRONNE MCCRAY A/K/A JEFFERY MCCRARY A/K/A TYRONE MCCRAY 3616 E. 2ND ST. PANAMA CITY, FL 32401 CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT BAY COUNTY, FLORIDA C/O CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT 1000005434 300 E 4TH ST, #105 PANAMA CITY, FL 32401 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE C/O EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 2450 SHUMARD BLVD., BLDG. 1, FLOOR 2 TALLAHASSEE, FL 32399 eXL Legal, PLLC Designated Email Address: 12425 28th Street North, Suite 200 St. Petersburg, FL 33716 Telephone No. (727) 536-4911 Attorney for the Plaintiff by: ee Andrew L, Fivecoat Florida Bar No. 122068 1000005434 sip RQ re 2B5°2, 2 _ NOTE —— aoe an May 16, 2008 ws 2721 E. 11th Court PANAMA CITY. FL 32401 Pave ' PARTIES Borie aicatis cach person signing atthe end of this Note and the person's Successors and assiuns Lender usvany Taylor, Bean & Whitaker Mortgage Corp. and its successors and assis 2 BORROWER'S PROMISE, TO PAY: INTEREST fn fur fier foam eeceised trom Lender. Bort nce promises fe pay the principal sum of Seventy One Thousand Seven Hundred Seventy Three and no/100 Dollars HS S7H,773.00 J. plus Interest. to the ore of Lender, Interest will be charged on anpaid principal, thom the date disbursement of the Ioan proceedshy ender, at the rate of Six and One Half percent ¢ 6.5000" +1 per sear until the full amount of principat has been paid, 3. PROMISE FOP AY SECURED i ower's promise to pay is secured by a more doed of trust or similar s curity instrument that is dated the same abate ts tis Note seed ailed the ‘Security Instrumen The Security Instrument protects the Lender from Insses which might ees at Berta claus ander this Note 4 MANNER OF PV MENT My time Bomower sf fake a payment of principal amd interest ty Leader om the first day of each month beginai 0 July 01, 2008 Any principal and inteve remaivin con the First day of June 2038 sil be de on that dhate. whichis © Hed the “Mastu ty Date. (By Place Pasi vat slull be made at Taylor, Bean & Whitaker Mortgage Corp., 1417 North Magnolia Ave, Ocala, FL 34475 or at such other place as Lender may, designate in writing by notive to Borrower « Amount Lav monthly pay ment of principal ar interest will be in the antount uf US, 5453.65 He neue sill by past ef’ ieger monthly payment required by the Security lstrument, that shall be applied te principal nicest amd other items in thy order described in the Security Instrument PEORIDS FHA FIXED ATE NOEL 6 Seatoes T9877 4_20078012. 100008 ae Ailange to this Note for Payment Adjustinents " 1 ge 5 ni t pay ment adiustinents is excentedhy Borroner together ih thi Note. the covenants of the lone ull incorpo into and shall amend and supplentont the covenants of this Note as if the alk we We eu pat of i Sone Rech polis: bea -. ug bya Monge « ddevsted Pa wi Other {spec t BORROWER'S RIGHT TO PREPAY 1 worth 4 right be pay the 6 ced by this S ine wobobe os i part without chee r . ate fine why bo month, Lender shall accept preparmenton t « provided that Rerrower pos inereston the aniouint cal se the remain H the mouth to the extent reguiited by Lender vunf permitted by regulations of the Secretary. If Borreser ath wt 1 sient there Will he no charwes in the due a: or im the amount of dhe momthly pam sat unless Fe er tee i tine hs st ne shane 6, BORROWER'S FAILURE roPay a Late Charge for Overdue Paym s IT ender has 0 ‘ved the Tall monthly poy ment reqaited by che Security Instrum mi ts seribed in Pars raph Wy wiki Note. hy thre end of Fitton Fendar day otter the payment is due. Leadce may collect a kate charse in the amt Four pe Lert 40 ef tho oserchie amicant st each pag ment (By Defautt 1B, rows gy shetaule by fhitin, pay in fell any meothis payment thea fender may, ewept ats Himited by regulations of ah Seong in the case T pagans de fi uults, require immedhate pay {in full of the principal bats ve remain due and i otticd imrerest i i oh te esetvise this pion without