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Filing # 103401829 E-Filed 02/17/2020 12:16:38 PM IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 14" JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR BAY COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 19004412CA JAMIE AND JENNIFER CARR, Plaintiffs, VS. GULFSTREAM PROPERTY AND CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY, Defendant. / PLAINTIFFS’ MOTION TO STRIKE DEFENDANT’S AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSES COME NOW Plaintiffs, JAMIE AND JENNIFER CARR, by and through undersigned. counsel, and hereby file this Motion to Strike Defendant’s Affirmative Defenses, and as grounds therefore state as follows: A. INTRODUCTION 1. Plaintiffs filed a Complaint seeking damages as a result ofa breach of contract after their home sustained damages that were covered under a contract with Defendant. 2. Defendant filed its Answer and Affirmative Defenses on February14, 2020, which is attached hereto as Exhibit “A”. 3. Plaintiffs’ deny each and every affirmative defense contained in Defendant’s Answer and Affirmative Defenses. 4. Defendant’s Affirmative Defenses in this action must be stricken as they are bare legal conclusions, policy regurgitation, and/or plead without any factual support.B. ARGUMENT AND MEMORANDUM OF LAW 5. “Courts do not tolerate shotgun pleadings of affirmative defenses and strike vague and ambiguous defenses that do not address any particular count, allegation, or legal basis of a complaint.” Cano v. South Florida Donuts, Inc., 2010 WL 326052 at *1 (S.D. Fla. 2010). 1 6. “Certainty is required when pleading defenses . . . and pleading conclusions of law unsupported by allegations of ultimate fact is legally insufficient.” Bliss v. Carmona, 418 So. 2d 1017, 1019 (Fla. 3d DCA 1982) (citations omitted). 7. Defendant “must provide more than bare-bones conclusions. Plaintiffs should not be left to discover the bare minimum facts constituting a defense until discovery.” Holtzman v. B/E Aerospace, Inc., 2008 WL 2225668 at *6 (S.D. Fla. 2008). 8. When pleading an Affirmative Defense, “the pleader must set forth the facts in such a manner as to reasonably inform his adversary of what is proposed to be proved in order to provide the latter with a fair opportunity to meet it and prepare his evidence.” Zito v. Washington Federal Savings & Loan Association of Miami Beach, 318 So. 2d 175, 176 (Fla. 3d DCA 1975). 9. “Without some factual allegation in the affirmative defense, it is hard to see how a defendant could satisfy the requirement of providing not only ‘fair notice’ of the nature of the defense, but also ‘grounds’ on which the defense rests.” Bell Atlantic Corp. v. Twombly, 500 U.S. 544, 556 n. 3 (2007). Ll. “Florida law will be accorded the same construction as in the federal courts to the extent the construction is harmonious with the spirit of the Florida Legislation.” O Loughlin v. Pinchback, 579 So. 2d 788, 791 (Fla. 1st DCA 1991); see O'Malley v. St. Thomas University, Inc., 599 So. 2d 999, 1000 (Fla. 3d DCA 1992) (“Florida courts have looked to the federal courts for guidance in interpreting and applying [Florida law]. Therefore, federal decisions should be accorded great weight.”).10. “Boiler plate defenses clutter the docket; they create unnecessary work, and in an abundance of caution require significant unnecessary discovery.” Castillo v. Roche Laboratories, Inc., 2010 WL 3027726 (S.D. Fla. 2010) (citations omitted). 11. Further, affirmative defenses that “simply den[y] the facts contained in the complaint and do not raise any new matters” are insufficient as a matter of law. Gatt v. Keyes Corp., 446 So. 2d 211, 212 (Fla. 3d DCA 1984); see also, Zito v. Washington Federal Savings & Loan Association, supra (holding that a denial does not constitute an affirmative defense). 12. Hypothetical defenses must be supported by evidence or they are nothing more than improper speculations. See Castillo v. Roche Laboratories Inc., 2010 WL 3027726 (S.D. Fla. 2010) (“Therefore, ‘factual allegations must be enough to raise a right to relief above the speculative level’”) (citing Twombly, 550 U.S. at 555); see also Lynch v. State, 2 So. 3d 47 (Fla. 2008); see also Joseph Rozzo, Employee/Claimant vs. Pepsi Bottling Group, Employer and Sedgwick CMS Carrier, 2014 WL 1599881, at *4 (Fla. Off. Judge Comp. Cl. 2014). 13. In other words, “this heightened pleading standard applies to affirmative defenses.” Castillo, 2010 WL 3027726 at *2. 14. Additionally, merely stating that Plaintiffs' claims are excluded under a policy and reciting policy language are insufficient as a matter of law. See Maridian of Palm Beach Condominium Ass’n, Inc. v. QBE Ins. Corp., 2007 WL 1364334 at *2 (S.D. Fla. 2007) (“This affirmative defense is stricken as it does not constitute an affirmative defense and presents conclusory, bare-bones allegations that Plaintiffs’ damages are either not covered or are excluded from coverage. This affirmative defense does not advise Plaintiffs how, why or in what way the coverage is allegedly excluded .... When a 50 plus page insurance policy is involved, such an allegation could not be any more conclusory.”).15. It is improper to state an affirmative defense that solely “quotes from a portion of the policy purportedly limiting Defendant’s obligation to pay which merely states that Plaintiffs failed to comply with ‘all terms of this coverage part.’” See id. at *3 (“This defense is stricken as wholly conclusory in that it does not provide fair notice as to how the quoted provision applies to the facts of the complaint.”). 16. The Defendant in the instant action filed three (3) affirmative defenses without alleging any factual allegations in support, in violation of the rules of pleading. Bare legal conclusions unsupported by factual allegations should be stricken pursuant to 1.140, Florida Rules of Civil Procedure. See, Cady v. Chevy Chase Savings & Loan, Inc., 528 So.2d 136 (Fla. 4th DCA 1988). As such, all of the Defendant’s Affirmative Defenses should be stricken. 