wativin: iis rights in the event any. sebsequent faut tn me wircoanesta sey ul is issued h he Secretary vill mit Fender's sights require immediate pay iin tell in th f pay men walt This ste does net atiorize agcelecation when not pe nitied by HED a cath . Hin his No Secrets reams the Seerotats of Housing anid Crban Development or his or her des ee FO) Payment of Costs and F ypenses H Lender has required inymediote p snort intl 1 sotihe shine It ler may requife Borower we poy costy and es Jnclentin 1 A nd tes mae ath lee for enoecin this Note tw the exter e tr pibited hy applic: Nw Res a all bea rntgrest thon thte d “ i seament at the sume rake as the principal of this Note WAIVERS I 1 an a ther pe ot hh % lig, jens under this Note waive the rights of presentment and potice " dich. Ho be atnigt pores the right & ywine Pender to downing p rent sk amounts day Notice Hf dishoner” me " the ht requ | emir want 1 0 other persons thar ainonnas due have not been pid 8, GIVING OF NOTICES. ta . pphcable Lav requ ditforent nett I any tarige that must be given te F " ser under this te will be sis hs delivering it ) mating iby Th Tr ehess mail to Borie at the property address hove or ata ditterent add ir Borsaserby sen Lender a netice of Borrower's ditterent address, \n notice that must be ison fy Lender under this Note will by ven by first Chass mailto Lender at the addressst ted te Me ora hit al therm wahbiens if Born tis en netieg ¥ that ditficrent addres 9, OBLIG VELONSOF PERSONS ENDER THIS NOTE te pe thin sane son signs this Note, watch person is Tilly and personal wb eal wy heep all of the promises mune hy his te inh fin ed promise to psy the full aatmeunt owed Ans person whe isa guarantor, surety or endorser of this Noe sy i ted be des these thing person w ms tthes over the oblig ations juding thy obligations of 4 at st rely or omdorser of this Note, is abo obligated to keep all sf the promises made in this Note. Lender m. enforee ts right undue this Not ist cack person ind Ms against all sin Wories ‘wether Any une person signing this Avni ts By requited to pay ail of the aniounts caved ander this Note POORID FHV ERED VEE NOTE tues 1 DOCUMENT SRY TAN The state document tas dug this Note has been paidon the mort sect s this indebtedness. BY SIGNING BELO Borewera e tof autees te the terms and covenants contained in pages # through 3 af this c fy? Le e a ~ Weal - 7 (Seat ther Can Te ie ° fo. _(Seali a — Seal Josephine Brown” Tent ° i coe —_— - (Seal) — a — a «Sealy Fear “ « se of [Siga Origiodl Ooty] Without recourse, pay to the order By: Taylor, Bean & Whitaker Mortgage Corp. FLORID CIE. FINED RAE SOFT 2 oe eb 1 ¥ Jessica Cunningham Taylor. Bean & Whitaker Mortgage Corp 1417 North Magnolia Ave Qeala. FL 34475 Fite# 2008033468 OR BK 3058 Pages 232-239 CARL M. SUGARMAN RECORDED 06/11/08 14:47:01 Harold Bazzel, Clerk Bay County, Florida 17345 S. DIXIE HWY DOC STMP-M: 3251.90 INT TAX: $143.55 DEPUTY CLERK GB Trans # 879822 a mo ype Ubon his bine b Recordin Datal Tine o MORTGAG E ee Hs. He TU NGL eSecuts tnstroment tis given on May 16, 2008 Hoe metas wis Ethel Carr and and Josephine Brown i i ML Borrowers This Security lasteamentés given te ke onic sey 1s sien Ingen RS MERS is sepiirite eonpser 1th, is acting solely as nomuaree oy Lemter amt ben hee an! sein MERS is the mort gee under this Secu Instrument MERS is. Fesisting under the fey of Delaware, and has an ciddee nd telephone aumber of P.6, Boy 2026. Flint, MIL 85H]. J0Y0, cel ENNS)OTYMIERS. Taylor, Bean & Whitaker Mortgage Corp. Lender) iso nized aval existing fot the has FL and a + 1417 North Magnolia Ave, Ocala, FL 34475 is i este Jr the principal ‘wn of Seventy One Thousand Seven Hundred Seventy Three and no/t00 Dolkurs (tS. $71,773.00 » Mn felt is evidencod by Borro Hy note dated the some date as this Seenrity Instrument oNot ) which provide ior noonthly payments, wit @ full debt, iP not paid earfige. dae nd payable wn June 01, 2038 Ui Sea 2) Unscrun “ ve Fender fay the repayment of th debr evidenced by the Note, svith interest, annd all ai tetbsivn sand vel a nol thhe \ fe: thi the payment of all sams ih interest ads under " V the \eurit this Sceurity Instrunteat: and1e4 the perlorntance Mi Borrower's covenants and 0 under this Seaeity tnstianynt and the Note. Ler this parpese, Bort er s hereby me erat and wanve MBBS ful Ss nomien ‘4 tt ier ab Bennders stccess soiigts itd to th Jaecessors cath assis of MERS the rif in e deescryal pu sory fea in BAY County. F ida: EEORED VFN MOR TE st om eas Geen Tora 671118. 