17. Notwithstanding, Defendant gives no factual support for any of its three (3) Affirmative Defense stated in its Answer, but instead only make conclusory statements in contravention of Florida law. 18. Mere conclusory statements amount to nothing more than argument of counsel, and “argument of counsel is not evidence.” State v. Thompson, 852 So. 2d 877, 878 (Fla. 3d DCA 2003). WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs, JAMIE AND JENNIFER CARR, respectfully request that this Honorable Court enter an Order (1) GRANTING Plaintiffs’ Motion in full; (2) Striking Defendant’s Affirmative Defenses stated above; and (3) for any and all relief this Honorable Court deems just and necessary.CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing has been served on this 17" day of February, 2020, via the Florida E-Filing Portal to: Kathy J. Maus, Esq., Butler Weihmuller Katz Craig LLP, 400 North Ashley Drive, Suite 2300, Tampa, FL 33602, GED LAWYERS, LLP Attorneys for the Plaintiff 7171 North Federal Highway Boca Raton, FL 33487 Telephone: (561) 995-1966 Facsimile: (561) 241-0812 Primary Email: Secondary Email: BY: /s/Scott M. Rosso SCOTT M. ROSSO, ESQ. Florida Bar No.: 505757 DAVID R. SHAHEEN, ESQ. Florida Bar No.: 0117947Filing # 103345655 E-Filed 02/14/2020 02:27:02 PM IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 14™ JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR BAY COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 19004412CA JAMIE AND JENNIFER CARR, Plaintiffs, v. GULFSTREAM PROPERTY & CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY Defendant. DEFENDANT’S ANSWER AND AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSES TO COUNT I, DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL, AND MOTION TO DISMISS COUNT II COMES NOW, the Defendant, GULFSTREAM PROPERTY AND CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY, by and through its undersigned counsel, and responds to the Complaint filed herein as follows: 1. Admitted for jurisdictional purposes only; otherwise denied. 2. Admitted for jurisdictional purposes only. Otherwise, without knowledge and therefore denied. 3. Admitted. 4. Admitted. 5. Admitted that policy number FLHP0006123 was issued to the Plaintiffs, Jamie Carr and Jennifer Carr, for the property located at 1801 New Hampshire Avenue, Lynn Haven, Florida 32444 (hereinafter the “Policy”), which provided coverage subject to the terms, limitations, exclusions, and conditions of the Policy. A copy of the Policy is EXHIBIT Aattached hereto as Exhibit “A.” The remainder of the allegations contained in paragraph 5 are denied. 6. Admitted. 7. Admitted that the Policy provided certain coverages at the time of the loss, which were subject to the terms, limitations, exclusions, and conditions of the Policy. COUNT I- BREACH OF CONTRACT 8. Defendant readopts and realleges its responses to paragraphs 1 through 7 as if fully set forth herein. 9. Admitted. 10. Admitted that the damages subject to the terms, limitations, exclusions, and conditions of the Policy were covered. 11. Admitted. 12. Denied. 13. Denied. 14. Admitted. 15. Admitted. 16. Admitted. 17. Denied. 18. Denied. 19. Admitted that the Policy was in effect at the time of the loss and that Plaintiffs agreed to and paid the premiums for the Policy, which provided coverage subject to the terms, limitations, exclusions, and conditions of the Policy. 20. Denied.21. Admitted that to date all conditions precedent to bringing this action have been performed by the Plaintiffs. Denied that any conditions precedent have been waived. 22. Denied. 23. Without knowledge regarding Plaintiffs’ arrangement with counsel, therefore denied. 24. Denied. MOTION TO DISMISS COUNT II - DECLARATORY JUDGMENT 1. Defendant seeks dismissal of Count || seeking Declaratory relief, which appears to duplicate the relief sought in Count | of Plaintiffs’ Complaint. Specifically, Plaintiffs rely on the same factual allegations to assert that Defendant failed to fully compensate Plaintiffs for their losses. 2. Florida Rule of Civil Procedure 1.140(b)(6) allows dismissal of an action where a plaintiff fails to state a valid cause of action. The Court’s analysis of the sufficiency of the Complaint is limited to the four corners of the Complaint, and the facts asserted therein should be accepted as true. Della Ratta v. Della Ratta, 927 So. 2d 1055 (Fla. 4" DCA 2006). 3. To assert a valid cause of action for declaratory relief, Plaintiffs must plead and show that there is a bona fide, actual, present and practical need for the declaration sought, as well as a doubt as to the existence or non-existence of a right or status. See DeCampos v. Ferrera, 90 So. 3d 865 (Fla. 3d DCA 2012) (citing State Dep't of Envtl. Prot. V. Garcia, 99 So. 3d 539 (Fla. 3d DCA 2011).4. “The purpose of a declaratory judgment is to afford parties relief from insecurity and uncertainty with respect to rights, status, and other equitable or legal relations.” Santa Rosa County v. Admin. Com’n Div. of Admin. Hrgs., 661 So. 2d 1190 (Fla. 1995) (citing Martinez v. Scanlan, 582 So. 2d 1167, 1170 (Fla. 1991). 5. “A litigant is not entitled to seek declaratory relief as a matter of course - instead, a Court may allow a declaratory judgment action to proceed in its discretion. Kelner v. Woody, 399 So. 2d 35 (1991) (declined to extend for other reasons in Orange County v. Expedia, Inc., 985 So. 2d 622, 629 (Fla. 5"" DCA 2008). 6. “If a case does not come clearly within the limitation upon the judicial power to render a declaratory judgment, the case must be dismissed. Garcia, 99 So. 3d at 545 (citing May v. Holley, 59 So. 2d 636, 639 (Fla. 1952)). 7. “Courts have generally held that dismissal of a claim for declaratory relief is proper when it is apparent on the face of the complaint that the ‘real dispute is a factual one.” Girard v. American Security Ins. Co., Case No. 16-cv-61335, 2016 WL 4264054 *2 (S.D. Fla. Aug. 12, 2016). 8. Here, it appears that Plaintiffs are asking the Court to declare issues of fact, namely that the Property was a “total loss” and that Defendant's liability under the Policy for the loss is the amount of money for which the Property was insured. 