10G0R2 See Attached Exhibit A. In has the axtiress a 2721 E. 11th Court Suse PANAMA CITY hori 32401 (Property Address" lope tel FOGE THER SETH all the provements now oF hereafter erected on the property and all easements, appurtenances and fixtures now or hereatioe « part af the property All replacements and adit wis shall also be covered by this Security Instrument, Mot dhe Loregeing is reterred to iat this Security Instrument as the “Property.” Rownmuer anderstands aint agrees that 4 HERS he is y ey H Gthe te the inigrests rated by Borrower this Security tusteument: but. if wecessai fe comply with las or custom, ME fas nominee Fr Lender amd Lender's shecessors and as: ns) has the zt: exercise any or all ethos. pitatont 4fing but not Fienited © the ta fore, vse and yell the Property: andl ts take any action required of Hom includiny bat ne lintited to, releasing or canceling this Security Insteument. BORROWER COVENANTS that Bormewer is Lawtully seived of the este hereby comeyed and has the Fight to mat a d comes the Property and that the Property is unencumbered. except for encumbrances of record. Bonawer i ant will defend generally the title to the Property ainst alt claims af demands. subl 1 to cacumibeances of receal, BES SECL RELY INSTREMENT combines eniform covenants for national ase and nm sunitorm covenants sith fimmited \ ariation hy jurisdiction to constivme a uniform sec ity instrument covering real property CSIP ORAECON TENANTS, Borrower and Lender cos nt and co as follows 1 Payment # Principal. Interest and Late Charge, Borrosser shall pay when digs the principal of. and interest on che bbe ex idenced t te Note and fate dus ander the Note 2> Monthly at ent of Taxes. Insurance, and Other Charges. Borrower shall include in each monthly payment sheer sith principal and interest as set forth in the Note and any hie charges sum fe ean taxes and special me smnents levied or t he hevied st ths Property. (bi easchold payments or ground rents on the Prope and 4c) premiums tor insurance reyuived under para i aph 4 in ae year in which the Lender aust pay a mortyity insurance prominin to the Seerctty of How und Urhant Development (Se etary”), or in any $e Ashich such premium would have be reguited if fonder stilt Ke the Security Instrument, exch montlily payer shall also include either: 49 sunt for rhe neat urate vge fnsuraive prentiam toBe paicl by Lender to the Secretary, oF Gis a monthly char instead of a a insurance nisin i s Security Instrument is held by the Secretary. in reasonable am 1 te be determined by the Secretary. Fscept for the monthly ch. ze by the Secretary. these items are alled se 6 Htems” and the sums paid to Tender are called “Lscrens Funds, Lender may at ay time, collect and hold anon Escrow thems inn feeaE amOUNE NOL to evceed the preinuiny an wont that i be required tor Borrow S escron account under the Real Estate Seitlement Procedures Act ot pera IDtsc § 200} et seq. and imptemeniin: te lations. ME CFR Par 0, as th may be amended fiom time to time BE SPV". xcept that the cushion or reserve penmitied by RESP\ toe unanticipated disbursementsor disbursements before te Horry 's f pment dre available in the account Wy Tot be based on tmounts due for the mor insurance premit wu aementnts t by Lender for Escrow ttents exceed the amounts permitted to be beh hy RESPA, Lender shallFH, sot Be woer for the excess Tends as required by RESP. 1th sanoumts of funds Held bs Lender at any time are not sulficient i pay the Escrow ftemy witen dag, Lender may ne f the Borrower ad roquite Borner to make ap the shortage » pormiteed by RESP Homo yiHy Monte er ers Geet 1 vs Ben! ‘ ede skditiy a Security ter All sums secured this Security Instyument HE Roerower ein or onder ¢ tell yHent usr Bortowe X shall he credited with the balance remain forall in, Het OHS CL, suid (eh and mort ige insurance premium installme hat der hits not become obi Le fe Secret oil Lender all refed My eAwers. tH s | Bonover tn restiateh peor oa ft rechisure sale fs Prog i oa) siti nbs Lender Borers ‘count Al be eredited with Jay balance ren nin for all Hine sms¢ by, 1 35 Applic ion of Payments, Al page ats unter pur graphs Fang shall be applied by Lender as felons FIRST fe inseeance premiun add by Loadyr to tie Secretar or tor the monthly ch: by tke Secret S instead of the monthly nt 1 insurance premtiuay SLEOND. kiwes 1 nents feasebold payritents ov roand ren ind tire Sut and tren fay nl Insneene wn ums ns required nits mt ints " Jord \ « bus tins tice ef thy pri F the te ind IPT to late charg s due wnaer thy Note 4 Fire, Fload cunt Other Hazard tisneane Borrower shall insure wh impan ements on thy Property. whether nov in siven. sv subsequently: en ol nist ay hazards, casualties, and contin neivs. ineludin: tire for which Lender © es insurer . This ins mice sliall be inaistained in the samoonts and for the per Js thitt Lender requites, Borrower shall ahs insure al improvementson the Property, whether now in eXistencear subsequently erected. awainst loss hy Doods to the extent reyitired fy th. Seareneny AM nsueance shall be carried sith sunpanies approved hy Lead 1. The insurance pol sd is rentewvals shall be hob by 1 vr anat shalt include pagabl sohae Tis favorot at in foro aceeptabte te. Leudy In the event hows Borrow gr shall ive f onder in pediate neti by ail, Lender my make proof of hos if not mid agpth " wh insurany sempanty een seme BH f herehs suntorized and directed make payment uch ‘ hiectiytr Lender, instead uf te Benetton and tee Lender joitt All or any part oP the insunmee proceed= may he appl Jy bounior bits ion. el santa. hs reduct se the ndebtedness under the Note aad this Security Instrument. tiest & any stelinguent saneunts applied in the water bn paragraph 8, and then te prepaymentof principal. or #h) t0 the restoratio or repair n vai damaged Property Pe Any applic n of the proceeds she ipa} shall not extend or postpone due dat of the by hh payments sshticl ue teletted mp. raph 2. or change the amount of such payments, Any edeess insurance er vs at reqainad ¢ pay afl oatstanding indebtedness under the Note wa this 8. verity Instraaent shall he sti f sath cntitled theres Ina i He we th s vetiriiy Envtermeat or other transior af ¢itle to the Pi My that estinuuishes ah siden : sil ysl. titty tid imewst Horner er in and to insurance policiesin tree shal pass te the purchaser ce paney Preservation. Mainte ance and Protection of the Properts Borrower's Loan Application: Leaseholls, Bore hall occupy. extabtish a d uve the Property as By rowers pring tesidence within sisty day the execution wehi cura Instrument tor within sity daysol a hater sale or tanstee the Pre 6 nd hall cestinugater the Py ne Bowe t's prinedpal residence for at least one x€ der th dat we cupaney unless Lender ine hat ent will couse unde ards ip for Hevrteaver, or anes evtontratin ¢ circumstance eXist shich are aul H wet cont 1 Horr . hs fH notity Fender of aay extenuatin: circumsta Wes Borrower shall not cor nit nt estrey chamaeve or substontially change the Properts or allows the Property to foter i 7 reasonable we: and tear wn Ah fender mas respect the Pr if ty b erty i AcAnE oF baudhoucid or the 4 nisin d fault, Lender atay take ie ab retin t0 protect aed preserve Such vacant ee aband neal Property. Rott ‘cr shalt alse be in detau! if Borr ser suria: vi application prec . “ ta i false or