9. Although Florida’s Supreme Court has recognized that a declaratory action may proceed where a Court is required to determine the existence or non- existence of a fact in a declaratory judgment action, it appears that Plaintiffs’ Complaint requests more than just the determination of the existence or non-existence of a fact. See Higgins v. State Farm Fire & Cas. Co., 894 So. 2d 5 (Fla. 2004). Instead, theComplaint appears to ask the Court to sit in the shoes of the jury and determine whether the damages constitute a total loss and that Defendant is required to pay the limits of coverage under the Policy. 10. As the Court in Girard noted, a declaratory action cannot be maintained where the court is requested to “weigh the evidence at issue and rel[y] upon the factual dispute alone to support the need for declaratory relief.” Girard, at *3. 11. Also, Florida courts have recognized that a Complaint for declaratory relief must be dismissed when it fails to allege or establish the existence of a justiciable controversy cognizable under the Declaratory Judgment Act, such as an ambiguity in the Policy. See Porkolab v. Smithbay Homes, Inc., 640 So. 2d 195 (Fla. 3d DCA 1994); Silvester v. American Family Life Assurance Co., 2014 WL 1689277 (S.D. Fla. April 29, 2014). 12. Here, Plaintiffs fail to cite to any Policy provision that is ambiguous or requires interpretation. Accordingly, Plaintiffs’ declaratory count does not meet the threshold requirements of the Declaratory Judgment Act. 13. Moreover, Courts have held that a declaratory action must be dismissed where a breach of contract action essentially mirrors the allegations of the declaratory count, such as here. See Miami Yacht Charters v. National Union Fire Ins. Co., 2012 WL 1416428 (S.D. Fla. April 24, 2012) and Fernando Grinberg Trust Success Int! Properties v. Scottsdale Ins. Co., 2010 WL 2510662 (S.D. Fla. June 21, 2010). 14. Plaintiffs’ Declaratory count relies on the same facts and appears to mirror the breach of contract action.16. Plaintiffs’ Complaint makes it clear that the real dispute is purely factual in nature. Accordingly, dismissal of Count || of Plaintiffs’ Complaint seeking declaratory relief is warranted. WHEREFORE, the Defendant, GULFSTREAM PROPERTY & CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY, by and through the undersigned counsel respectfully requests this Honorable Court enter an Order Granting the Defendant's Motion to Dismiss Count II and for all other relief this Court deems just and proper. AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSES TO COUNT | —- BREACH OF CONTRACT FIRST AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE As its first affirmative defense, Defendant asserts that it is entitled to a setoff for all payments previously made by Defendant to the Plaintiffs in connection with the subject claim. SECOND AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE The Policy is subject to a deductible of $4,032.00. To the extent Plaintiffs recover anything herein, such recovery would be subject to the deductible. THIRD AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE As its Third Affirmative Defense, Defendant asserts that the Plaintiffs’ recovery in this action, if any, is barred and/or limited as some or all of the Plaintiffs’ alleged damages are not covered pursuant to the following language of the policy: SECTION I - EXCLUSIONS A. We do not insure for loss caused directly or indirectly by any of the following. Such loss is excluded regardless of any other cause or event contributing concurrently or in any sequence to the loss. Theseexclusions apply whether or not the loss event results in widespread damage or affects a substantial area. 2. Earth Movement Earth Movement means: a. Earthquake, including land shock waves or tremors before, during or after a volcanic eruption; b. Landslide, mudslide or mudflow; c. Subsidence or sinkhole; or d. Any other earth movement including earth sinking, rising or shifting; * * * SECTION I - PROPERTY COVERAGES Under COVERAGE A - Dwelling The following paragraph is added: 3. We do not cover “Carport(s)’, “Pool Cage(s) or Screen Enclosure(s)” for “hurricane loss”. Under COVERAGE B - Other Structures The following paragraph is added: 4. We do not cover “Carport(s)’, “Pool Cage(s) or Screen Enclosure(s)” for “hurricane loss”. * * * WHEREFORE, the Defendant, GULFSTREAM PROPERTY AND CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY, respectfully requests judgment in its favor, costs of this action and such other relief as this Court deems appropriate under the circumstances. Defendant demands a jury trial on all issues so triable as a matter of right.BUTLER WEIHMULLER KATZ CRAIG LLP KATHY J. MAUS, ESQ. Florida Bar No.: 0896330 JULIUS F. PARKER, Ill, ESQ. Florida Bar No.: 0160857 Secondary: Mail Center: 400 North Ashley Drive, Suite 2300 Tampa, FL 33602 Telephone: (850) 894-4111 Facsimile: (850) 894-4999 Counsel for Defendant, Gulfstream Property and Casualty Insurance Company CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE | certify that a copy hereof has been furnished to: Scott M. Rosso, Esq. David R. Shaheen, Esq. GED Lawyers, LLP 7171 North Federal Highway Boca Raton, FL 33487 Secondary: Attorneys For: Plaintiffs by e-Portal and e-Service on February 14, 2020. Ved, Qube Cyt JULIUS F. PARKER, III, ESQ.Gulfstroam Suifstream Proporty and Homeowners Policy Declaration froperty ong Canaty Casualty Insurance Company Renewal es ‘$249 Faylor Lane: Sono Prautenon ion ve therteren' Sarasota, FL 34240 ‘Customer Service: 1-885-485-2004 Policy Number; FLHPooGs123 Policy Effective Date: FUORZAT lProcess Date: opvig017 14:14 PM Policy Expiration Date: 41/03/2018 12:01 AM at property address Named Insured and Mailing Address: Agency: 70332700 Jennifer Carr BRIAN TAYLOR INSURANCE INC: damie!Carr Address; 1801 New Hampshire Ave 8406 PCB PKWY STE L Lynn Haven, FL 32444-4919 PANAMA CITY BEACH, FL 32407 Phone Number: (850)9 19-9677 Phone Number: (650)249-8060 Email Address: JSMIE.CARR@COMCAST.NET Email Address: BRIAN@BRIANTAYLORINSURANCE NET Renewal Change(s}: ‘The amount of premium increase due to approved rate increase is: ($14.00) The amount of pramium increase due to coverage change is: $196.00 Property Coverage A limil increased at renewal dua to en Inflation factor of 7.048, as determined by the “Xactware Index to maintain insurance to the approximate replacement cost of your home. In return