inaccurate inf mation F stacements t Lender for Briled te provide Fender with any mater 1 intormtion in connection with the fean evidenced by the Note. including, but not limited 4 cpre ists comvernia: Borrowers sccuspuane of the Property. as a principal resid, ee It this Securit Instr ent is eva beayel Ai Borowcr shall comply swith the provisionsof the k HF Borrower acquires fee tithe the Property. the 1 low Ad rd tec ttle stall not be nie antes f cde ses toh me in ritin: 6, Condentation, Lie proceedsof any award oe claim Ke daa s.direet or consequential. in nagetion with any adem ie 1 her Whi 4 ty part of the Propert ere conveys ing ae ote aid shal be pad Lender to the estentat tite fall amount the indebtedness that remains ndenination, ve hereby ssigned unpaid under the Note and this Securit Tmnstrument, Lender shall appb such provecds to thy reduction of the indebtedness and rahe Ns and this Security trewumitt Hirst te any delinquent amounts apphed in the order provided in pa raph $ and then to pr payment of principal Any apptic nel he proceeds te the principal shall mot extend oF postpone the due d. te of the monthly payments. hich are Ur ont (tity MORIG Var ERS Great returned to inp seaplh 2a el ange the amount of sich pay merits, \ny excess proceeds over an amount required to pay all contsranuties indchtedness fer the Note anid this See ity Lnstrument shall be paid to the city 2 ally cutitled thereto Char st Borrower and Protection of E nder’s Rights in the Property. Borrower sh H pay al eernmental i anunivipal cine . Hue wad nypesitions that are aot inctuded in paragraph 2. Borrower shall pay these obl ations «on time directly the ontit oly is ened the pay met If failure 1 pay would adversely affect Lender's interest in the Propesty v on Lem S request Romer shat peomptly fitsnish to Lender receipts evidensi these payments, ie rower alls ma these payments, th payments regdired by paragraph 5 oy {ails to pertonm any ether een td ‘cetuents contained it Unis Scearity. lastrume! or these is a egal proceeding that may iti amily affect Leader vight in the Py erty (sich asa peaveed iin rkruptey fae condemnation or te enforce fas oF F ulations), then Conder ons dh andi whe werer neve bo protect the va uc of the Property and Lend sa hes in the Property Juchuding pasment of tives hazard insurance and other items mentionedin paraycah2 Any amounts disbursed by Leader under this pa raph shall become an additional debt of Borrower and be secured bs tai Securit lostrument These amourtts shall bear interest from the date of dish vemient at the Note rate. and at the uption of Lender sitall be immediate da und payable & reser Sal promptly diseh ay Hien which has priurity aver this Security strunicat unless Borrawer: al agrees sits f the pay 4 the abigation scoured ‘i lion ia a manner acceptable to Le thi contests in good faith the fica by. dotonds a inst ont ment af the Hiew i feual proceedin: Which in the Lender's opinion eperate to present the enforcementof the fen: or fe} secures tron the holder of the lien asta cement satistivctery © Lender subordinati 2 the his Security Instrun nent If Lender determines that y part of th Propeet is subject to a Hew which may attain priority sor this Security Inston b ler on ive Borrower a notice identifying the | n, Rorrexver shall satisfy the lien or take ae oF atore of die aetin st fowth sve within 10 days of the ivin: of both 8 Fees, Lemler may collect tees anid charges antborizead by the Secretary 4 Grounds for Avceter jon af Debt (ay Default, Loder may. except is Hntited by regulations issued fy the Secretary in the case of payment defautts, requite iammediaty p pit tint Tall of alt ims secured by this Security Instrument if a ts rower defaults by failing to pay in full any monthly payment required hy this Security Instrument prior form the dh cab le of the nextinonthty. pay ment, oF G0 Bormuwer detaults by tailin: Tar a perind of thirty: days. 6 perfonn any other el gations, ratained in this Security fnsteument (toy Sale Without Credit Approval, Lender shall. if pennitied by applicable las Gnctuding section 414d) of the ‘ f0-St, Gen, » Depository tas ious Act of 198, ID Use TH 1j-3dH and with the prior approval of the Seen ay. togulirs immediate pay ment in fill of al sums scoured by this Security Instrumenti a All or part of the Property. ar a bene! al interest in a trust owning all or part of the Properts i sold or athens ise tr slerred (other than by devise or dk cent). and Gi) The Peoperty is not oceupied by the puchaser oF granige 4s his of her principal re iden or the purchaser oe aptee does 3 ccupy the Property. bor his or her credit has mot been approved in accordance with the requirementsof the Seeret ter NoW er I circumstances eccur 4 would permit Lender fo require immediate payment in full, but Lende f met teqaines wc Payntents. Loder does not waive its rights with eespeet fo Subsequent doos events. ub Re ations of HUD Secretary. la many circumstances regulations issued by the Secretary sil mit Lender's Hi hts, in theo of ps ent d ful. (require immediate payment in tall and foreclose iP not paid. This Security Insteument doe: snot authorize aeveteration or Foreclosure IP not pen itted y regulations of the Secretary, (e} Mortgage Not fnsured. Borrowera: fees thst iPthis Security Instrument and the Note are not determined te be eli ble fi insurance under the Nation: Housing Act within eight months, from the date hereof, Lender may. at its option require immediate payment in full of all sums scoured by this Sccwity fnsteuneent \ writen jemvent Hany authorized agent of the Secretary dated subsequent to eight months, fi nthe date hereot, deel via (o insure this Seearity lesteument and the Note, stud be deemed conch ive proof of such inel ities Nunsiths nin he far es irs this ri tay tot Be exercised by Lender whe the nay: ability of insurance is solely due & Lender's failure to a 1m ge insurance prominin to th setetary 1, Rein: atement, Purrower flay tight a he reinstated if Lender fas required immediate pay ment in full because of my rowers failure Pay an aanquat dus ander the Nete or this Security Instrument, Vis right applies even after forvclosure m wedi ie insted, To rltstate the Security Instrument, Bemnver shall te ler in a tan suri all amounts required FLORID HEY MOR EG Vet ers otsme naner’s “ int cure in a wedCt ewe they ne wy sions ot Broerotsee under this Security Instrument havelosire or . reasonable ial customary attorneys’ feey and expenses properly sociated with the fweclostie tpor inst nent b Boorower, tis Seenrity Instr nt and the oblig 1s tl it see ~ hall remain ia "1 Lhender Bad e required inmodiate payment jn fi. However, Lender is net required& permit evinsta meat ih iy en Se fk ted eit cme i the commencement of forech su @ ° preceedin s wcithin oy sears s ima fate prccedins the emtnere nt «cuter foreclosure proceedin, Git teh state nen iti jechade forselostere nd ne ferent the future ii) reinstatement sill frersely affect the pri ts the Hien ore, ‘ed by this Security Lastremenr I Borrower Not Rel vased: Fo ne ne by Lender Nota W iver Extension of the time of payment or 4 sth vet sasstization the sums secured by thi Securit fnseramrent ted by Lender fo any successor in interest et fs ‘ shall no rele the Hilslity OF uh 7 sinnil Borrower of Borrower suceessivs in inierest, Lender stiell not by rey vl be commence proceedings cistiust ary < in interet or refiase ty stem time for pay oe ther iise n ai : ie, Hen of the sums sovied hy this Security Instrument by reason ef amy demand male BS th wi a « weer By powers slice sors in imerest Any behy : ee hy Lorde ine exercising Wo remedy cll hi by ‘iver of 1 prechinle thy everei May right ar remedy 1 Successors and Assigns Bound: nd SeveralLinhility: Co-Signers. The covemsis wil eements of this Secu Instrument shail hind and bene i ad assigns ot Lender and Borrower, subject fo the pravisions of per ph