for the payment of premium, coverage is provided where premium and limit of liabilfty are shown. Fload coverage is not provided by this policy. insured Location; 4801 New Hampshire Ave: Lynn Haven, FL 32444-4119 Policy Premium: $1,476.00 Fees/Assessments: $27.00 Total Annual Premium: $1,503.00 Coverage Limit Premium Coverage A - Dwelling $201,600 $1,945.00 Coverage 8 - Other Structures: $4,032 included Coverage C - Personal Property $80,640 {$40,00) Coverage D - Lass Of Use $20,160 Included Coverage E - Personal Liabillty $300,000 $30.00 Coverage F - Medical Payments. $5,000 Included Total Basic Premium: $1,935.00 IN CASE OF LOSS WE COVER ONLY THAT PART OF THE LOSS OVER THE DEDUCTIBLE AMOUNT. PLEASE SEE IMPORTANT NOTICES ON PAGE 4. Hurricane Premium sub-total: $850.00 Non-Hurricane Premium sub-total: $626.00 Hurricane Deductible: 2% = $ 4,032 Ail Other Peril Deductible: $2,500 Law and Ordinance: 25 % Property Characteristics: Form: HO-3 Protection Class: 03 Construction Type: Frame BCEG: og Occupancy: ‘Owner Occupied Territory: 721 - Bay - Remainder Month/Year Built: 07/1993. Usage: Primary AUTHORIZED COUNTERSIGNATURE oani0%2017 Insured Copy (section continued on page 2) GSDEC 02 14 Page 1 of §Gulfstrpam Gulfstream Property and Homeowners Policy Declaration ‘xara Casualty Insurance Company Renewal 5249 Payior Lane sie inten tox ne Wica ‘Sarasota, FL 54240 ‘Customer Service: 1-856-485-3004 ‘olicy Number: FLHPO006 123 Policy Effective Date: 1032017 rocess Date: O910/2017 14:14 PM Policy Expiration Date: 11/03/2018 12:04 AM at property address: ‘County: 0005-Bay County ‘Structure Type: Oweilling Number of Families; 4 Family Burglar Alarm: None: Fire Alarm: None, Automatic Sprinklers: None Mitigation Characteristics: Building Code Indicater: Prior ta: 2002 Opening Protection: None Roof Cover: FBC Equivalent Roof Geometry: Gable Roof Deck Attachment: 6d @ 612" Secondary Water Resistance: No SWR Roof Wal} Connection; Clips Additional Coverages/Endorsements/Exclusions Limit Premium GP DO 63 12- Deductible Options Notice GP HOM 01411 - Policy Jacket GP OL 01 07 + Important information Regard Law and Ordinance GP 101 01 OF - Animal Liability Exctusion GP 107 01 07 ~ Home Day Care Exclusion GP 108 01 07 - Trampoline Liability Exctusion GPH OC 1044 Outline of Coverage GPH 160 0214 - Catastrophic Ground Cover Collapse 6S 1288 02 17 - Privacy Notice ILP Oot 01 04 - OFAC Advisory Notice OIR-B1-4676 0706 - Checklist of Coverages HO 00 63 10.00 - Homeowners 3- Special Form FLP SP HO3 08 16 - Special Provisions - Florida OIR-B1-1655 02 10 = Notice Premium Discount fer Hurticane Loss Mitigation GP 0490 06 09 - Replacement Cost Contents $176.00 GSFLNCPT HO3 12 16 ~ Notice of Change in Policy terms GP 109 0816 ~ Carportis), Poot Cage(s} ard Sereen Enclosure(s) GPH EB 03.12 - Equipment Breakdown $50.00 GS CGCE 02 14 ~ Catastrophic Ground Cover Collapse HO3-IDX 10.00 - Policy Index GS WL 08 10 - Windstorm Loss Mitigation Device Credits (Notice) HO 03 34 05 03: - Limited Fungi, Wet or Dry Rot or Bactetia Sec fl Liability Coverage HO 03 52 01 06 - Calendar Year Hurricane Deductible a Total Endorsement Premium: §225.00 Discounts and Surcharges Premium Mitigation Credit $684.00 Total Discounts and Surcharges Premium: ($684.00) Fees and Assessments Premium Emergency Management Preparedness and Assistance Trust Fund Surcharge $2.00 Managing General Agency Fee $25.00 Insured Copy {section continued on page 3) GSOEC 02 14 Page 20f5Gulfstr pam Gulfstream Property and Homeowners Pollcy Declaration Preseorees canal Casualty Insurance Company Renewal 2 $240 Paylor Lane Seine Pronenay toe me Derren Sarasola, FL 24249 Customer Senate; 1-485-485-3004 Policy Number: FLHPOO06423. Policy Effective Data; 05/2017 iProcess Date: 09/10/2017 11:14 PM Policy Expiration Date; 1103/2018 12:07 AM at property address Totai Fees And Assessments: $27.00 Insured Copy GSOEC 02 14 Page 3 of &Gulfstrpam Gulfstream Property and Homeowners Policy Declaration ‘Seeetteped cencat Casualty Insurance Company Renewal ea 5240 Paylor Lane fou Preenos tor pe theres Sarasota, FL 34240 Customer Senece; 1-866-485-2004 Policy Number: FLHPO006123- Policy Effective Date: FOS2017 Process Date: 09/10/2017 11:14 PM Policy Expiration Date: 11/03/2018 12:01 AM at property address Total Premium $4,503.00 MORTGAGEE(S): Name and Address; Tyndall Federal Credit Union isaoa Atima PO Box 59760 Panama City, FL 32472-0760 Assigned Te: 1801 New Hampshire Ave, Lynn Haven, FL, 32444-4149 interest Type: Mortgagee Loan #: 7B¥500-80 Rank: 4 Payor: ‘Yes Remarks: OTHER INTEREST(S): None NOTICES THIS REPLACES ALL PREVIOUSLY ISSUED POLICY DECLARATIONS, IF ANY. THIS POLICY APPLIES ONLY TO ACCIDENTS, OCCURRENCES, OR LOSSES WHICH HAPPEN DURING THE POLICY PERIOD SHOWN ABOVE. A tate adjustment of 0.0% Is included to reflect bulkiing cade grade in your area, Adjustments sange from 2% to 14% cradit. Avrate adjustment of 0.0% credit |s Included to reflect the Windstorm Mitigation Device Credit. This credit applies only to the wind portion of your premium. Adjustments range from 0% to 90% credit. LAW AND ORDINANCE COVERAGE IS AN IMPORTANT COVERAGE THAT YOU MAY WISH TO PURCHASE. YOU MAY ALSO NEED TO CONSIDER THE PURCHASE OF FLOOD INSURANCE FROM THE NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM. WITHOUT THIS COVERAGE, YOU MAY HAVE UNCOVERED LOSSES. PLEASE DISCUSS THESE COVERAGES WITH YOUR INSURANCE AGENT. THIS POLICY CONTAINS A SEPARATE DEDUCTIBLE FOR HURRICANE LOSSES, WHICH MAY RESULT IN HIGH OUT-OF-POCKET EXPENSES TO YOU. Insured Copy GSDEC 02 14 Page 40f5Gulfstegam Suitstraam Property and Homeowners Policy Declaration ‘represen Casualty Insurance Company Renewal ee $240 Payior Lane Soe Proncupy ees me theca Sarasota, FL 34240 Customer Service: 1-868-485-3004 Policy Rumiber: FLHPORO8123 Policy Effective Date: 4903/2017 Process Date: OB/1O/2047 11.44 PM Policy Expiration Date: 11/03/2018 12:01 AM at property address YOUR POLICY PROVIDES COVERAGE FOR A CATASTROPHIC GROUND COVER COLLAPSE THAT RESULTS IN THE PROPERTY BEING CONDEMNED AND UNINHABITABLE. OTHERWISE, YOUR POLICY DOES NOT PROVIDE COVERAGE FOR SINKHOLE LOSSES. YOU MAY PURCHASE ADDITIONAL COVERAGE FOR SINKHOLE LOSSES FOR AN ADDITIONAL PREMIUM. insured Copy GSOEC 02 14 Page 5 