Sst, Borris S sowenatts und surgentents all be sing atts eral. Any Bortaver who esi 1s this Security iuverunicntbut does net esecute the N. Gat is co ining this Security Instrument only 16 mos ae.ze, grantand convey that Bouroner s interest in the Prape under the terms of this Security Instrument: (hb is not perse Ny obl sted to pay the sums © is Se ie Laster nd tena feos that fend) rab any other Porrowver may a igive ty entend. » vdity. ferben 1 ont va coonmmodations 9th s nf te the terns of this Security Instrament or th Not without thot Bore e's ° » nit 1s Notices, voy to Horomer provided fs fn this Security Instrament Hall be ea by deliseris ite by mii tt Hest mail ny . applica avs requires use af ant method. The notice shalt be direc Abie Property \\ di ' other Nireoss Boer ver desi nates by tice to Lender Any notice tw Lender shalt by iven by fis te 9 ta \ Lend . ness stated! here " Ik ess Lender de: ites by notice HW» Borrower Any notice provided tor in is Securit Insteument shall by deetned fe have b iven ty Borower or Lender when i n pron ided in this paragraph 14, Goverging Law: Severability, [his Security Instrument shall be svemed by federal haw and the kas of the juchdiction in which the Property is tected. Ie the event tharany pros ision or clase his Scowrity. Instrument er the ote nilice sith ppltcable his. such oomitict slit affect other provisions of this Security Insteument oor the Nise whéch o ve rout he ni ep sien. Fo this end d fe provisions of this Ss et lustrument ¢ J the Note are late ‘ > . wv erable Borrower's Copy, Borsocr shall ven eng contormed ¢ Py Fe pril of this ecurit Enstry to, Hisrardous Substances, Berinsy sh Wrote Se oF ait the fescnee. use. disp sal. storage. or release of aay i sistow Se tative 4 in the Property Born er sh He not alo ne alos amyone che tes cons thin ltecting the Prope sha sing sfation i an Fa: urenrivata ha The preceding tie sentences shall aut apply to the presence, use. or re P per (e ssn Hi Hlaganbous Substor that ave renerally vocosui? J appropriate § normal evita use ls rain Hie Property How i pr np ghe Le for writen nutice * im estigation, chain dem il kawsuit os of setion hy wary an otal oe gegubaicry ne oat privateps inv ing the fr erty and any Hazards Substance or Lavineimentil tel Rorescer wu Hos ted Ir Bermower le is notified by any so ernie hor {story authority hat say seme oF Nhe remediation ef any Hazardous Substinves all veting the Property is necessary. Boroner shall pls H nece i remedial actions in aecordance with Ee sameneal Lan As uses ‘ this waply Vo. Hagandous Substances” we those suhstrices defined as tovie or hazardous substances by Fs teonmcata Paws want the folly img subs ees Min. heroseny, ut 1 able postivisies nd herbicites, vohatile slonts. mnteriats eontsining asbestos - rmatdeh le, or saxbovie pe tiveseammaterials products, tonic As used in teks pra 1 ) Ens act Ht rieeuns federal Ja sand Lasts of the jurisdiction where thy Pr ty ty lowated th rel health. safety oan giir men protection. Sol MIEURAE COVENANTS. Bes wer atl Leider tether covenant sind agree ap fatloss ' Asse nent al K ts. Hh 1 1 uniconditionally Ass saind transfers to Lender af the rents and reventies of the Pow sity. Hortower authorizes Lender or Lender's agents to colfece the rents and revenues and hereby directs eael tenant of the Pr fe pag the sets va Hor Fenier nts, However. prior fo Lender's notice to Bortuwer of Borross cts LORI. HEY MOR TG VG oe reac pt ene tnt oF dgreentcnt in the Security tastrament. Be cer shall collect and receive all rents anid revenuesof He Frepest 1s Geatee fer the benetit # Lender and Borner, This assignment of rents constitutes ar absalite as ee vt sit assignment fee aaaliti f Security only tt Lender ves th ice of breach to Bo over: taball rents received by Borrunser shall he held by Bomower as trus Ree benutit of Leade nly fe applied to the sums seared by the Security Instrument: (by Lender shall be entitled te collect and