of 5Gulfstream Property and Casualty Insurance Company Homeowners GP DO 03 12 Gulfstream Property and Casualty Insurance Company DEDUCTIBLE OPTIONS NOTICE Gulfstream Property and Casualty Insurance Company (Gulfstream) is required to notify all Policyholders of the availability of a $500 deductible for All Other Perils covered by your policy except Hurricane and Sinkhole. if your policy does not exclude coverage for the peril of Windstorm or Hail, there are various combinations of All Other Peril and Hurricane deductibles available to you. All of these deductible options may not be available to you due to the value of your dwelling. in Forms HO 00 03 and HO 00 06: Gulfstream offers as standard, deductibles of 2% for hurricanes and $1,000 for all other perils. in addition, we offer the opportunity for you to buy lower deductibles for additional premium, or select higher deductibles for a premium credit, Hurricane deductible options are $500, 5% and 10%. All Other Peril deductible options are $500, $1000, $2500 and $5000. In the event you select a lower hurricane deductible and have suffered a hurricane loss under this policy, such lower selected deductible will not take effect until Jan. 1 of the following calendar year. In Form HO 00 04: Gulfstream offers as standard, deductibles of 2% for hurricanes and $1,000 for all other perils. In addition, we offer the opportunity for you to buy lower deductibles for additional premium, or select higher deductibles for a premium credit. Hurricane deductible options are $500 and 2%. All Other Peril deductible option is $500. if Sinkhole Loss Coverage is provided there is a 10% mandatory deductible for Form HO 00 03. The All Other Perils deductible applies to Forms HO 00 04 and HO 00 06. Please contact your agent if you have any questions, concerns or wish to change your deductible. If you do not respond to this notice of have not already selected an optional deductible, a 2% annual hurricane deductible and a $1000 deductible for All Other Perils will apply to your policy. GP DO 03 42 Page 1 of 1Gulfstr cam Property and Casualty Insurance Company Preferred Homeowners Insurance Policy Gulfstream Property and Casualty Insurance Company 5240 Paylor Lane Sarasota, FL 34240 Customer Service/Underwriting: 866-485-3004 Claims: 866-485-3005 GP HOJ1 01 14POLICY PROVISION: This Policy jacket with the Policy Declarations, Policy Form and Endorsements issued to form a part thereof, completes the policy as numbered on the Declarations Page. Whenever, your policy is modified you will receive a dated revision of the Policy Declarations. IN WITNESS WHEREOF: In consideration of your paid premium, Gulfstream Property and Casualty Insurance Company is proud to extend to you the coverage offered by this insurance contract. President GP HOW 0111Gulfstsream Property and Casualty insurance Company GP OL 0107 IMPORTANT NOTICE TO POLICYHOLDERS Important Information Regarding Law and Ordinance Coverage All Florida communities have laws or building codes that affect the reconstruction of damaged buildings. Law and Ordinance Coverage is an additional coverage that applies to the increased construction cost resulting from enforcement of building codes when repairing or replacing a covered building or structure after a covered loss. The amount of additional coverage Is expressed as a percentage of the Coverage A - Dwelling amount shown on the Policy Declarations for a Homeowners 3 - Special Form and Homeowners 6 - Unit Owners Form. For a Homeowners 4 Contents Broad Form (Tenant Homeowners Policy), the amaunt of Law and Ordinance Coverage is based on the amount of Building Additions and Alterations, Coverage C on the Policy Declarations. The current limit of lability is shown on you policy declarations. If you have not specifically selected the 50% coverage level, your policy will be issued with 25% of this additional coverage. If you are interested in adjusting the amount of this additional coverage, please contact your agent at the address or telephone number on your policy declarations. if you don’t respond to this notice, the coverage limit for Ordinance and Law will remain shown on your declarations. 0 ! select 25% Ordinance and Law Coverage and reject 50% Ordinance and Law Coverage. Oo | select 50% Ordinance and Law Coverage and reject 25% Ordinance and Law Coverage. Applicant / insured Date Print Applicant / Insured Name FLHPO008123 Policy Number Property Street Address City, State and Zip code. GP OL 01 07 Page 1 of 1Gulfstream Property and Casualty Insurance Company Homeowners GP 101 01 07 ANIMAL LIABILITY EXCLUSION ENDORSEMENT Your policy is changed to read under COVERAGE E — PERSONAL LIABILITY we will NOT cover any damages caused by any animal owned or kept by any insured whether or not the injury occurs on your premises or any other location. All other provisions and exclusions apply. Under DAMAGE TO PROPERTY OF OTHERS SECTION we will NOT cover property damage caused by any animal owned or kept by any insured whether or not the injury occurs on insured premises or any other location. Ail other provisions and exclusions apply. GP 10101 07 Page 1 of 1Gulfstream Property and Casualty Insurance Company Homeowners GP 107 04 07 THIS ENDORSEMENT DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A REDUCTION OF COVERAGE. NO SECTION II —- LIABILITY COVERAGES FOR HOME DAY CARE BUSINESS LIMITED SECTION I - PROPERTY COVERAGES FOR HOME DAY CARE BUSINESS if an “insured” regularly provides home day care services to a person or persons other than "in- sureds" and receives monetary or other compen- sation for such services, that enterprise is a "business." Mutual exchange of home day care services, however, is not considered compensa- tion. The rendering of home day care services by an “Insured” to a relative of an "insured" is not considered a “business.” Therefore, with respect to a home day care en- terprise which is considered to be a “business,” this policy: 1. Does not provide Section |! — Liability Cover- ages because a “business” of an “insured” is excluded under exclusion 5.b. of Section 11 — Exclusions; 2. Does not provide Section | - Coverage B coverage where other structures are used in whole or in part for "business"; GP 