receive ail of the rents of dhe Property wn (eh each tenant of the Property shudl pay afl rents due and uupuid ts Lenderoe Lenders sat benders ritten demman the tenant Honower has dot exe wed any prise assignment of the rents 1 has not and vill aot perform any ac that would provent Leuler fie he its digits ander this pareensph17 Tend t ler shall not by required enter upe take & trol of or maintain the Property before oF after ising notice of ach 1 Borrower Honever L der of sdiviatly appointed receiver may de se at ny time there i a breach, Any sipplicatiow of rents shall not cure or waive any detiult or invalidate any oth lor remedy of Lender, This assignment of rents of the Pe penty shall weminate witen the debt secured by tie Set ny Instrument is paid io fl 18. Foreclosure Procedure, Uf euder requires immediat pagent in fall ander pare raph 9, Lender ma forech e this S\ curity strament by jadie 1 proceeding. Lender shall be entitled gw collect all expenses incurred in pars the Femaies prow idea in this parawcaph 1S, including, bar not limited to. reasonable Homes! fees and costs of title evidence Wd Lende’s interest in this Seeurity Instrument is Joby the Seer wid the 8: Fy requires immediate page in bill under paragraph 4 the Secretary may invoke the monjudicial power af sale provided in the Sin: fc Family Mort t eclestire Act of 1994 ¢ AWAD USC 57 SI et seat bs requesting & foreckosure commissioner de usted Wie Act be cont jones forechosure and to sell the Property as pravided in the Aer Noehi in the pr wading sentence shall depriy he Secrel oftany rights othiersi available t a Lender under this paragraph 18 or plicable kus m. Release, Upon payment ef Lan s secured by this Security Sastrument. Lender shall release this Security Loser (. Borrower shall pay any recordation costs, Lender may charge Bortower a fee for releasing this Security Inseens fb nly if the fee iS paid 3 thitd party for services remdered and the ehae W the fee is permitted under inpticable ha 20 Atiormeys Fees. \s used in this Security Instrument anid the Note, attorneys’ fees shall jnelude these auarded by at appellate sour nds attorneys” foes cuted ina bankruptey proceeding a Jury F jal Waiver. The Borvoner hereby sive8 any right (a tial by jury in any action, proveedia claim. ar vhaitn, 39 tier in ¢ Factor (ort, at Lays or inh equ arisis gout Ofer in any Way relatedto this Security Instrument the Nowe 22 Riders tw tltis Security Instrument, ff one or more riders are executed 6y Borrower and recorded tosether with this S stiri Instrument. the covenants of cach such rider shall be incorporated inte and shall amerd and supplement the soveruants aiid sgrecmtent of this Security lastrument as if the riders) were a part ef this Security lasteument {be ippticable boxes] “TF Condominiany Rider (7) Gratued # yment Rider [7] crowing Lquity Rider — Planned nit Development Rider [7] Adjustable Rate Rider Co Rehabilitation Loan Rider — : \ v-Onsnier ecupanicy Rider LJ Other {Specify} PEORIA MOR TG Sr ERs. rest BY SIGNING tw nt Euarower te fo the tens contained 9p <1 thy igh 7 at this Security ti tunes a » idderest Ne ed by B. nee rad re ed sith it Seal - — — ae a _tSealt Ethel arr 405 N. Gray Avenue Panama City, FL 32401 realy - —_. — a (Sealy Josephine Brown i i a eal an Se te aeons sont v ee Ay &h hh inka was ol he tore on HE As rokeio fed lore me this slag1 ot is per nally fu . ‘ me ar aie has produced ha ic et x a To pscte et nen 4: Patic eof Fonda Lye i: uh renaConmissinn 20396859 hee (708200 { eee ed i EEORID VEN MOR TE AG ens, Great, LEGAL DESCRIPTIO BEGINNING AT A POINT WHICH IS 270 WEST OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF ECTION 2, TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTH, IGE 14 WEST, RUNNING THENCE SOUTH 264 FEET, THENCE WEST 110 FEET, THENCE NORTH 264 FEET, THENCE EAST 110 FEET TO THE STARTING POINT. LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTH, RANGE 14 WEST, BAY COUNTY, FLORIDA.