107 0107 3. Does not provide: a. Section H coverages. This is because a "business" of an “insured” is excluded under E.2. of Section Il — Exclusions; b. Coverage, under Section |, for other structures from which any "business" is conducted; and 4.Limits Section | Sovelaee. under Coverage C — Special Limits of Liability, for "business* property: a. On the “residence premises" for the home day care "business" to $2,500. This is because Category h. (e. in Form HO 00 08) imposes that limit on “busi- ness” property on the "residence prem- ises*; b. Away from the “residence premises" for the home day care “business” to $250. This is because Category i. (f. in Form HO 00 08) imposes that limit on “busi- ness" property away from the "resi- dence premises". Category |. does not apply to property described in Catego- ries j. and k. (g. and h. respectively in Form HO 00 08). Page 1 of 1Gulfstream Property and Casualty Insurance Company Homeowners: GP 108 01.07 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES YOUR POLICY, PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. TRAMPOLINE LIABILITY EXCLUSION {Use with Forms HO 00 03, HO 00 04 and HO 00 06) SECTION Il~ EXCLUSIONS The following is added to paragraph F. Coverage E - Personal Liability does not apply to: 7. “Bodily injury” Viability arising out of the use of a trampoline on the insured premises; or the supervision by an insured of trampoline usage off of the insured premises. A trampoline is defined as a rebounding device, constructed of a resilient sheet or web, supported by springs in a metal frame, and used as a springboard and landing area in tumbling and gymnastic springing. All other provisions of this policy apply. GP 108 01 07 Page 1 of 1Gulfstream Property and Casualty Insurance Company OUTLINE OF COVERAGE ~ HOMEOWNERS POLICY This outline Is provided to help you more easily understand your Gulfstream Property and Casualty Insurance Company Homeowners Policy. it highlights the major coverages, exclusions, limitations and deductibles of your policy and provides inforrration on discounts, surcharges, cancellation and nonrenewal.. However this is just 2 guide and not'a legal contract. Please read your Homeowners policy carefully for complete descriptions and details. The following Outline is for informational purposes anly. Florida law prohibils the Outline form changing any of the provisions of the insurance contract, which is the subject of this Outline. Any endorsement including changes in types of coverage, coverage limits, exclusions, deductibles, renewal or cancellation provisions, surcharges, credits, or any other changes wilt be sent separately. SECTION |~ PROPERTY COVERAGE Coverage A- Owelling Applies to your residence premises, protects your dwelling and structures attached to your dwelling. it also protects against covered toss to building materials jocated'on your residence premises, which are being used in-connection with your residence premises. The Coverage A amount shown on your policy declarations should reflect the cost replacing your home at current construction costs. Coverage B — Other Structures Protects against covered loss lo structures on your residence premises other than the primary dwelling. The standard coverage amount is 2% of the Coverage A amount. You may need to purchase an additional amount of insurance (up to 10%of Coverage A is avaiable) to caver unallached garages, storage buildings as well as. pool enclosures and other screened enclosures not under the dwellings roof which are collectively covered up to the Coverage 8 limit shown on the policy declarations. Coverage € ~ Personal Property Protects against covered loss to your personal property such as clothing and furniture. Special fimits apply to some types of personal property including but not limited to: money, securities, watercraft, firearms, silverware electronic devices business property and theft of jewelry. Under certain circumstances, the property of others may be covered. There are aisa sore items not covered under Coverage: “CO”. Examples include animals, motorized vehicles, property in a rental unit and property of roomers, boarders, ‘or other tenants. Coverage 0 — Additional Living Expense Protects against loss resulting from any additional living expehses you incur while you are temporarily unable to live at your home because of a covered loss. Payment would include such items as temporary lodging and increased costs for food. However, coverage is limited to 24 consecutive months from the date of foss and other specified limitations. ADDITIONAL COVERAGE The following additional coverages are extended through the Homeowners insurance Policy. Refer to your policy to detennine specific limits or limitations: Debris Removal Reasonable Repairs, Treas, Shrubs and Other Plants. Fire Departrnent Service Charge Property Removed Credit Card, Fund Transfer Card, Forgery GPH OC 1011 Counterfeit Maney Loss Assessment Collapse Glass or Safety Glazing Material Fung!, Wat or Ory Rot, or Bacteria PERILS INSURED AGAINST This policy insures to the limits of Coverages "A’, “Band "C", against sudden and accidental direct physical losses except as limited or excluded by your policy, caused by: Fire of lightening Windstorm or hail Explosion Riot or civil commotion Aircraft Vehicles Smoke Vandalism or malicious mischief Theft Falling objects Accidental discharge or overflow of water Freezing of plumbing or household appliances PROPERTY EXCLUSIONS ‘This policy does not provide protection under Coverages "A", “B* and “C", if applicable to your policy for losses resulting in any manner from: ‘Ordinance or Law (above your selection of 25% or 50% of Coverage "A’) Earth Movement, other than a covered Catastrophic Ground Cover Collapse Flood, or surface water Water below ground surface Water which backs up through sewers, drains or Overflows from ‘sump pumps Off Premises Power Failure Neglect War or Nuclear Hazard Intentional or Criminal Acts Note: (1) if your property is located in an area eligible for a Wind Coverage Policy from the Citizens Property Insurance Corporation, “Windstorm or Hail” coverage may be excluded from your policy. Be sure to obtain this important eoverage If it has been excluded from your policy. Note: (2) Flood Coverage is net provided by your Homeowners Policy. Flood Coverage is available thru tha National Flood insurance Program. Your Insurance Agent can assist you in obtaining this valuable protection. SECTION It - LIABILITY COVERAGE Coverage E - Personal Liability Generally provides coverage for bodily injury or property damage you or a person insured under your policy are jegally obligated to pay. The bodily injury or property damage must arise from an. occurrence covered under Section {I of your policy. Coverage is excluded for intentional acts, business activities, professional services, abuse and acts arising from use of a controlled substance and specific coverage sub limits may be applied in specific circumstances. Coverage for Animat Liability and Home Day Care Operations are excluded from coverage by specific endorsement, Coverage F ~ Medical Payments To Others Provides coverage for reasonable and necessary medical expenses if a quest is injured on your premises or off the insured premises under certain circumstances. The bodily injury must Page 1 of 2Gulfstream Property and Casualty Insurance Company OUTLINE OF COVERAGE - HOMEOWNERS POLICY arise from an occurrence covered under Section fl of your policy with limited exceptions. Note: Coverage “E” Personal Liability and Coverage "F* Madical Payments To Others do not apply to “Bodily Injury" ar "Property Darnage” arising out of the ingestion or inhalation or lead on any form of substance, Injury resulting from exposure to radon and pollutants are also excluded. NONRENEWAL AND CANCELLATION PROVISIONS: All cancellations are granted a pro-rata return of premium. Pro-rata means no penalty for early cancellation. Your Right To Cancal ‘You tay cancel the policy at any time, for any reason, by giving advance written notice of the fulure cancellation effective date. Our Right To Gancel - if your policy has been in effect for 90 days or less and the insurance is cancelled for other than nonpayment of premium, we may cancel by giving you at least 20 days notice before the cancellation effective date, When the policy has been in effect for 90 days or less and there has bean a material misstatement, misrepresentation, or failure to comply with underwriting requirements, we may-cancel immediately. If your policy has been in effect over 90 days, we may cancel your policy for only a limited number of reasons. The reasons include, but are not limited to, material misstatement or substantial change of risk. We will cancel by giving you advance written notice at least 100 days before the cancellation becomes effective, For any cancellation that would be effective between June 4 and November 30, we will mail written notice at least 100 days or by June 4, which ever is earlier, before the cancellation becomes effective. if the cancellation is due to nonpayment of premium, we will give you at least 10 days advance written notice. Unless the cancellation is due to nonpayment of premium, we will provide you with at least one hundred eighty (120) days written notice prior fo the effective date of cancellation in the event you have been insured by us or-an affiliate for a period of at least five (5) consecutive years immediately prior fo the issuance of the notice. Nonrenewal - |f we do nol intend to renew your policy, we vall mait written notice to you. We will do so at east 100 days belore the expiration date of the policy. For any nonrenewal that would be effective between June 1 and November 30, we will mail the notice by at least 100 days or by June 1, whichever is-earlier, before the expiration date of the policy. We will provide you with at least one hundred eighty {120} days written notice prior to the effective date of nonrenewel in. the evant you have beer insured by us or an affiliate for a period of at least five (5) consecutive years immediately prior ta. the issuance of the notice. Renewal The renewal premium payment must be received no Jater than the renewal date or the policy will terminate. PREMIUM CREDITS The following are premium credits available on your. Homeowners Policy. Your policy Declarations page will show which of these credits, if any apply to your policy. Protective Devices if your home has a qualified central station burglar alarm, central station fire alarm or automatic fire sprinkler system, you are eligible for a premium credit, Building Code Compliance and Wind Mitigation GPH OC 10 11 ‘This credit is available on homes built in compliance with the 2001 Florida Building Code designed to lessen the effect of losses resulting from windstorms and hurricanes. Superior Construction Cenain homes of fire resistive and wind resistive construction are eligible for a premium credit. Secured Community/Building Communities and Buildings meeting certain requirements are eligible for a premium credit. AVAILABLE POLICY OPTIONS Personal Property Replacement Cost Scheduled Personal Property Personal Property Special \.imits of Liability Deductibla Options (see below} Increased Liability and Medical Payments Limits increased Limits Personal Property increased Special Sub Limits for Fungi, Wet or Dry Rot, or Bacteria Permitted Incidental Occupancies Loss Assessment Coverage — Increased Limits Other Structures - Increased Limits ‘Ordinance or Law ~ Increased Coverage Business Property ~ Increased Limits Building Additions & Alterations — Increased Limits (form HO-4) Unit-Owners coverage A ~ increased and Special Limits (For HO-6) Unit-Owners Rental to Others (Form HO-G) Special Computer Coverage Refrigerated Personal Property Water Back Up and Sump Overflow Animal Liability. Golf Cart Liability and Physical Damage’ Loss of Use — Increased Limits Pool Cages, Screen Enclosures and Carports identity Theft Expense Personal injury Additional Amounts of Insurance Sinkhole Loss Coverage Deductible Options Notice: Gulfstream Property and Casualty insurance Company is required to notify all Policyholders of the availability of a $500 deductible for all perils covered by your policy except Hurricane A hurricane deductible of 2% and an All Other Perils of $1,000 are standard, The deductible is the value of the loss you must incur before this policy pays. Deductible options greater than the standard deductibles may be available at a premium credit. Deductibles less than the standard deductibles may be available which will result in premium increases. Hurricane deductibla options are $500, 2%, 5% and 10%. All Other Peril deductible options are $500, $1000, $2500 and $5000. if your policy does not exclude coverage for the peril of windstorm or hail, there are various combinations of All Other Peril and Hurricane deductibles available, Florida Law limits the options we can offer to certain coverage levels, Please contact your agent if you have any questions and concerns or wish to change your deductible, Page 2 of 2Gulfstream Property and Casualty Insurance Company GPH 160 02 17 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. CATASTROPHIC GROUND COVER COLLAPSE SECTION | - PERILS INSURED AGAINST Catastrophic Ground Cover Collapse The following peril is added: Catastrophic Ground Cover Collapse means geological activity that results in all of the following: (1) The abrupt collapse of the ground cover; {2} A depression in the ground cover clearly visible to the naked eye; (3) Structural damage to the building, including the foundation; and {4} The insured structure being condemned and ordered to be vacated by the governmental agency authorized by faw to issue such an order for that structure, Contents coverage applies if there is a loss resulting from a catastrophic ground cover collapse; unless the loss is excluded elsewhere in the policy, Structural damage consisting merely of the settling or cracking of a foundation, structure, or building does not constitute a loss resulting from a catastrophic ground cover collapse. The Section | - Earth Movement and Settlement Exclusion does not apply to Catastrophic Ground Cover Coltapse. All other provisions of this policy apply. GPH 16002 17 Page 1 of 1Gulfstr am Dear Policyholder: A federal law requires us, as your residential properly insurer, to provide you with a copy of our Privacy Policy. We are glad to have this opportunity to do se and to communicate to you our commitment to guard against inappropriate disclosure of nonpublic personel information. Our Privacy Policy We collect and use (and only those employees who need to know use) information necessary to administer your policy and provide you with efficient customer service. We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards that comply with federal regulations to guard your nonpublic personal information, We collect and maintain several types of information needed for these purposes, such as those below: » Information provided by you on your application for insurance coverage, such as your name, address, telephone number, age of your home, and type of construction. + Information gathered from you as our insured, such as haw long you've been our insured, your payment history, what kind of coverage you have, underwriting information and claims information. » Information received from a consumer reporting agency. Limited Disclosure We do not disclose any nonpublic personal information about you or any of our policyholders to anyone except as permitted or required by law. Protecting Confidentiality When we share nonpublic personal information about you, as permitted by law, we protect that personal information with a confidentiality agreement that obligates the recipient of the information to keep It confidential. GS 1288 (02/2047)IL P 001 01 04 U.S. TREASURY DEPARTMENT'S OFFICE OF FOREIGN ASSETS CONTROL ("OFAC") ADVISORY NOTICE TO POLICYHOLDERS No coverage is provided by ihis Policyholder Notice nor can it be construed to replace any provisions of your policy, You should read your policy and review your Declarations page for complete information on the cover ages you are provided, This Notice provides information concerning possible impact on your insurance coverage due to directives issued by OFAC. Please read this Notice carefully. The Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) administers and enforces sanctions policy, based on Presidential declarations of “national emergency”, OFAC has identified and listed numerous: ® Foreign agents; ® Front organizations; ® Terrorists; ® Terrorist organizations; and @ Narcotics traffickers; as "Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons". This list can be located on the United States Treas- ury's web site — htlp/www-treas.gow/ofac. in accordance with OFAC regulations, if it is determined that you or any other insured, or any person or entity claiming the benefits of this insurance has violated U.S. sanctions law or is a Specially Designated National and Blocked Person, as identified by OFAC, this insurance will be considered a blacked or frozen contract and all provisions of this insurance are immediately subject to OFAC, When an insurance policy is considered to be such a blocked or frozen contract, no payments nor premium refunds may be made without authorizalion from OFAC. Other limitations on the premiums and payments also apply. IL P 007 01 04 © 1SO Properties, inc., 2004 Page 1 of 1HOMEOWNERS HO 0003-10 00 HOMEOWNERS 3 — SPECIAL FORM AGREEMENT We will provide the insurance described in this policy in return for the premium and compliance with all applicable provisions of this policy. DEFINITIONS. A, In this policy, "you" and "your" refer to the “named insured" shown in the Declarations and the spouse if a resident of the same household. "We", “us” and “our” refer to the Company providing this in- surance. B. In addition, certain words and phrases are defined as follows: 1. “Aircraft Liability", "Hovercraft Liability", “Motor Vehicle Liability’ and “Watercraft Liability”, subject to the provisions in b. below, mean the following: a. Liability for “bodily injury" or "property dam- age” arising out of the: (41) Ownership of such vehicle or craft by an "insured": (2) Maintenance, occupancy, operation, use, loading or unloading of such vehi- cle or craft by any person; {3} Entrustment of such vehicle or craft by an “insured” to any person; {4} Failure to supervise or negligent super- vision of any person involving such ve- hicle or craft by an “insured”; or (8) Vicarious. liability, whether or not im- posed by law, for the actions of a ch